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Name: Zandro Sapetin

School : Samar national school (SNS)

Date of Home visit: October 14, 2023

Age: 15

Date of Birth: September 27, 2007

Gender: Male

Grade/Year level: 10

Family Profile

Number of siblings; 7

Birth order: 7


Mother: Perlita R. Sapetin

Educational attainment: High school graduate

Age: 51

Occupation: Vendor

Father: Zandro D. Sapetin

Educational attainment: Second Year college

Occupation: Vendor

Physical Development: The learner have a well-rounded physical development because his parents tend to be
nurturing and responsive while also setting clear boundaries. This approach has lead to a balanced lifestyle that
includes regular exercise, a healthy diet, and adequate sleep.

Social Development: The learner exhibit high self-esteem and confidence, which empowers him to engage with
others in a positive and assertive manner. Respect for others is instilled early on, resulting in polite and considerate
behavior in social interactions.

Emotional-Moral Development: The learner develops strong emotional intelligence, understanding and managing
their own emotions effectively, which contributes to their overall well-being and emotional stability. The consistent
support and open communication encouraged by authoritative parents create a foundation for trust and secure
attachment, fostering a deep sense of emotional security.

Cognitive Development: The learner have a natural love for learning, as his parents are supportive and encourage
intellectual curiosity.

Findings: The learner has an average interpersonal skills, able to form and maintain friendships while facing typical
challenges of peer interactions. Emotionally, he exhibit a moderate level of emotional intelligence, understanding and
managing his feelings to an extent. In moral development, he possesses a basic sense of right and wrong, guided by
societal norms and parental teachings.

Conclusion: The learner is well-equipped to navigate the challenges of everyday life and make steady progress in his
personal and academic development.

Recommendations: Continue to provide a nurturing and stimulating environment that fosters independence,
emotional intelligence, social engagement, and academic curiosity.

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