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AUGUST, 2009
(Idin Adejoke) (Idin – Irele)

1. Ifa says that while you were in heaven you chose as part of your
destiny, the ability to lead several people to success. This leadership
quality is one of the most striking aspects of your life.

In order to achieve this without hindrance, Orisa-Oko has assured

you of his unflinching support and assistance, you will not fail as a
leader and organizer. You will succeed where others had failed, Orisa-
Oko will ensure this success.

Ifa advises you to offer ebo with 4 pigeons, 4 guinea-fowls and

money. You also need to feed Orisa-Oko with a bowl of pounded
yam, and grass cutter cooked in melon soup. On this a stanza
in Idin Adejoke says:

Igi se
Igi run
Eni a ku
Eni a ku
O ku awon agba sannkosannko ibe
Dia fun Orisa-Oko agba Irawo
To nlo aye apesin pitipiti
Ebo ni won ni ko wa se
O gbebo, o rubo
Ko pe, ko jinna
Ire gbogbo wa ya de tuturu

The stick broke
The stick crumbled
Some people died
Some people survived
It remained the elderly ones
Ifa’s message for Orisa-Oke, the elder in Irawo land
When going to the world to be a leader whom others serve
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
All ire of life came trooping in.

2. Ifa says that this is your first time of coming into this world, you will
however succeed in all aspects of your life. You will not lack wealth,
good spouse, children, sound health and long life.

Ifa warns you never to use any of the snail family or eat them. It
is a serious taboo that if un-kept can debar you from reaching the
apex of your career in life.

It can also prevent you from getting good spouse and children. Ifa
advises you to offer ebo with 4 rats, 4 fish, 2 pigeons, 2 hens, 2
guinea-fowls, 2 roosters and money. On this, Ifa says:

Ogere hanhun
Babalawo Oti lo dia f’Oti
Oti ngbogun lo ilu ofun
Alo la ri a, o r’abo
Dia fun Kannakanna
Ti ngbogun lo ilu oko
Odu le gegeege ma ye
Dia fun won ni Ikirun-Agba
Omo Oloro-mogbe
Irele mo ko, e o jisan
Ekun ire gbogbo ni won n sun
Ebo ni won ni ki won se
Won gbebo, won rubo
A kii ba won lowo, laya, bimo, kole nire gbogbo n’Ikirun-
E nle o, eyin lomo oloro –mogbe
Irele –moko e o jisan

Ogeere hanhun
The Awo of liquor cast Ifa for the liquor
When going to wage war on the throat
We witnessed their going, but we never saw their return
Ifa cast for kannakanna, the catapult
When going to wage war with stones
The odu is placed gingerly without falling
Ifa cast for the inhabitants of Ikirun-Agba
Offspring of the cactus-carriers
Those who must never eat snails
When weeping in lamentation of their inability to acquire all
ire of life
They were advised to offer ebo
They complied
Nobody can have as many prosperity, spouses, children,
prosperity and all ire of life as the indigenes of Ikirun-Agba
Gently, you are the offspring of the cactus-carriers
Those who must never consume snails

3. Ifa says that you shall be blessed with a beautiful spouse. This
spouse will be very useful to you. Between the two of you, it will be
possible to build a wonderful family that will end up becoming the
envy and admiration point of the whole community where you live.

Ifa says that the moment you meet this woman, something inside
you will tell you that you have met your life partner. Besides this,
many other men will be interested in the woman. In the end, the
woman shall become yours.

Ifa advises you to offer ebo with a matured she-goat and money.
On this, idin-Irele says;

Idin se
Irele se
Igi ogba se kii yo’mi si
Beni ko ba yo’mii si
Kokooko nii ni’ra
Dia fun Olokose
O nloo soko Omide
Dia fun Eluluu
O n loo soko Omide
Ebo ni won ni ki won se
Olokose nikan ni nbe lehin ti nsebo
Nje totooto nbala
Nkasai soko Omide

Idin se
And Irele se
Let the fence wood break for one to replace it with another
If one fails to replace it with another wood
It becomes difficult task indeed
These were Ifa’s messages for Olokose
When going to have the hand of Omide in marriage
And also for Eluluu
When going to have the hand of Omide in marriage
They were both advised to offer ebo
Only Olokose complied
Nothing will stop me from becoming the husband of Omide

4. Ifa says that you are destined to beget many children in life. These
children shall be great and wonderful. They shall be useful to you,
their community, their environment and to themselves.

