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Table 5. Issues and Challenges that was derived based on respondents answers.

Questions WM DR Rank
K1. There shall be fair selection in the
choice of population, sampling, and
K2. Justice includes the right to fair
treatment and right to privacy.
K3. There shall be provision of appropriate
care to research participants regardless of
their economic status, gender, race or
K4.There shall be just compensation for
norms brought about by participation in the
K5.According to Justice, the information
gathered will not only be used for research
study purposes. All the information
collected in the survey questionnaire will
not be kept strictly confidential.
K6. Only professional participants may be
treated with privacy because most non-
professional participants are uninterested in
the research.
K7. It is OK to mention the participants'
names in your research output as long as
they have done their job and have taken
part in your research, regardless to the
K8. One of your study assessments will be
to score the pain ratio of the participants;
nevertheless, in order to acquire real
reaction data, you must not notify the
K9. During the intervention, express your
perspective on how incorrect they were in
their decision-making by using
psychological force.
K10. One of your study assessments will be
to score the pain ratio of the participants;
nevertheless, in order to acquire real
reaction data, you must not notify the
K11. During the intervention, express your
perspective on how incorrect they were in
their decision-making by using
psychological force.
K12. One of your study assessments will be
to score the pain ratio of the participants;
nevertheless, in order to acquire real
reaction data, you must not notify the
K13. During the intervention, express your
perspective on how incorrect they were in
their decision-making by using
psychological force.

K14. Researchers should not force their

respondents in answering their
K15. Participants should agree to the
researchers when they ask them to be their
respondents in their study.
K16. Researchers should inform their
respondents about their study before
gathering data.
K17. Respondents should voluntarily be
part of the study.
K18. Once the respondents agreed to be
part of the study, they will not withdraw
from it until the research ends.
K19. To ensure strong and accurate
statistics, have them write their own names
as a participant.
K20. It is ethical to use research study for
the exclusive gain of a privileged group.
K21. Research Ethics are moral guidelines
that direct researchers to present research
without intending to harm participants.
K22. The safety of research participant
comes before the discovery of innovative
K23. The principle of respect emphasizes
everyone’s ability and freedom to create
objective judgments.
K24. Participants in research who have
minimal access to health-care services are
more risk.
K25. As a researcher, you could decide to
practice research ethics because data is
more essential than research ethics.
K26. Researchers must make sure that
participants are provided enough
information and time to comprehend the
nature, purpose, and potential outcomes of
their participation in the research.
K27. Researchers should always treat
participants with respect and abstain from
any unfair or biased procedures.
K28. Researchers need to make sure they
keep the right records and limit the
information they disclose to what is
necessary for their work.
K29. Research ethics must be an option
rather than a mandatory practice mandated
by a research ethics committee.
K30. Experimental products made by the
researchers may be tested to humans as
long as the participants are willing.
K31. Questionnaires are to be answered by
whoever the researchers choose.
K32. Information shared and recorded by
the researchers from their participants are
public property for they agreed to be a part
of the study.
K33. In order for the participant to
understand you as a researcher, you
should stand out in discussion throughout
the qualitative survey.
A1. In Research ethics, informed consent
plays a significant role for the rights of
A2. One component of research ethics is to
obtain and keep consent privately and
A3. Research ethics is an option part in
conducting research to have a quality
research output.
A4. In Research ethics, informed consent
plays a significant role for the rights of
A5. Prioritizing the benefits of the
participants in research study is important
and researchers should be aware
A6. Applying research ethics is an option in
conducting research particularly in
gathering data and participants.
A7. It is up to the researchers either to
follow or not the guidelines of research
A8. One of the qualities of Research Ethics
is getting Ethical Clearance and it is
necessary from data gathering up to
A9. In Research Ethics process, publication
of research output is not significant in the
research method
A10. All researchers should be required to
take a course on research ethics.
A11. In Research Ethics, informed consent
is optional in collecting data from the
A12. One quality in Research Ethics is that
forcing participants to sign the informed
consent is acceptable
A13. Applying Research ethics principles
are non-compulsory during data collection
and getting participants
A14. Research ethics is helpful and
necessary to follow
A15. A researcher must understand all
research studies ethics using human being
or human subject.
A16. Research ethics training must be
provided to all researchers
P1. Citing references is alternative in
conducting research study
P2. There is a research ethics guideline in
the University that you not need to follow in
conducting research.
P3. Trainings in research ethics and
publication is not necessary in research
P4. University Research Ethics plays a vital
role in publicizing research studies
P5.Part of the Research Ethics is getting
the participants’ signatures and it should
always be included with informed consent
P6. There should be protections in place to
avoid the exposure of participant’s data.
P7. In Research Ethics, as long as there is
no harm to the participants, it is OK to alter
data to improve research outcomes.
P8. Part of the Research Ethics is that
participants should be made fully aware of
the research ethics, including its
advantages and disadvantages.

General Weighted Mean

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