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About the Yeomanry

Proper Name: The Yeomanry League

Who Rules: His Steadfastness, Marius Lindon the Freeholder, Spokesman for the Yeomanry League

Capital: Loftwick (8,400)

Notable Cities: Longspear (7,700), Farvale (4,400), North Reach (3,700), Westburn (2,500). There are also a number of
densely-populated Dwarven fortifications along the southern rim of the Jotens, and a sprawling halfling community in the
center of the Little Hills.

Geography: The Yeomanry League is a relatively isolated independent state located in the far southwest of the known
Flaeness. It is a rich, fertile land surrounded on all sides by formidable natural defenses. To the west lie the mighty
Crystalmists--the highest on the Flaeness--which is teeming with giants, ogres, and the like. To the north is another mountain
range, the Jotens, which is the home to numerous hill and cloud giants. To the east are the Little Hills, in which dwell
considerable numbers of demihumans, mainly halflings and dwarves, and the Javan River--the longest river on the continent.
Finally, the Yeomanry's southern border is blocked by the Hool Marshes, which are home to many monsters, including
lizardmen, renegade humans, and rumors of magical yuan-ti.

Population: ~450,000, including significant numbers of dwarves (19,000), halflings (35,000), and elves (8,000). Most of the
dwarves are scattered along the Yeomanry's northern frontier, especially in the southern Jotens. They defend the fertile valley
from invaders via a number of well-fortified strongholds and citadels that line the border. Almost all of the Yeomanry's
halflings, which are primarily stouts, are in the Little Hills. In fact, they have a sizeable community located due east of
Longspear. The halflings of the Yeomanry are well-renowned for their skill with slings. The high elves of the Yeomanry,
although few in number, are concentrated in two primary regions: in a lightly-wooded area southeast of Longspear along the
Javan River, and in and around the Loftwick. These elves are important to both commerce and trade in the Yeomanry, and they
form the core of a small but powerful group of mages who are headquartered in Loftwick. The demi-human population of the
Yeomanry have a mutually beneficial relationship with the region's humans, and both groups are more than willing to defend
one another from invaders.

Resources: foodstuffs, cloth, silver, gems. For the most part, the people of the Yeomanry are self-sufficient. The region is very
fertile, and farmers can provide enough for all of the Yeomanry's citizens without the need to import goods. The farmers of the
eastern Yeomanry are renowned for the high grade cotton that is grown there, and subsequently a number of highly-skilled
tailors and weavers have made their home nearby. The silver mines are plentiful as well, and the primary gems produced in the
Yeomanry include Onyx, Zircon, Quartz, and the occasional Amethyst.

History: After the Suel migrated into the Sheldomar Valley, many of their number chose a more peaceful existence,
eschewing the retreating Noble Houses and their ambitions to the north and east. Instead these peoples, primarily lowborn
peasantry from the Old Imperium, did not venture far from where they emerged into the Flanaess. They settled the high valleys
between the Jotens and the Tors and mixed with the local Flannae. These new lands, stretching all the way out to the Javan
River, had been well explored by the Suel Imperium prior to the Twin Cataclysms. The explorers had established mining
enclaves and listening outposts decades before the onset of the war, some of which produced notable settlements such as
Melkot in the Tors and Alran on the Jeklean Coast. Certainly, dissident individuals had been escaping Imperial influence to the
shores of Jeklea Bay over the dormant Hellfurnaces for centuries, but these lands were not of great importance until the
destruction of the empire.

In the century following the migrations, the humble folk who settled these lands were conquered and subjugated by a powerful
Suel mage who mercilessly swept through their realm from the east. Lord Asberdies, as the tyrannical wizard was known, had
emerged from the Dreadwood after the terrible destruction of his noble house, the infamous Malhel, some years earlier.
Asberdies ruled the land and its people with cold-blooded ruthlessness in a vain attempt to resurrect a vestige of the glory of
the Old Imperium. The tyrant was eventually cast down after years of dominion, during which his outrages ultimately grew
unbearable. The yeoman farmers bandied together into small cadres of around a dozen fighters to overcome the forces of the
mage in piecemeal fashion through relentless guerrilla strikes upon his forces. Asberdies was soon harried from his throne by
the insurgents, who were eventually able to besiege his stronghold and force him from the land entirely. In the aftermath of
securing their independence, these citizen-warriors realized that they had essentially formed the framework of a government.
They elected their own spokesmen, who in turn chose leaders to direct the affairs of the realm. The Grosspokesmen, as these
leaders would come to be called, established the office of Freeholder, who was essentially an administrator elected to run the
government, military, and conduct foreign policy.

Almost two centuries later, in -96 CY, the leaders of the Yeomanry met with representatives of the expanding Kingdom of
Keoland to discuss their annexation into the latter. Its grosspokesmen and freeholder were welcomed as members of the
Council of Niole Dra, treated as noble peers within the greater realm. Over the next four centuries, the Yeomanry contributed
its well-trained warriors to support the efforts of the kingdom, primarily by securing its borders from invaders and marauders.
They were instrumental in the efforts of King Tavish I to conquer the Pomarj and the southern lands which would become the
Hold of the Sea Princes. But this cooperation ended suddenly, during the reign of Tavish II, when the wars turned from defense
to naked aggression. In 361 CY, the Yeomanry withdrew its forces from the Keoish armies and closed its borders in protest. It
was over a century later that reconciliation between the two sides was finally achieved, when Tavish IV recognized an
independent Yeomanry. Thereafter, the Yeomanry settled into a more peaceful existence, which it has known nearly to the
present day. The result has been the creation of a state ruled by its warrior caste through their spokesmen