However, if there is any delay in your wife becoming pregnant, then

there is the need for you to offer ebo with 2 roosters and money.
You must ensure that these roosters have big combs on their
head. One of the roosters will be slaughtered. The comb on its
head will be cut and grinded together with alupaida leaves. Spices
will be added together with palm-oil. This will be placed on fire and
cooked. When properly cooked, this stanza will be recited and the
iyerosun will be added to the herbal soup for your wife to consume.
After this, there will be pregnancy. On this aspect, Idin-See says;

Idin se
Irele se
Oko ku ki won o loko
Ale ku ki won o yan’mii
Dia fun won ni Ikirun Agba
T’Oluku Mogbe
T’Irele mo ko nisan
Agan ni won ya won o room bi
Won ji, ekun omo ni won n sun o
Ebo ni won ni ki won se
Won gbebo, won rubo
Nje Onikirun Agba
Omo ajogbe ki o too bimo o

Idin se
And Irele se
Let one’s husband die for one to marry another
And let one’s secret lover die for one to choose another
Ifa’s message for the inhabitants of Ikirun Agba
Those also known as Oluku Mogbe
Those who must not eat snails
They were barren without children
When they woke up, they were weeping in lamentation of their
inability to beget the fruit of the womb
They were advised to offer ebo
And they complied
Gently, inhabitants of Ikirun Agba
Those who consume rooster combs before begetting children
5. Ifa assures you that you will be blessed with many children. Ifa
says that as soon as you get married, you and your wife need to
procure 6 kolanuts, each with 4 lobes. You will both sit down on
the bare floor of your room completely naked. The woman will
use the kolanut to touch the penis of the husband, one by one,
saying; “this penis, please give me male and female children”. The
man will also use the same kolanut to touch the vagina of the
woman one by one, saying; “this vagina, please give me male and
female children”.

The kolanuts will be split and thrown for feeding both the penis and
the vagina, one by one. One lobe each will be given to the penis
and another to the vagina, making six lobes for the penis and six
lobes for the vagina. The man and the woman will eat their six
lobes of kolanuts each. After this, love-making is essential.

The woman will become pregnant. The resultant baby shall be

named either Babatunde or Iyabo, depending on the sex of the
baby. Babatunde for male baby and Iyabo for female. On this, Ifa

Isan nii san’ra ikeke-ikeke

Aasa nii la’run igaga-igaga
Dia fun ‘Lanlege
Ti nraye akowa
Ebo omo ni won ni ko waa se
O gbebo, o rubo
O ma le se keni ri baba eni o
‘Lanlege, iwo ni baba o
O ma le se keni ri yeye eni o
‘Lanlege iwo ni Baba o

The thunderbolt strikes the sky forcefully
And the lightening strikes the sky loudly
This was Ifa’s message for ‘Lanlege, the penis
When comin into the world for the very first time
He was advised to offer ebo for him to beget many children
He complied
Please make it possible for me to see my departed male
‘Lanlege, you are the Father
And make it possible for me to see my departed female
‘Lanlege, you are the Father

6. Ifa warns you against adopting children in your home.

Instead, you are to beget your own children. Furthermore, you are
not to raise othe people’s children in your home. It is a serious
taboo for you. Doing this may lead to all sorts of complications for

As an adjunct to this, Ifa says that you need to face your own issues
squarely. You must not allow other people’s issues to preoccupy
your mind at the expense of your own issues. You must not take
care of other people’s children to the neglect of your own children.

Ifa advises you to offer ebo with 4 rats, 4 fish, 2 hens, 2 guinea-
fowls, 2 roosters and money. You also need to feed Ifa with 2
rats and 2 fish. On this, Ifa says;

Idin se
Irele se
Agbebo won jo onbi
Omo olomo kan ko see gba se teni
Dia fun Orunmila
Ti yoo maa sowo agbebo
Ebo ni won ni ko se

Idin se
Irele se
A foster parent is not the same as a natural parent
Another person’s child cannot be substitute with one’s biological
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When he was engaged in training other people’s children(at the
expense of his own)
He was advised to offer ebo

7. Ifa advises you that whenever you beget your own baby, you need
to perform the naming ceremony with rams. It is important for you
to slaughter at least one ram one ram during the naming of the
baby. You must also feed Oro.

