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CustomBiotech Products For Diagnostics For Biopharma Contact | @ Q = Lyo-ready DNA Polymerases and Reverse Transcriptases Lyo-re ady: Contact Us glycerol-free and high Related pages concentration reagents for point of care and other molecular assays Roche CustomBiotech lyo-ready reagents are a unique portfolio of high-performance enzymes that streamline the development and production of assays intended for molecular PoC diagnostics. Downloads The highly concentrated and glycerol-free PCR reagents can be Brochure: Lyo-ready dried down directly. As a result, they reagents for point-of- can be employed in a wide range of care diagnostics assay formats, allowing more flexibility for development and cost saving during commercialization View productlisting —> Gains from working with lyo-ready reagents Glycerol-free formulation = no glycerol High concentration = lower reagent removal: volumes * can cut reagent loss by up to 20% © saves volume for more sample material * saves additional processing steps * boosts sensitivity + notesting post-glycerol removal necessary * —_ fewer limitations on development strategies Lyo-ready reagents couple high performance and low cost for PoC and other molecular assays. Our lyo-ready enzymes enable fast-cycling protocols, and are tolerant to inhibitors. These features simplify assay handling and minimize the number and amount of reagents needed for protocol steps, from sample preparation to detection reactions. That efficiency translates to lower costs per reaction, particularly important in the point-of-care setting. Discover how the right reagents reduce costs in mPOC with our infographic —> non-yophiized contea stored lyophilized at 27°C for > Amonths| Figure 1. Lyophilized glyceral-free KAPA3G HotStart DNA polymerase retains enzymatic activiy even at high storage temperatures. Stored at 37°C for over 4 months, the lyohilized format delivers the same high performance as non-lyophilized enzyme stored at -20°C. Data on file at Roche. For further processing only. Regulatory disclaimer are listed on respective product pages. Find the optimal solution for the lyophilization of your molecular diagnostics assay and choose from our lyo-ready and high concentration reagents: Products Found 0 results in Bg Q Search Prod Featured Discover more about Contact and support About Roche CustomBiotech Cedex Analyzers for Sustainability at Contact your local We enable the healthcare industry to develop and bioprocess control Roche CustomBiotech team produce state of the art, mRNA raw materials and reagents Enzymes for further processing Biotechnology center Support and service Penzberg Resources and downloads solutions for diagnosis and treatment, by providing reliable, tailor-made, high- quality products and technologies. Learn more —> Kapa polymerases for Solutions for molecular diagnostics biopharma assays Products for Reagents for diagnostics molecular testing manufacturers o Terms & conditions Privacy Cookie Preferences (©2028 F. Hoffmann-La Roche Lid Last Updated: 24.10.2023 Cookie policy GLOBAL /English This website contains information on products which is targeted to a wide range of audiences and could contain product details or information otherwise not accessible or valid in your country. Please be aware that we do not take any responsibility for accessing such information which may not comply with any legal process, regulation, registration or usage in the country of your origin.

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