Some dozen years ago, a cavernous bore was found at the foot of the Crystalmists in the western end of the realm. This tunnel,
which supposedly pierces the range and leads to the Sea of Dust, has brought renewed attention to the Yeomanry, much of it
unwanted. This activity is concentrated on "Dark Gate," a new town near the site, which now enjoys a frontier economy. In
590 CY, adventurers appeared in town with armor and weapons made of strange black metal that disintegrated within days.
But with tales of other great riches and wondrous magic laying beyond the entrance to the passage, many have come to test
their fortunes. The new Freeholder, Marius Lindon, who was elected in 589 CY, has paid little attention to these developments
thus far. His efforts have concentrated on the giant troubles in the north. Raids from the Jotens in 590 CY and early 591 CY
have threatened the city of Loftwick, and he has set about reinforcing its defenses lest his realm suffer a fate similar to Sterich
or Geoff.

During the Greyhawk Wars, the Yeomanry was willing to aid Furyondy against Iuz, but the giant troubles guaranteed that its
forces had to stay within the nation's confines. Unlike the unfortunates of Geoff and Sterich, the stout, well-trained and armed
Yeomen fought off the giant/humanoid incursions and this state remains a strong, powerful, and well-equipped armed camp.
However, chaos in surrounding regions have brought a flood of refugees into the Yeomanry from Keoland, the Hold of the Sea
Princes, and elsewhere, which has forced the government to become more active in international diplomacy.

Government: The Yeomanry is one of the few representative democracies in all of the Flanaess. The land is divided into 36
districts, of which five are high (towns governing large domains) and 31 are low (rural areas with scattered villages). All
citizens of age who have fought for the Yeomanry (referred to locally as raising the spear) are entitled to elect spokesmen for
their community. They are also given the right to purchase land from either the state or another landowner, should that
opportunity arise. Those spokesmen in turn elect representatives who serve in the Council of Common Grosspokesmen, a
legislative organization that decides the affairs of state. Each of the 36 districts has three Grosspokesmen to represent the
interests of their constituency. The only stipulation that limits who may run for office is that the candidate must be a citizen
(meaning one who has raised the spear) in good standing. The Council of Common Grosspokesmen thus has 108 members, all
of whom must be elected every five years.

In addition to the Council of Common Grosspokesmen, there are also a number of greater landowners within the Yeomanry.
The number of greater landowners has fluctuated over the long existence of the Yeomanry as a sovereign state, but currently
they are 36 in number--one for each of the primary districts within the country. In the early history of the Yeomanry, there
were a considerable number of independent landowners within its borders. As the state and the system of government matured
over time, a number of landowners bought or sold land, some moved to other parts of the Flaeness, and still others passed on
without leaving any legal heirs. Over the last two centuries, the borders of districts have stabilized for the most part, although
there are a number of other landowners who would love to become part of this elite group of 36. These greater landowners for
the most part have been the most successful in the development of their lands. As a result, communities have sprung up around
their castles or keeps, and they have become Lords of a sort, although not in name. The primary role of the greater landowner
is to oversee the daily commerce and development of his district. Success of the commoners results in the success of the
landowners, and thus these landowners are very involved in the politics and happenings of their region.

There has been some debate within the Council over the last few years concerning the various districts within the Yeomanry.
Some districts have become quite wealthy, while others are poorer, less populous, and more remote. However, all of the
districts still have the same amount of representation despite these very obvious differences. Therefore, there has been recent
political tension in the otherwise orderly political atmosphere of the Yeomanry.

From this pool of greater landowners, The Council of Grosspokesmen selects a Freeholder who acts as the chief administrator,
head diplomat, and commander of the Free Captains of Battles of the Yeomanry as a whole. Usually this freeholder is a
renowned citizen of the land who is distinguished by military success, high morale of the commoners of his region, and a
thriving local economy. The term length for a Freeholder is eight years. In CY 589, Crispen Redwell, citing his advancing
years, stepped down after nearly two terms (14 years) of service as the freeholder. His son has taken over as the greater
landowner of his region.

Despite its wealth and strength, the Yeomanry does not seek political muscle in the Flanaess. Keoland is distrusted because of
its historical ambitions on the land, and there is a powerful mood against sending aid to the north. People are aware that, had
this happened during the Greyhawk Wars, the Yeomanry might have fallen to giants. The Yeomanry extends support directly
only to the demihumans in the hills and mountains around its borders.

Armed Forces: Due to the incentives that a person receives for serving in the Yeomanry militia, enlistment is entirely
voluntary, and the Yeoman government has never had any trouble meeting their needs for manpower. Because of its voluntary
nature, morale is very high and the soldiers are both proud and energetic in their work. The soldiers of the Yeomanry are
mostly spearmen and crossbowmen. The mountaineers provide heavy, pole-armed troops and light slingers. The greater
freeholders furnish the small cavalry contingents, and they equip their peasants with armor and weapons and train theim in
self-defense. As such, nearly all common men and women in the Yeomanry own at least leather armor, a hand weapon, and a
bow or crossbow of some kind, and many own polearms as well. Demi-humans are enlisted in time of need, for they too are
electors of the land. Elvish spear and bow unites, dwarvish mailed foot, and halfling light troops are brought to the field when
the army of the Yeomanry sallies forth. Distrust of its neighbors, combined with a strong sense of pride and nationalism, means
that the Yeomanry refuses to import mercenaries to defend its people and resources, although it is a fairly common sight to see
refugees from Sterich complementing Yeoman regulars.

