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Document No.

Effective Date:

DATE SUBMITTED: 08/26/2023




As a student, how do you show your duties and responsibilities as a Filipino citizen?
Student’s Answer:

Citizenship Training is a course under the NSTP that relates to enhancing and developing
individuals' knowledge, values, and abilities to become responsible and engaged citizens of their
nation. It is intended to teach citizens about their community's rights and obligations. Not only do
adults have responsibilities and duties, but you have responsibilities and duties as a Filipino
citizen from the moment you are born. Every person has rights, and it is their job to be aware of
them. These duties and responsibilities have evolved depending on the leader in charge. The
goal of citizenship training is to increase students' sense of social responsibility, civic awareness,
and commitment to the development of their communities, as well as to develop their ability to
uphold law and order through active participation in community activities and assistance to
community members, particularly during times of emergency.

As a student, I can demonstrate my duties and responsibilities in various ways, such as

contributing to developing my country's welfare. I can demonstrate this by respecting and
adhering to the country's and authorities' rules and regulations. I also have a duty and
responsibility to vote for government leaders with a clear goal for the nation. I should respect and
use my mother tongue to show my admiration for my country. I may also demonstrate it by
imparting values such as honesty and respect to myself and engaging in my community. These
are my ways to demonstrate my duties and responsibilities as a student.

In conclusion, even if I am still a student, there are numerous ways for me to demonstrate my
duties and responsibilities as a Filipino citizen. The obligations and responsibilities listed above
are only a few of the things I do to demonstrate my appreciation for my country. Giving people
the knowledge they need to participate in their communities actively will positively impact
society's well-being. These ways can hone me to become a better individual who respects other
as well as my country. Citizenship education is vital in developing strong, responsible citizens
who will keep the country going. Being conscious of the duties and responsibilities of a Filipino
citizen will result in a diversified nation.
Submitted by: Verified by:

De Mesa, Kathleen Kaye T.


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