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May 2, 1967 J. 0.

Filed April 15, 1964

By Aw” M 4W
United States Patent 0 3,317,184
Patented May 2, 19167
1 2
3,317,184 tational vectors'that cause dispersion of an ejected stream.
PINTLE VALVE AND FLOW COLLIMATOR To maintain a straight uniform stream at the low rates of
Joe D. Usry, Arlington, Tex., assignor to Ling-Temco flow, a tapered point 18 is provided on the outer end of
Vought, Inc., Dallas, Tex., a corporation of Delaware a controlling pintle 19. At higher rates of ?ow, the
Filed Apr. 15, 1964, Ser. No. 359,922 point 18 is ineffective and a ?ow collimator associated with
6 Claims. (Cl. 251-122) the pintle 19 dominates in controlling the stream 15.
This invention pertains to valves for ejecting a free Each of the collimators shown in FIGS. 2, 4, and 5, as
?owing, uniformstream of ?uid and particularly to a described in detail below, provide a plurality of passage
pintle control valve with a collimator for ejecting a jet ways evenly distributed about a pintle. Each passage
stream in a direction at right angles to an incoming ?ow. l0 way, although relatively short, has a diameter small
enough to provide a su?iciently high ratio of length to
The direction of thethrust of a jet engine is normally diameter to con?ne ?ow in only the direction of the axis
in line with the axis of the exhaust duct of the engine. of the associated ori?ce.
For guidance control, a plurality of thrust control valves
In FIG. 2, a housing 20 has a portion that contains
are installed on a circumference of the exhaust duct. 15 a plenum 17 and a smaller adjoining cylindrical colli
As a selected one of the valves or a group of adjacent mating and metering portion 21. The outer end of the
valves is operated, a collimated, uniform stream of ?uid metering portion 21 has an annular ori?ce 22 with an
is ejected inwardly in a ‘transverse direction relative to unrestricted passage outwardly. The surface 23 of the
the main exhaust stream. The transverse ?ow establishes ori?ce that faces the interior of the plenum or chamber
a shock wave that diverts the direction of the exhaust ?ow 17 diverges gradually until it joins the cylindrical walls
from its normal axial direction and, thereby changes the of the metering portion 21. The diverging surface en
direction of thrust of the engine.
circling the ori?ce 21 forms a seat that is engaged by
A collimated flow of liquid from a high-pressure supply the surface of the conical portion 24 of the pintle 19 when
is readily attained by a jet pipe that has a high ratio of the valve is shut.
its length to its inside diameter, the length being straight The shaft 25 of the pintle 19 is slidably mounted by a
in the direction of the ejected jet stream and the diameter bearing and seal assembly 26 that is disposed in the wall
being uniform. Obviously, the positioning of a long of housing 20 so that the pintle is mounted coaxially
jet pipe transverse the direction of the axial thrust in a relative to its seat. The pintle 19 has a solid cylindrical
jet engine is impractical because supply pipes and the portion 27 with a diameter substantially less than that
valves must be maintained close to the outer wall of of the cylindrical cavity of the metering portion 21. A
the exhaust duct. Therefore, the direction of an ejected flow collimator 28 is formed by longitudinal vanes _29
stream must be at a right angle to the direction of the that are spaced circumferentially about the cylindrical
incoming ?ow, and the quantity of the injected ?ow must portion 27 of the pintle. The vanes extend radially un
be controlled in accordance with a required rate of til they form a free sliding ?t within the cylinder of the
change of direction of thrust. metering portion 21. As shown in FIG. 3, the vanes
Accordingly, this invention comprises a valve chamber form a plurality of parallel passageways 30 between the
having an inlet with its axis perpendicular to the axis cylindrical body 27 of the pintle 19 and the inside sur
of an output ori?ce, a pintle movable relative to a seat face of the cylindrical walls of the metering portion 21.
located at the ori?ce, and a flow collimator disposed about An inlet 31 in an adjoining side of the housing 20 sup
said pintle to direct ?ow through the ori?ce. plies ?uid to the plenum 17.