It also should be noted that Theodain Eriason, one of Greyhawk's fabled 'Circle of Eight,' hails from the Yeomanry and
posesses a small manor just outside of Loftwick. He is an elven wizard of considerable power, and it passionate about
protecting the land he loves.
Burn River: The Burn River is a fairly long waterway that south. These marshes are also home to renegade humans,
begins deep in the Hellfurnaces and flows eastward into humanoids, and many types of monsters.
the Javan River near the city of Farvale. It is swift-running
in many places, but is wide enough and stable enough to
accommodate small and medium-sized vessels. The river
is choked with silt running off from the mountains.

Crystalmists: The higest peaks in the Flanaess can be

found in the Crystalmist Mountains, a massive midground
of the chain that includes the barrier Peaks to the north and
the Hellfurnaces to the south. Amid the high summits and
weird valleys of the Crystalmists dwell various monsters,
tribes of humanoids, and no few giants and ogres.
Precious metals and gems can be found here as well, but
only for prospectors at least as good with sword and shield
as with pick and spade. Several holds of mountain
dwarves fit that description, and make a rich living trading
with the superstitious folk of the Dry Steppes to the west
with Sterich and the Yeomanry to the east. The source of
the Davish River is a gargantuan glacier in the
geographical armpit where the Crystalmists intersect with
the Jotens.

The Escarpment: The Escarpment is a natural fault in the

otherwise flat land of the Yeoman interior that manifests
itself as a sheer cliff ranging from 80 to 150 feet high. It
runs for several leagues in a fairly north-south direction.
At the bottom of the cliff lay several patches of thick
marsh and swampland. Until recently, the Escarpment was
impassible to caravans travelling between Loftwick and
Longspear, and merchants had to add two to three days
extra travel to their journey to go around it. However, in
583 CY, a long, sturdy ramp (named Farrier's Ramp, after
its designer) was built to allow merchants to save time. In
order to fund the project, the Council of Grosspokesmen
agreed to levy a small toll to those utilizing the ramp, but
the days saved are well worth the price for most
merchants. The government is in the process of designing
and building a keep at the top of the Escarpment adjacent
to Farrier's Ramp to protect travelers as they cross and to
keep vandals away.

Despite the recent construction, the region surrounding the

Escarpment is relatively unpopulated, and various
monsters and bandits loom about in hopes of an easy meal
or ambush. Furthermore, the face of the Escarpment is
dotted with countless caves. Most of them are so small that
only birds can lair therein, but others are much larger and
potentially could house something much more dangerous.
Some of the caves are rumored to spread for miles under
the fertile Yeoman plain.

Hool Marshes: After the initial rush of the Hool River

from the high lake and freshets in the Hellfurnaces, it
begins to meander across the plains, and most of its length
is surrounded by quaking mires and bottomless pools.
This forms a natural boundary between the lands of the
Yeomanry and the holdings of the Sea Princes to the
Javan River: This river is the longest on the continent, Long Pond: Long Pond is an oval-shaped lake attached to the
beginning high in the Barrier Peaks and coursing Burn River. Despite the dirty appearance of the river. Long
southward for hundreds of miles before turning east and Pond is unbelievably clear. Locals claim that the lake has
emptying into the Azure Sea above Monmurg in the Hold magical healing powers which are also responsible for its
of the Sea Princes. It is useable by large vessels only to transparency. A family of nerieds are rumored to be living
the town of Cryllor in the Good Hills of Keoland. beneath its surface.

Jotens: The Jotens is the largest spur of the Crystalmist Sule River: A tributary of the Burn River, the Sule meets
mountain chain. The Jotens are known as the legendary with it at the western edge of Long Pond. It is a wide,
hope of numerous tribes of antagonistic hill giants, and shallow river which is rarely more than 20 or 25 feet deep.
scattered bands of cloud and stone giants are known to Local fisherman harvest fish from the river using rafts and
dwell within the Jotens as well. The southern end of the shallow barges, as the river is not navigable to larger vessels.
Jotens is well-defended by sturdy Yeomanry spearmen and
dwarven irregulars. Fighting between the giants and the Tors: The Tors are a mesa-like series of hills located at the
people of Sterich continues to the north. terminus of a spur of the Crystalmist range. They mark the
southernmost lands of the Yeomanry, and the western Tors
Little Hills: The Little Hills form the eastern Border of the are home to the independent walled city of Melkot. Where
Yeomanry, where the Jotens turn south to follow the the Tors meet the Hool Marshes, they become quite
course of the mighty Javan River. The hills are 'little' only dangerous, being full of monsters and humanoid tribes that
in comparison to the mighty mountains that loom nearby. frequently raid the Yeomanry. As such, these wild hills are a
Considerable numbers of demi-humans dwell in the Little constant source of trouble for the Yeomen.
Hills, along with communities of men. The hillsmen and
dwarves who populate the Little Hills are known for their Wick River: The smallest of the Yeomanry’s major rivers,
ferocity in battle and have been employed in Keoland as the Wick begins in the western Jotens and winds southwards
mercenaries for centuries. The city of Longspear, in the through Loftwick and into the Burn River. It is a narrow,
foothills of the Littles, is an active trade center and guards swift-flowing river suitable for only small merchant vessels.
the northeasternmost point of the Little Hills.
Here is a so-far incomplete list of a number of lesser towns
and villages within the Yeomanry.

