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Social Studies 9 Name: _______________________

Ms. Buckley

Canadian Regions Project

You are tasked with becoming advertisement executives

hired by the Canadian government to promote tourism for
a region. In groups of 2-3, choose one of the following
physical regions of Canada and create an advertisement
for that region that makes people want to travel there! This
advertisement could be done through a video, a
presentation, or an informational poster. All information on
the region needs to be presented in your own words (no
copy/paste). This should be a VISUAL presentation, so make
sure to use lots of imagery.

Choose from the following regions:

- Cordillera Region
- Interior Plains
- Canadian Shield
- Appalachian Region
- Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands
- Intermountain Region
- Arctic Region

You need to include the following:

- Where it is located in Canada
- The topography of the region
- Climate
- Vegetation
- Tourist attractions to visit in the region (include at least 3)
- Why should someone visit this region? Really sell it!

You will be marked on the following:

● Research - knowledge and understanding of the region
● Creativity
● Communication skills
● Overall presentation

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