An object of the present invention is to improve a In the embodiment according to FIG.- 4, a housing 32
pintle-type ejector for maintaining a uniform jet stream has an inner cylindrical metering chamber 33 and a ?ow
of liquid that has little divergence. distribution chamber 34 that encompasses the metering
Other objects and advantages will be apparent from the chamber 33. The wall at one end of the metering cham
speci?cation and claims and from the accompanying draw ber 33 converges gradually to an ori?ce 35. _A plurality
ing illustrative of the invention in which: of straight passageways 36 extend slantingly downwardly
FIG. 1 is a perspective oblique view of a jet valve; from the flow distribution chamber 34 through the com
FIG. 2 shows a vertical central section of a valve mon wall 37 to the lower portion of the metering chamber
having a ?ow collimator attached to its pintle; 33 so as to provide a substantially straight direction of
FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view taken on line III-III flow of liquid from the distribution chamber 34, past
of FIG. 2 to show passageways of the flow collimator; the metering area 38 and out the ori?ce 35. The passage
FIG. 4 is a sectional view of a valve that has a flow ways 36 are evenly distributed circumferentially and have
collimator with slanted bores as passageways between con su?icient total flow capacity to provide required maximum
centric cylinders; and flow of liquid from ori?ce 35. The pintle 39 is substan
FIG. 5 is a cross-sectional view of a valve in which a tially conical with its base portion being a sliding ?t
collimator has parallel passageways mounted to an ex within the inner metering chamber 33. The base por
haust seat. '
tion extends into the metering chamber 33 sufficiently to
A general arrangement and function of a valve, that block ?ow that would cause within the chamber 33 circu
is suitable for controlling the direction of thrust of a jet lation that would interfere with collimation and cause
engine, is illustrated in FIG. 1. A valve housing or 60 energy losses of the jet stream. The pintle is mounted
,plenum 11 has on one of its. sides an inlet 12 for receiving for axial movement as described for FIG. 2. As described
liquid under high pressure from a supply line that is above, an inlet 40 is at a right angle to the ori?ce 35,
conveniently spaced from the outer surface of an exhaust and supplies liquid under pressure to the flow distribution
‘duct of a jet engine. A cylindrical pintle valve housing chamber 34.
14 with its discharge ori?ce 13 is located on an adjoining In FIG. 5, a discharge part 41 has an unrestricted
side to discharge a jet stream 15 in a direction perpen annular ori?ce 42 and a collimator 43. The part 41 is
dicular to the direction of flow into the inlet 12. An secured in a wall of the housing 44 such that the collima
actuator mounted within its housing 16 moves a pintle tor 43 is upstream from the ori?ce 42. The ori?ce 42
valve axially within its housing. has a conical surface 45 that gradually diverges to form a
When the valve is controlled for supplying ?uid at a 70 metering seat facing inwardly into the plenum 46. The
low rate to the jet stream 15, a small plenum 17, as collimator 43 has an outer cylindrical wall 47 that is
illustrated in FIG. 2, is quite effective to prevent ro coaxial with the axis of the ori?ce 42 and that is a con
3 4
a cylindrical ?ow collimator encircling said conical end
tinuation of the upper portion of the diverging metering ‘portion of said pintle to prevent ?ow of ?uid to said
seat. From this outer wall 47, longitudinal vanes or ori?ce except through said collimator, said ?ow col
partitions 48 extend radially to a coaxial inner wall 49. limator having a plurality of circumferentially evenly
The partition 48 are evenly spaced circumferentially to spaced passageways parallel with the axis of said
form a plurality of passageways between the walls 47 pintle and having a ratio of length to diameter to
and 49 each having a much longer dimension in the direc con?ne ?ow in only the direction of the axis of said
tion of ?uid ?ow than in any transverse direction. A ori?ce to form a collimated uniform jet stream for
pintle 50 is substantially conical shaped with an elongated any position of said pintle that allows substantial
apex that extends outwardly through the ori?ce 42. The
base of the cone is a sliding ?t Within the inner wall 49 10 ' 3. ?ow of the ?uid.
