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B. True or False

1. TRUE Octavius is a barber.

2. FALSE His customers all like the same hairstyle.

3. TRUE Some of Octavius’s customers get their heads shaved bald.

4.FALSE The bald customers get their hair dyed black.

5. TRUE Octavius doesn’t like the new fad.

C. Yes or No – Share Your Opinion

1. YES Men look good with long braids.

In my opinion I think everyone can look the way they want.

2. YES People with white hair look wise.

I think that older people of course have more experience than younger people and always have
some advice to give us.

D. Writing – Why are Octavius’s customers happy with his work?

Well, he is a very good barber and does what the customer asks for and always tries to do his
best work so that all his customers are satisfied.

He is versatile and can do many cuts and tints, he is dedicated in what he does and is the
perfect barber for any client.

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