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South Eastern University of Sri Lanka

Faculty of Engineering / Department of Interdisciplinary Studies
ID 1301 – Mathematic-I / Semester 1 – (E/20 Batch)
Tutorial 06

1. If ( ), ( ) and ( ) then verify that ( ) ( )

and ( )

2. If ( ), prove that ( ) ( ) where I is a unit matrix

of order 2.

3. Find the value of for which the matrix ( ) is singular.

4. If ( ) , show that where I,0 are the unit matrix and

the null matrix of order 3 respectively.

I. Use this result to find
II. Find by using normal method ( by finding minor, cofactor, adjoint…)

5. Transform the matrix ( ) in to an upper triangular matrix and

hence show the the det(M) ( )

6. Show that ( ) ( ) ( )

By Eng.N.Sulaxshan Submit on or before 26-Sep-2022

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