Abbeyvale (pop 400)

Abbeyvale is a small village a day's ride west of Westburn
along the confluence of the Wick and Burn Rivers. Despite
the relatively dry climate, irrigation has allowed a thriving
farming community to exist here. The primary agricultural
product is wheat, and some livestock grazes here as well. Not
surprisingly, a large abbey dedicated to Phyton lies at the
outskirts of town here. It is very old, and rumored to be
haunted. The monks within the abbey deny such rumors
vehemently. Abbeyville has one small inn/tavern, the Fat

Bogspur (pop 140)

Bogspur is an old, dying village on the outskirts of the Hool
Marshes. It sits on the bank of a large, swampy lake. The
villagers of Bogspur make their living through fishing,
frogging, and alligator hunting. Most of them are very poor,
and their contact with the rest of the Yeomanry is sparse, at
best, and as such they are wary of visitors. It is home to one
old, leaky tavern, the Frog Bog.

Burn (pop 250)

Like Abbeyville, Burn is a small farming and livestock
community resting along the north bank of the river of the
same name. It does have a rather large mill along the river
that grinds the local wheat into flour for a small fee.
Interestingly, Burn has several skilled and popular bakers in
its midst, and the town produces cakes, pies, and pastries that
are exported to the surrounding communities. Should business
continue as such, Desserts will replace flour as the primary

Coldfair Green (pop 550)

