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Name: ____________________________

Shake Hands with the Devil

Movie Viewing Questions
This Canadian movie, created in 2007, tells the story of Roméo Dallaire and his
experience during the Rwandan Genocide. It covers the mental toll that
witnessing events like this has and the indifference of the superiors at the
United Nations during this genocide.
What is the role of peacekeepers during this What examples are shown of how the UN
genocide? What are they able to do or not do? responds, reacts, or refuses to act during this
How do they handle themselves? genocide and the events leading up to it?

How does Dallaire interact with or respond to the

different sides involved in this genocide?
(Interahamwe, RPF, Rwandan Government, etc.)
Name: _____________________

What examples of stages of genocide are shown in the movie? How are they shown?

Were there moments where other countries or the United Nations could have reacted? How
could they have handled this genocide differently? What could they have done to respond?

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