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One of the most significant people to me is my family .

My family shaped my
personality and beliefs. They helped me through all my life decisions, taking
care to avoid regret. The most important thing they teach me is my faith in
God. They taught me to honor Him in all I do, which has shaped my life.

I also consider my friends as one of the most important people in my life

because I see them almost as much as my family. My buddies have made me
more outgoing and enthusiastic. They never get tired of listening to my rants
and corny jokes. My family and friends are my support system. These people
taught me a lot in life that no textbooks or school lectures ever could.
Without them, I wouldn’t have acquired the many attributes and lessons
that make me the person I am today.

Looking forward, in 5 years, hopefully I will be studying at my dream medical

school and be able to graduate with flying colors. In 10 years, I see myself as
a successful woman, living my dream as a pediatrician and a
businesswoman. I expect my future timeline to be from a medical student
who excels academically to a successful doctor and businesswoman.

My timeline is called “A Journey to My Core Memories” because it takes you

through my life's important moments. My timeline theme is inspired by the
Pixar movie "Inside Out," which shows the five emotions and the character’s
memories in the memory orb. Memory orb colors represent the character's
emotions in that situation. Yellow symbolizes happiness, blue symbolizes
sadness, green symbolizes disgust, red symbolizes anger, and purple
symbolizes fear. In reality, I've had many amazing experiences over the
years. Despite my happy memories, I also had gloomy ones. Despite that, I
kept optimistic and had more happy experiences.

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