Coldfair Green lies at the heart of Yeoman wine country. The
town sits at the base of the Javan River and is surrounded by
lush, green hills that are perfect for grape growing. The
people are proud of their vintage, as it has won a number of
awards for taste in the Sheldomar Valley, much to the chagrin
of the larger Keoish wineries to the north. Interestingly, one
of the wine storage facilities burned down recently—locals
suspect arson. Despite its size, Coldfair Green does not have
a Grosspokesman at current, although Humphrey
Goldengrape, one of the more popular distillers in town, has
vied to pry the position away from an existing excitement and attention that both the town and the Yeomanry
Grosspokesman. Should the townsfolk vote for him, the have received over the last decade.
seat surely would become his.
Dart (pop 600)
Cottonton (pop 700) Dart, located on the Old Road, sits in the heart of the
Like Dart, Cottonton is situated in the beer-making region Yeomanry's wine and beer making country. It serves as the
of The Yeomanry. The town got its name from the cotton seat of the ___ District, a large yet poor region that has been
plantations that once covered the region. Cottonton still on the decline since the building of the New Road. Legends of
has a cotton mill and fine weavers, but the cotton grown in a headless horesman that runs through the town on stormy
the area is of a lesser quality than that grown around nights, is told in the town's largest inn, the Wicker Man.
Daywine and points south. However, the industrious Dart's people are a superstitious lot, having been terrorized by
citizens of Cottondon have managed to still make a profit undead, including a vampire still rumored to be buried in the
with their inferior cotton by distilling it into brandy and center of town. Dart has a permanent gallows in the town
rum. Cotton Brandy is very sought after in the Yeomanry, square, and it is used quite often as justice tends to swift in
and can fetch a very high price in times of shortage. Their town, thanks primarily to Grosspokesman Troth Mance, a
Grosspokesman is Jackob (Cotton Jack) Greendragon (CG stern man with no tolerance for insubordination. Troth also is
hm F/T 6/4), an ex-naval captain. He runs the town's passionate about clearing monsters from his district, and he
largest inn (the WoodWyrm, which, ironically, is shaped commonly hires adventurers to deal with the occasional
like a ship). The Woodwyrm was the name of Cotton denizen that terrorizes the countryside.
Jack's own vessel. Cotton Jack retired here to be nearer to
the source of the one thing he truly loves, Cotton Rum. Daywine (pop 300)
Cotton Jack has put his knowledge of ships to good use in Daywine is a small, sleepy farming village that serves at the
Cottonton. He has erected tall, narrow towers with "crow's marketplace for a number of small cotton and vegetable farms
nests," not unlike those found on a ship, atop various that surround it. It is home to one inn/tavern, the Belching
buildings around town, to serve as watchtowers. Since Bugbear, run by a family of halflings (led by Pip
their construction, bandit raids into Cottonton have Purpleberry). They make a fine beer, appropriately called
diminished considerably. "Hairfoot Stout," that is renowned in the region. There is a
small temple to Phyton (Ernest, hm CG P3) in town, as well
Daresbury Delph (pop 410) as a mercantile, blacksmith, and mill. Blake Whitesheaf, a
Located at the southern foot of the Little Hills, Daresbury retired paladin, has a small manor in town. He is disinterested
Delph is a small farming and hunting community. This in further adventure and is content with his new life.
part of the Yeomanry is particularly rich in wild game,
especially dove and quail, and the village tends to cater to Eastcot (pop 220)
those who appreciate such pleasures. The town has an Eastcot is a small town on Westburn Road that rests at a well-
annual festival which attracts hunters from around the traveled merchant crossroads. As such, a number of inns and
Yeomanry. The hunter who catches the fattest quail wins tavers are in Eastcot. In fact, were it not for these inns,
a feat in his or her honor. Gennard Lufkin, a 14-year old Eastcot would be little more than scattered farms and rolling
stable boy, has won the contest the last two years in a row. hills. A very small town mainly Inns and taverns a rest stop
on the Westburn Road. Its largest inn, The Earth Wyrm, is a
Dark Gate (pop 550) favorite haunt of adventures heading south and east towards
No town has received as much interest in the Yeomanry wilder lands. Eastcot can get a bit rowdy at times; thus the
over the last decade as Dark Gate. It is located in a lightly- militia is well-represented in town. The captain of the guard,
wooded area just north of the Hellfurnaces some 12 miles William Cressel (LN hm F6) runs a well-kept and large jail.
southwest of Westburn. In 579 CY, a tunnel was Lawbreakers are put to work on chain gangs repairing roads,
discovered at the foot of the mountains that reportedly ran cleaning stables, and digging latrines.
for miles to emerge in the Sea of Dust leagues to the west.
Furthermore, the tunnel was rumored to link with deep, Emberton (pop 300)
subterranean caverns that held indescribable horrors and Emberton is a small community on the New Road on the
amazing treasures. In 590 CY, adventurers appeared in banks of the Sule River. It is approximately mid-way
town with armor and weapons made of strange black metal between Loftwick and the Escarpment. Emberton is a
that disintegrated within days. But with tales of other great relatively quiet and uneventful town whose people are content
riches and wondrous magic laying beyond the entrance to with raising bees for both honey and wax. Some lumber also
the passage, many have come to test their fortunes. As comes from Emberton. In recent months a family of
such, Dark Gate was created, in a short span of only a few incredibly large swans have been seen along the river. The
years, as a sort of frontier town that catered to the wants superstitious people believe that it is an good omen and that
and needs of those who wished to explore the tunnel, the swans are there to protect the town.
named the Passage of Slerotin.
Dark Gate has brought increased attention from all around Gnome (pop 600)
Oerth to the Yeomanry, and much of it is unwanted. Of the 2,000 or so gnomes that reside in the Yeomanry, most
Agents from the Scarlet Brotherhood, the Empire of Iuz, of them are concentrated in and around the Little Hills. The
and elsewhere have been discovered in and near the town. "originally named" Gnome is the largest town within the
Adventurers from everywhere have turned the town into a Yeomanry that consists almost entirely of gnomes, although
wild, almost lawless region where those who have the coin the occasional halfling can be found within Gnome as well.
can get almost anything. Treasures, both major and minor, As with most gnomes, the citizens of Gnome are renowned
have trickled in from the tunnel, and this only enhances the for their engineers, scientists, sages, and inventors (Yeoman
gnomes prefer this more refined term over the more Highfell is a small village set inside the Little Hills a few
