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In all scenarios, the healthcare professional's stress management advice will

largely remain the same. But in addition to the earlier suggestions, the
following points will be added -
i) The populace may have to stay inside their houses if an infection spreads through
society in order to reduce the risk of infection.
ii) Individuals may experience significant tension and anxiety as a result of isolation.
People might engage in stress-relieving activities with their family members to lessen
mental stress during these circumstances. In stressful times, spending time with
loved ones may be a huge relief.
iii) A sudden disease epidemic might make people anxious and fearful. The
dissemination of false information has the potential to exacerbate this anxiety and
tension. Avoiding false information regarding the situation and solely relying on
reliable sources of information are advised. It can be helpful to educate oneself on
the true hazards and dangers of the condition in order to recognize which facts are
untrue and which are supported by scientific evidence. This can significantly reduce
the possibility of experiencing stress due to false information.
iv) It is common and acceptable to have many concerns and questions about
pandemic and epidemic scenarios. These uncertainties and anxieties might result in
extreme stress and anxiety if not addressed. One should discuss these anxieties
with professionals in order to handle this scenario. An excellent method to seek
support for managing stress in challenging circumstances is to speak with mental
health specialists, therapists, and counselors.

i) Providing proper education – In a pandemic and epidemic situation,
there may be a lot of false information about the disease spreading
throughout society. People could become unsure of which resource to
trust in such circumstances. In this situation, the doctor might notify the
locals about the illness and caution them about the incorrect information
that is circulating.
One disease outbreak that was currently in the news and hit the head-lines around the
world was COVID-19. This impacted on everyone worldwide as communities were
quarantined and some people who had the disease were isolated.

This became big news headlines around the globe and people became fixated on the
news and media. The unfortunate thing was that the information was inconsistent and
the public were confused which led to people becoming extremely anxious and
nervous and eventually depressed. This affected people’s lives immensely as
workplaces were closed and shopping became a nightmare as people had to queue up
for hours to buy their weekly groceries. Schooling was conducted on on-line
platforms and a lot of children missed out on their education as they didn’t have
internet so it was virtually impossible to attend school. School children became very
depressed as they were inundated with homework and missed their friends. Adults
were concerned about loss of wages and job security and how they would manage as
there was no end to this frenzy.

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