In combination, a pintle valve and a ?ow collimator
of the collimator 43. The pintle is coaxially mounted comprising: a pintle, a metering outlet chamber, and an
and ‘movable axially to vary the metering area between input ?ow distribution chamber to which liquid is supplied
the surface 45 and the surface of the pintle 50. at high pressure, said metering outlet chamber being sub
The general conical shape of the metering portion of a cylindrical chamber with a coaxial metering
a pintle can be modi?ed according to control character r stantially
outlet in one end thereof, the inwardly facing surface of
istics desired. A preferred shape provides linear control; said one end diverging from said outlet to the adjacent
that is, the quantity of ?ow of liquid from the ori?ce cylindrical wall of said metering output chamber to form
varies in equal increments for equal changes in distance a metering seat to be engaged by said pintle,
of travel of the pintle in its axial direction. When a said pintle being substantially conical-shaped, said
collimated stream in an axial direction is not required pintle being coaxially mounted within said outlet
for a low rate of ?uid ?ow, the apex of the pintle need chamber and movable axially for varying metering
not be elongated to provide a pointed guide. Typically, space between the surface of said cone and said seat,
a well designed pintle valve or injector without a collima said ?ow distribution chamber surrounding said outlet
tor ejects a jet stream that spreads according to a cone
chamber, a plurality of straight passageways com
having an included angle that is determined by the ratio municating between said ?ow distribution chamber
of turbulent velocity, normal to the stream axis, to the and said outlet chamber, the direction of ?ow
axial stream velocity. A typical included angle without through said passageways being in line with said
a collimator is 15 degrees or more. The angle can readily
inwardly facing surfaces of said seat to form a col
be reduced to less than 10 degrees by the addition of limated ?ow of liquid from said input ‘?ow distribu
vanes to the pintle as shown in FIG. 2. Acccording to tion chamber through said metering outlet, thereby
a preferred embodiment of FIG. 5, the angle may be only to provide an output jet stream that is collimated
4 degrees. for different positions of said pintle relative to its
While various modi?cations of the invention have been seat, and the base dimension of said conical portion
described in detail herein and shown in the accompanying of said pintle being sufficient to guide substantially all
drawing, it will be evident that various further modi?ca of the ?ow of liquid from said passageways directly
tions are possible in the arrangement and construction of
its components ‘without departing from the scope of the through said metering space.
4. A pintle valve assembly comprising: a chamber,
invention. said chamber having an inlet for receiving pressurized
Iclaim: ?uid, and a discharge ori?ce, said ori?ce having a seat with
1. A pintle valve for a mounting space that is limited
in the direction of a desired ejected uniform stream of
a face that is diverging toward the interior of said cham
?uid comprising: a valve chamber having a plenum, an ber, said chamber having a cylindrical portion with its
inlet to the plenum for receiving ?uid under pressure, and inner wall joining said diverging face of said seat,
a discharge ori?ce, a valve seat encircling said discharge
a pintle with a cylindrical body and a substantially coni
ori?ce, said seat facing the interior of said chamber,
cal metering end portion, said pintle being mounted
a pintle having a substantially conical metering portion, coaxially in said seat so that said metering portion
said pintle being disposed so that said pintle and said engages said seat, said cylindrical portion of said
seat are coaxial, the apex of said conical metering pintle having a diameter substantially less than the
portion being directed outwardly along the axis of diameter of said cylindrical portion of said chamber,
said ori?ce, means for mounting said pintle and said a plurality of vanes disposed longitudinally at spaced
seat to said valve chamber to provide change in spac intervals on the outer surface of the cylindrical por
ing between said metering portion of said pintle and tion of said pintle, said vanes extending radially from
said pintle to form a plurality of parallel passage
said seat; ways between said body of said pintle and said cylin—
a cylindrical collimator having a ‘plurality of passage~
ways with a ratio of length to diameter such that drical portion of said chamber having a ratio of
?ow is con?ned to the direction of the axis of said length to width sufficient to collimate a ?ow of ?uid
ori?ce, said collimator closely encompassing said as it ?ows from said inlet in the axial direction of
pintle, said collimator having cylindrical walls coaxial said ori?ce, said pintle being movable longitudinally
with said pintle and said ori?ce to prevent ?ow of to vary the area of the opening between said meter
fluid within said plenum to said ori?ce except through ing surface of said pintle and said seat, said ori?ce
having an unrestricted opening, and said collimator
said collimator. being effective to maintain a uniform ejected stream
2. The combination of a pintle valve and a ?ow colli
mator comprising: a valve chamber having an inlet for of ?uid for wide variations in the positioning of said
receiving ?uid under pressure, and a discharge ori?ce, pintle.