commonly used 'tinkerer.'). miles away from the Javan River. The town, like others in the
Those of larger stature, like humans, will find difficulty region, produces wine as a primary commodity, and the
navigating Gnome. Almost all of the buildings, avenues, vineyards surround the town proper on all sides. The town
and furniture cater to those who are gnome-sized. One corroborates on producing Highfell White, the local vintage.
tavern, The Tick Tock Tavern, does provide larger beings It is a sweet, light wine that is best, according to the
with comfort, but its prices are quite high. townsfolk, when drank with fish. The wine is bottled locally
The great Clock Tower in Loftwick is the handywork of and sold for export in surrounding lands. Highfell is home to
Gnome artisans, although the clock took more than a one particularly old and comfortable inn, the Cracked Keg.
century to complete. The works and animatronics of this The inn is supposedly haunted by the ghost of a long-dead
clock are said to be unprecedented in the Sheldomar elven noble, but it has not been seen in some years. Those
Valley, although the gnomes themselves are irritated that who remember the last sighting claim that it was trying to
the clock, after 200 years of service, is now 1 second slow. lead them towards a hidden treasure. Highfell, while
They are currently plotting a solution. predominantly human, is also home to about 100 halflings.
The Gnomes have little time for Yeoman politics, and as One of the more famous Yeoman rogues, Throckmorton
such they have no Grosspokesman. In times of trouble they Cherryberry (NG 1/2m R10) hails from Highfell, although he
will muster their forces to assist the Yeoman militia, and rarely is within the city’s confines.
recent kobold raids in the Little Hills have created a need
for such a muster. Jemison (pop 1,050)
Nestled at the foot of the Little Hills, Jemison is an unwalled
Hardwick (pop 2,100) medium-sized town that survives on farming from the south
Hardwick is a large town, some would say a small city, and the quarrying of marble and quartz in the hills to the
resting a few leagues south of the Escarpment on the north. It serves as the seat of the Blanche District. The
relatively flat plains of the Yeoman interior. Unlike other Grosspokesman of the region is Ely Cobblefoot, an aging
towns on the Old Road, Hardwick has experienced merchant who has decided to step down once the current term
tremendous growth and prosperity. The primary reason is complete. He has three grown children--two sons and a
for this is that Hardwick is a large enough city to warrant daughter--all of whom are married. Most of the citizens
direct trade from Loftwick, Longspear, and Melkot, and it worship Phyton, and a large temple has been erected by the
generates enough resources through farming and fishing citizenry in the center of town (Myridan, CG hf P7). Three
on the River Sule to warrant the presence of traveling notable inns are in Jemison as well--the Hungry Halfling, the
merchants. The river valley is particularly rich in this Spinning Wheel, and Maiden's Lament. The latter of these is
region of the Yeomanry, and a number of crops are grown popular with the military presence in town, and is rumored to
around Hardwick, including cotton, beans, tomatoes, field be a safehouse for escaped slaves and refugees from the Sea
corn, apples, and pears. Not surprisingly, there is a huge Princes.
Farmer’s Market in the center of town where local farmers Jemison's most notable resident is Gunther Goldenbrazier
sell their wares. Of course, despite its name, the market is (CG hm 0-lvl), a sage known for his skills as an herbalist and
not limited only to farmers. alchemist. He is in is early fifties and knows the cures (and
Hardwick’s current Grosspokesman is Conrad causes) of poisons and concoctions that many people have
Featherington, a middle-aged man who has spent most of never heard of. He has devised potions that have improved the
his life as a bean farmer. He came into office at a time productivity of crops in the region, and as such he is very
when the town’s citizens were unsure of what sorts of popular in town. He resides in a modest cottage to the west of
economic effects construction of the New Road would town.
have on Hardwick and other towns on the Old Road. At
that time, Featherington took the lead among local farmers Kearne (pop 650)
to try to convince the Yeoman government to reconsider Kearne is a small town a half-day's ride from the horrors of
their plans. As luck would have it, Hardwick has not been the Hool Marshes, and is the seat for the district of the same
hurt as much as the smaller, surrounding villages has, and name. The Grosspokesman is Ursula Herndon, a middle-aged
as such Featherington has become quite popular. woman whose family has held the seat for over forty years.
Grosspokesman has become a full-time job for him, and Kearne serves as a common starting point for adventurers
his eleven children have taken over farm duties. His oldest wanting to traverse the fens, and as such there are a
son, Dwight, is said to be one of the more eligible disproportionate number of inns, taverns, and other businesses
bachelors in town and has shown a propensity for magic. that cater to adventuring-types. The most popular inn is the
Hardwick is the home of a number of inns and taverns, the Woodsman's Axe, run by Boris Grudgetaker, a retired Fighter
most popular of which are the Grinning Goblin, the (NG hm F6).
Basket, and Herbert’s Lament. The latter received its Despite its proximity to the Hool Marshes, Kearne is a
name when Herbert Raineer, it’s builder, was killed before pleasant farming and lumber community. Farmers here
the inn was complete. It is said that guests can hear his primarily grow cotton and barley. A small temple to Pelor sits
ghost hammering and sawing late at night, obviously in an here, as does a larger shrine to Phyton. Arthur, a renowned
attempt to complete his project. Major temples in and skilled woodcarver, peddles his wares in a shop in central
Hardwick are dedicated to Phyton, Beory, Jascar, and Kearne.
Lendor. Despite its focus on farming, a number of
adventures use Hardwick as their base of operation when Kelzad (pop 900)
exploring the caves and catacombs of the Escarpment. Meaning “Stone” in the original Suel dialect, Kelzad is a very
old settlement in the far northwest. Lore claims that Kelzad
Highfell (pop 450) was one of the first settlements founded by the Suel when
they came throught the mountains from the west. Javan and a small stream used by the town for its water
Reclusive and isolationist to the extreme, the citizens of supply. The most popular resting place for traveler and local
Kelzad to not welcome outsiders, and the town as such is alike is Millicent’s Inn, a quaint old stone building known for
very different from anything else in the Yeomanry. The its fine soups. Nigford currently has no Grosspokesman.
town is home to only a few large, extended families, ruled Instead of having a formal election, the townsfolk have
by the Watchers of the Stone—a group of blind albinos decided to name the new Grosspokesman by determining
who are rarely seen. The people of Kelzad speak a long- which of the two frontrunners can build the better bridge
