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Vocabulario para writings y speaking


a lot of numerous

anyways nevertheless

block undermine

break down fail/collapse

break up disintegrate

bring in introduce

can is capable of

come back return

come/go in enter

deal with handle

enjoyment gratification

faithfulness fidelity

find out discover

from (company) on the behalf of

get obtain
Vocabulario para writings y speaking

get in touch with contact

give in yield

give the go-ahead authorize

give/bring back return

go against oppose

go ahead proceed

go away leave/depart

go before precede

go down decrease

go out of exit

go up increase

hopeless futile

house residence

hungry famished

it’s about it concerns, it’s in regards to

keep retain
Vocabulario para writings y speaking

keep up maintain properly

lead to cause

leave out omit

let permit

link up connect

lively energetic

look at examine

look for seek

look into investigate

look like resemble

lots of/ a lot of much, many

make out discern

makeup fabricate

mend repair

need to required

plus/also moreover/furthermore
Vocabulario para writings y speaking

point out indicate

put in insert

put off postpone

put up tolerate

put up with tolerate

put/set down deposit

rack up accumulate

really big considerable

refer to consult

ring up call

seem appear

set out display

set up establish

settle for choose

show demonstrate, illustrate, portray

show up arrive
Vocabulario para writings y speaking

speak to address

stand for represent

start commence

take away remove

take out remove

talk about discuss/consider

thanks gratitude

think about consider/ponder

think of conceive

throw away discard

throw out eject

tired Formal and Informal words list in English fatigued


tons of, heaps of large quantities of, a number


try out test

wait for await

whole entire/complete
Vocabulario para writings y speaking

worse inferior

say sorry apologize, apologise

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