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Assume that you are about to start a small business (with about two [2] to three [3] employees) in your local
community. Your primary goal is to maximize profit using an ethical perspective.

Answer the following items: (4 items x 10 points)

1. Which type of management style (immoral, amoral, moral) would you employ? Explain.
- I chose moral management because moral managers want success as well, but only provided
moral and ethical rules are followed. In the interest of profit, a moral manager does not
compromise moral ideals or participate in unethical actions. Managers who adhere to this
ideology regard the law as a bare minimum for doing ethical business. Employees, for example,
must treat coworkers with dignity and respect. Discrimination on the basis of gender, ethnicity, or
religion shall not be permitted, and public humiliation will not be condoned. Although there is no
legal or ethical requirement for employees to get along with their coworkers, politeness should be
an acceptable baseline.
2. Considering the size of the business, what type of ethical lapses (unethical employee, moral
blindness, opportunity pressures, competitive pressures, etc.) do you expect?
- Because we are a new organization, such moral lapses are to be expected. Many jobs are
occupied by managers and bosses who use their power and position to treat and neglect others.
Assume you hire a representative who has a history of mistreatment. Surprisingly, there is
frequently no real guarantee against abusive behavior in the workplace unless the case
incorporates race, sexual orientation, or ethnic origin. For example, morally perplexed persons
may get so preoccupied with other aspects of the situation, such as pleasing their instructor or
supervisor or meeting business objectives, that they lose sight of moral difficulties. When the
potential to develop via untrustworthy behavior presents itself, a few people cannot resist the
allure. When it comes to competing weights, a corporation is under "competitive weight" when it
is frequently exposed to weight from its competitors. Separated from imposing business model
economies, which are commonly observed in all types of economies. A component is dependent
on the supply and demand flow of a given item or sector.
3. Based on the identified ethical lapses, which ethical test/s (utilitarian principle, golden rule, family
test, etc.) would you use as the foundation of your company? Explain how the chosen ethical
test/s would help minimize if not eliminate the possible ethical lapses.
- I favor the golden rule of treating people how we want to be treated. I think its sage to have rules
for expanding your business. Numerous people have been inspired by the Golden Rule throughout
history, and businesses are no different. Companies that emphasize treating people the way they
would like to be treated can have a stronger influence on their consumers in a world where the
value of customer service seems to be diminished and even erased.
- When making choices like purchases, opportunity weighing encourages people to lean as much
as possible on their intuition. Therefore, it is crucial for managers and staff to comprehend and
relate to others' emotions. It's beneficial to ask questions that center on emotion and passion,
regardless of whether a prospective representative demonstrates consideration. The best method
to approach them is to ask, "Can you describe a time when you noticed a group member's hurt
feelings and share how you responded to their feelings?" One is that.
4. Propose ways to maintain the ethical standards in your organization. Give at least three (3)
concrete courses of action.
- Having all representatives be unwaveringly devoted to the goal of morally achieving the social
good of positive degenerates is necessary for moral advancement. When demonstrated to others
in an encouraging way, the social advantages of positive degenerates and the purpose for their
work may spread across an organization. This truly and successfully strengthens a commitment
to the common good and its moral foundations. We ensure that our adherence to moral
principles can endure pressure from constricting constraints in order to uphold morality. Morality
is a deep and enduring quality. No one can imagine conducting business any other way since
organizations are so accustomed to this method. Develop principles to the point that they
permeate every area of your business and truly represent it. Secure the core of your business
quickly. In addition, people need to behave properly and in a way that is consistent with who they
are as people.

Rubric for grading:

Content Provided pieces of evidence, supporting
details, and factual scenarios
Organization Expressed the points in a clear and logical
of ideas arrangement of ideas in the paragraph

02 Activity 1 *Property of STI

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