forgotten Suel dialect and dress eerily alike in flowing across the local river.
black-and-blue robes. They rarely participate in Yeoman
politics and do not have a Grosspokesman, although the Pendoylan (pop 420)
town’s size would warrant one. Nestled in the western fringes of the Little Hills, Pendoylan is
Despite its eccentricity, Kelzad is a wealthy town, thanks a farming and hunting community with a roughly equal
to the gems, silver, and platinum that is mined in the number of halflings and humans. The two races interact
nearby hills and mountains. In fact, their mines produce freely, and the town feels that its diversity is what gives it
such pure strains of ore that outsiders have claimed that strength. A pleasant brook flows through the center of the
witchcraft and sorcery must be at work. Despite the village, and a mill on that brook grinds much of the town’s
town’s isolationism, its citizens do realize that their wealth wheat into flour for both local consumption and export.
can garner them some influence. As such, a considerable Surprisingly, Aelias Tennedrumm (CG em W10), a elven
percentage of the coinage minted in the Yeomanry wizard of some renown, resides in an elaborately decorated
originates in Kelzad, and the city as such is well-defended (and magically altered) cave on the outskirts of town. He has
from raiders. The Yeoman government recognizes the embraced the people of Pendoylan, and they look to him for
tremendous resource that Kelzad is, and tries its best to advice and assistance on many occasions. Recently he
capitulate the town in order to access its wealth. spearheaded the town’s defense against a marauding band of
Interestingly, the people of Kelzad financially support the Kobolds, led by the ruthless chieftain Ruf. Pendoylan’s
Dustdigger College in Loftwick in its effort to rediscover citizens are urging Aelias to run for Grosspokesman, but so
Suel artifacts, and the Watchers of the Stone openly far he has declined. The Wizard College in Loftwick respects
support this. In fact, one of the more renowned him, but are curious why he doesn’t participate in his
Dustdiggers, Olan Demeter (NG hm R/Dust 3/6) hails activities.
from Kelzad and has the Watchers’ blessing to adventure.
Shalehal (pop 800)
Lasker (pop 350) Shalehal (SHAL-a-hale) has the notoriety of being the only
Lasker is a small farming community on the far reaches of town in the Yeomanry with an elven majority. It lies in a
the Tors. Some revenue is collected via mineral extraction wooded area in the far southeast of the Yeomanry. Not
from the hills as well. The primary temple in Lasker is to surprisingly, the town's major export is lumber and products
Phyton, the Suel god of nature, beauty, and farming. Its derived therefrom. The elves here take great pride in the
high priest is a young, headstrong priestess named Alyssa preservation of the surrounding woods, and are very selective
(NG hf C4). One large and well-kept tavern, the Diamond in determining what trees should be harvested. Malethane
Tavern, sits on the outskirts of town. In recent months Trianius is a renowned woodcarver who lives in Shalehal and
rumors of a snake cult have been spreading around town, commands great prices for his work. Some say that magic
and a recent disappearance of a local family has only augments his artistic talents.
reinforced the paranoia spreading about town. Shalehal does have a Grosspokesman, Hianian Fellglade, who
is 'as old as the trees, as wise as the greatest sage, and as stern
Midfell (pop 1,000) as a judge,' according to the townsfolk. The town has made a
Midfell is a large Halfling community situated at the base pact with the treants who reside in the forest. The treants
of a large, rocky hill. The hill (or fell) itself shows signs of protect the town, and in exchange they have a say in what
ancient Dwarven occupation--a number of mines and trees can be used by the elves.
caves riddle its exterior. The Halflings of Midfell have
built a number of burrow-homes along the north facing of Singleton (pop 650)
the fell, along the small but quick Stock River, which Located on the northeast frontier of the Yeomanry, Singleton
flows Westward towards Dart. The Grosspokesman is strictly a border town whose purpose is to defend the
elected by the citizens of Midfell is Oggda Oakbessel (LG Yeomanry’s flanks from marauding giants and humanoids.
1/2f C6 of Yondalla). "Nanny O" is an old and very fat Citizens in the region also whisper that the town also protects
halfing who rarely leaves her bed due to her girth. She is the Yeomanry from Keoland expansion, but they keep this
adored by the townsfolk, however, and her re-election is quiet lest they anger people with more influence than they.
guaranteed with each election. Singleton is a rugged, harsh town filled with grizzled soldiers,
The Halflings of Midfell raise a breed of wild, straight- hard-working farmers, and anxious adventurers, as the town
horned goat (indigenous to the Jotens) that produces rich serves as a base of operations for adventurers who wish to
milk. Local legends claim that Sagreill Dornish, long-dead explore the northern frontier. It is home to a number of
local hero, stole a herd of these goats, along with sacks of thrown-together inns and taverns who cater to these people. It
gold, from a giant chieftain and founded the town with his also is home to the best armorer in the Yeomanry, Mervis
loot. Jordmanum, an mammoth of a man who supposedly killed an
ogre with his bare hands as a teenager. Theodain Eriason
Nighford (pop 600) recently has been spotted in town—rumors are running
Nighford is a small farming community north of Farvale rampant as to the reason why.
along the Javan River. It sits at the confluence of the
Spitalvale (pop 300) Trollsfoot (pop 380)
A small hamlet halfway between Deresbury Delph and Located in the center of the southern Little Hills, Trollsfoot
Thistledale, Spitalvale would be unknown to most were it perhaps is the most racially mixed town in all of the
not for its most famous resident—Blaine Holliman. Blaine Yeomanry. While the population of the town is relatively
is known throughout the Yeomanry as the “Owlman” for small, the town can claim humans, halflings, gnomes,
his uncanny ability to find, capture, and train giant owls. dwarves, and elves among their populace in sizeable numbers,
He regularly sells giant owls, both mature and young, to none with a majority. They have found a common cause in
the Yeoman government to be used as mounts for the defending the town from occasional kobold and goblin raids.
country’s elite Wing Corps. His prices are considerable, They even repelled a marauding band of ogres in 566 CY.
and as such, the government only has six at this point— Trollsfoot purposely has no Grosspokesman, as they don’t
hardly enough to be a formidable defense. Rumor has it want anyone of any one race to represent the entire town.
that they are attempting to mate their existing owls and One particular inn in Trollsfoot, the Hill Hole, is run by a
raise chicks on their own. He will sell owls to adventurers, cheerful half-orc named Frutt. The Hill Hole serves the best
but the price can be 5,000 freegold or more. potato soup in the land.