said inlet and said ori?ce being positioned in the walls 5. In combination, a pintle valve and a ?ow collimator,
of said chamber so as to require a change in direction of a plenum chamber having an inlet to which is applied ?uid
?ow of ?uid between said inlet and said ori?ce, a seat at high pressure, said pintle valve providing a discharge
for said pintle encircling said discharge ori?ce and facingori?ce from said chamber through which a controlled
amount of said ?uid ?ows to form a collimated uniform
the interior of said ‘chamber,
a pintle having a substantially conical end portion, 70 free stream of ?uid, said pintle valve having a seat at said
said pintle being mounted within said chamber so ori?ce and a pintle coaxially movable relative to said seat,
that said pintle and said ori?ce are coaxial, said said pintle being substantially conical with its apex being
pintle being movable axially relative to said seat to directed outwardly on the axis of said ori?ce.
vary the metering space between the conical surface said ?ow collimator having an outer cylindrical wall, an
5 inner cylindrical Wall, and a plurality of vanes, said
of said pintle and said seat;
walls being coaxial, said vanes being disposed radial 6
ly and longitudinally between said walls to provide parallel ?ow passageways, the base portion of said
a plurality ‘of parallel ?uid passageways, said pintle conical surface of said pintle being a sliding ?t within
being a coaxial sliding ?t within said inner wall, said said inner wall, said ?ow collimator being mounted
flow collimator being mounted coaxially to the in— coaxially within said seat such that said pintle is
wardly facing edge of said seat, the edge of said seat axially movable within said inner wall, the inwardly
that is adjacent said ?ow collimator being diverging facing portion of said seat being gradually tapered
to encompass the adjacent ends of said passageways, outwardly to increase its circumference until it en
and said ori?ce having an unrestricted outer face to compasses said passageways of said collimator to al
aid in formations of said free stream of ?uid without low a collimated ?ow of said liquid from said cham
loss of pressure. 1O her to said seat, said ori?ce providing unrestricted jet
6. In a pintle type valve having a plenum chamber ?ow to prevent loss of pressure as a free ?owing sub
with an inlet and a discharge ori?ce, the direction of flow stantially collimated ?ow of said liquid is ejected for
of liquid applied under pressure to said inlet being at a any substantial amount ‘of ?ow as determined by the
right angle to the direction of ?ow of liquid ejected from positioning of said pintle.
said ori?ce, said ori?ce having an annular seat with a 15
diverging surface facing the interior of said chamber, said References Cited by the Examiner
pintle having a substantially conical outer surface facing UNITED STATES PATENTS
said ori?ce for mating with said seat, the outer facing 2,301,355 11/1942 Armentrout ________ __ 138-45
apex of said conical surface ‘being elongated outwardly 2,353,143 7/1944 Bryant _________ __ 251-—118 X
to form a gradually tapered point to aid in the formation 2,402,729 6/ 1946 Buchnan ________ __ 138-46 X
of a uniform stream ‘of liquid, said pintle being mounted 2,439,118 4/ 1948 Waterman ______ __ 251-118 X
coaxially within said seat and being movable coaxially to
vary the spacing between said conical surface and said 2,642,254 6/ 1953 Armstrong ______ __ 251~118 X
seat according to a desired rate of ?ow of said liquid from 2,649,273 8/ 195 3 Honegger _______ __ 251-122 X
said ori?ce; 25 3,139,114 6/1964 Benzel ____________ __ 138—45
a ?ow collimator comprising inner and outer coaxial FOREIGN PATENTS
cylindrical walls, said walls being spaced apart radial 29,704 1912 Great Britain.
ly, a plurality of circumferentially spaced axially ex
tending longitudinal ?ns disposed between said inner M. CARY NELSON, Primary Examiner.
and said outer walls to provide a plurality of adjacent
S. SCOTT, Assistant Examiner.

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