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Tyrone: Strange behaviour

Others describe Tyrone as a 'strange one'. At nine years of age he can tell you anything you
want to know about cars, makes, models, styles and the year they were produced. He can
also identify familiar cars by their licence plate number. If, however, you ask him something
simple, like what you should do if you find a wallet belonging to someone in a shop, he is lost
for words.

He is uncoordinated and in the school playground he is the one that is the butt of all the
practical jokes because of his naivety. He tries to join in the games but cannot really follow
the rules and ends up running in circles after the others. His attempt at football was a
disaster due to his poor co-ordination. He scored an own goal and the others sent him off. He
is confused by this and keeps asking his teacher why they will not let him play anymore.

Recently, he approached the headmaster to tell him that the f****** school bus had gone off
without him again. This is somewhat of a regular occurrence, as the driver will only wait 10
minutes after school and Tyrone is never organised on time. His behaviour was not an
attempt to get suspended but simply reflects that Tyrone does not read social cues and did
not see the inappropriateness of his behaviour.

Occasionally, he resorts to acting the class clown to make the others laugh. This started
accidentally. Tyrone made a mistake, which made the other children laugh and then he
continued to clown around. He appears lost and isolated from the group. His reading skills
are above average for his age group but he has no 'cop on'.

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