Sule (pop 400) Tumblebrook (pop 1,300)

Named after the river of the same name, Sule actually is a Tumblebrook sits at the western edge of the lightly-wooded
derivation of Suel. How the name was changed is area that it shares with Thistledale. It gets its name from a
unknown, and has become part of town lore. Like many rock-strewn creek of the same name that flows southward
other towns and villages along the Old Road, Sule is from the Little Hills. It is bustling town that gets its livelihood
shrinking as its merchants head to more active trading from farming, fishing, and recreation. The waters of Long
grounds. However, it still serves as a marketplace for Pond are cool and crystal clear, and the superstitious people
livestock raised by ranchers along the Sule valley. Sule of the region believe that they hold therapeutic powers of
does have a Grosspokesman, one Kelvad Thrist (CN some sort. As such, a number of small, always-crowded inns
1/2em M/T 2/4) who is as corrupt as he is charming. He and taverns are scattered throughout town, and there is
resents the New Road being built, and it is rumored that he considerable non-permanent population in Timberbrook at
sponsors raiders and bandits to disrupt traffic along the any one time.
New Road. Those villagers that remain see him as a patriot Tumblebrook is the seat of Frenz County, and it currently has
who fights for the downtrodden. no Grosspokesman. The most recent official, Marshall
Furlowe, was killed after being thrown from his horse during
Tarris (pop 1,400) a hunting expedition. An election will be held soon to name
Tarris is a large town that sits at the intersection of the the new Grosspokesman.
Hardwick Road and the Westburn Road. It is surrounded
by fields of cotton and beans, and pastures full of livestock Urrakbek (pop 450)
can be seen in quantity as well. Despite its relatively small Urrakbek is a dwarven town/citadel located along the
size, Tarris is completely surrounded by a strong stone Southern Pass at the southern frontier of the Yeomanry in the
wall and is guarded by a heavy keep. In fact, the town is mighty Hellfurnaces. The town is located in a long, narrow
so heavily fortified that it almost could be considered a valley created by two mighty peaks named Moradin’s Left
large stronghold instead of a town. This is attributed and Moradin’s Right by the townsfolk. This walled town is
primarily to the disproportionate dwarven population in virtually impregnable, and any travelers wanting to go
town (almost 400 strong at last count), led by Grummett through the Southern Pass must walk through Urrakbek. The
Hazelnut, a famous engineer. He single-handedly Pass in not used by common folk very often, for at its
sponsored the construction of the wall and keep using gold southern end is nothing but the inhospitable Sea of Dust.
accumulated during his adventuring days. Not Nevertheless, Urrakbek is integral to the defense of the
surprisingly, he is quite popular in town, and his services Yeomanry, and the dwarves work very closely with the
are in demand throughout the Yeomanry. Yeoman government in maintaining that defense. Visitors to
Tarris does have a few simple pleasures to offer to Urrakbek have noted that the people are not very friendly to
travelers, however. The Braided Beard is an elegant yet strangers.
inexpensive inn/tavern in the center of town that caters to
all. The Grunting Goblin is equally as nice, yet a little Whirgirn (pop 900)
more costly. There are large temples dedicated to Phyton, Like Urrakbek, Whirgirn is a dwarven fortification. It is
Mayaheine, and Moradin in town. Tarris is the home of located above the Northern Pass a day’s walk from Fort Omar
Hurst Goldkettle (LG dm W6), one of the only known in the forboding Jotens. However, Whirgirn is not a typical
dwarven wizards in the Yeomanry. village or town. It is carved from the side of a mountain of
living stone called “The Heart” in dwarvish. Its tall,
Thistledale (pop 240) foreboding towers jut from the face of the mountain nearly
Thistledale is a hamlet nestled in a lightly-wooded area 300 feet above the pass. Visitors to Whirgirn must pass
near the east banks of Long Pond. The town survives through a heavily-guarded tunnel at the base of the mountain
through farming, fishing, and lumber. A small, locally and enter a large elevator that takes them into the town.
used tavern, simply called The Rest, sits in a low valley at Armed guards patrol constantly, and it is said that a number of
the south edge of town, and it is known for a beef stew that magical stone constructs await potential invaders. Such
is second-to-none in the region. It is rumored that defense is necessary, because giant attacks in the region are
Thistledale's residents are protected by a shape-shifting common. Whirgirn has never been conquered by invaders,
druid, but currently those rumors are unsubstantiated. although the walls have been breached on many an occasion.
The city is very old—perhaps the oldest still in use in the
Yeomanry, and is littered with tunnels, catacombs, and and Hardwick, and as such it gets some merchant traffic
chambers that have not been seen by civilized eyes in between the two towns. An otherwise boring hamlet, Wickler
centuries. Who knows what horrors lie therein? is best known as being the major producer of Yeoman
Whirgrin is led by Murdruk Hearthmantle (LG dm F8), a Wickler, a popular cheese in the land. The citizens are proud
master tactician and leader. He serves as the of their cheese, and they will be happy to give people passing
representative of the town in the Council of through their town a free taste in hopes that they will leave
Grosspokesmen, although he rarely attends meetings in with an entire wheel. Interestingly, Bellas Engeltor (LG hm
Loftwick. F/FK 4/6), one of the more renowned Freeknights in the
Yeomanry, hails from Wickler.
Whitehurst (pop 1,000)
Lying halfway between Loftwick and Fort Tilly is Wren (pop 300)
Whitehurst, a mining town similar to Kelzad. Whitehurst's Wren is a major producer of poultry and eggs for the region.
primary mining product, however, is silver, and the entire Once a year, the poultry farmers of Wren march thousands of
town's commerce revolves around the mining, refining, geese westward along the road to Hardwick. The "Goose
smelting, and crafting of that metal. It has an assay office, Drive" has turned into a full-blown festival in recent years,
a smelter, a number of fine silversmiths and a mint that and people come for miles to see the antics.
turns raw silver into bars for coinage in Loftwick. One
silversmith, Darren Halford, produces the finest silver Wymmswold (pop 260)
weapons in the land. Ironically, it is rumored that Darren is Located on a rough road between Sule and Burn,
a werebear who protects the town. These rumors thusfar Wymmswold is a small farming community whose primary
are unsubstantiated. commodity is beans. The town also has a number of cattle
Whitehurst has a Grosspokesman, Lynda Auburnmane, and sheep farmers as well. The town has barely changed in
who lives in a lovely manor with a silver-plated roof. She the last hundred years, and would be unworthy of mention
is surprisingly young for a woman of her stature, and were it not for its most famous citizen, Flanders McQuinn
competition is fierce among the young men of the town to (CG 1/2em R11). Although he rarely returns to Wymmswold,
win her heart. the Yeomanry’s most famous Ranger calls the town
home. He is best known for single-handedly
Wickler (pop 700)
Wickler is a medium-sized town on the Wick River. It sits
keeping a force of 300 kobolds from entering the
on the Old Road approximately halfway between Lofwick town by setting scores of booby traps in the
outlying fields.

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