Doing this will serve two main purposes; one, to express your
gratitude to Olodumare, and two, to prevent any threat to the life of
the new-born baby. On this, Ifa says;

Idin se
Irele se
Kulukulu se
Odo ti baluwe se
Dia fun Abijoke
Tii somo won ni Ikirun Agba Mogbe
O feyin ti moju ekun sunrahun omo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gbebo, o rubo
Nje Abijoke waa dolomo o
Ita mo dupe o
Irele mo dupe
Agbo la o fi komo naa jade

Idin se
Irele se
Kulukulu se
The stream starts from the baluwe
Ifa cast for Abijoke
Their offspring in Ikirun Agba-Mogbe land
When weeping in lamentation of her inability to beget
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Abijoke is now a proud mother
Ita, the Oro cult, I am grateful
And Irele, the Oro cult, I am grateful
A stream shall be used for the naming ceremony of the

8. Ifa says that as long as you listen to, and respects your parents,
those who are in position of authority over you and the ancestors
and the Orisa/Irunmole, you shall never meet with humiliation or
disgrace. Many people will plan evil against you but they will all fail.
Your matter will turn to joy and you shall be receiving good news in
your life.

Ifa advises you to offer ebo with 3 rats, 3 fish, 3 roosters and
money. You also need to feed Oro as appropriate. On this, Ifa

Idin se
Irele se
Igi ogba se welewele lantun omiran ro
Dia fun Ita
A bu fun Irele
Dia fun Eleti Agbire
Tii somo ikeyin won
Ebo ni won ni ki won se
Won gbebo, won rubo
Ita gbohun mi o
Irele gbohun mi o
Eleti Agbire, seti godogbo koo gbire

Idin se
Irele se
Let the fence wood break for one to replace it with another
Ifa cast for Ita, the Oro cult
And for Irele, the Oro cult
And also for Eleti Agbire, who hears and endorses all
The last of the three
They were advised to offer ebo
They complied
Ita, please hear my voice
And Irele, hear my voice
Eleti Agbire, listen attentively, and hearken to my supplications

9. Ifa says that you need to offer ebo against disgrace and humiliation.
Ifa however assures you that as long as you pay homage to your
parents and ancestors, you will always overcome.

Ifa advises you to offer ebo with 3 roosters, plenty of cotton

wool, 3 guinea-fowls and money. You also need to feed
Egungun. On this, Ifa says;

Idin se
Irele se
Igi ogba se ki n tun imii so
Dia fun Iyalode
To loun o te Lagbaa-Osun lode Oyo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
Lagbaa-osun ni nbe leyin ti nsebo
Nje Lagbaa-Osun, maa juba Baba re
B’ekolo ba juba ile
Ile a lanu fun
Maa juba a Baba a re o
Lagbaa-Osun, Lagbaa-osun!

Idin se
Irele se
Let the fence wood break for one to replace it with another
Cast Ifa for Iyalode of Ipo
Who planned to disgrace Lagbaa-Osun masquerade at Oyo
They were both advised to offer ebo
Only Lagbaa-Osun complied
Now, Lagbaa-Osun, continue to pay homage to your ancestors
If the earthworm pay homage to the mother earth
The earth will open for it to enter
Continue to pay homage to your father
Lagbaa-Osun, Lagbaa-Osun!

10. Ifa advises you to have a dancing masquerade costume. This

will also represent your ancestors. You need to feed this
masquerade regularly. If this can be done, there is no great thing of
life that you will not get in a miraculous manner. On this, Ifa says;

Idin se
Irele se
Igi ogba se ki n tun omiran so o
Dia fun ‘Lapojokun
Abijo yamo lenu
Igba ti o ntorun bo wale aye
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O gbebo, o rubo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ni wowo ire gbogbo

Idin se
Irele se
Let the fence wood break for one to replace it with another
Cast Ifa for Lapojokun, honour is greater than expensive beads
He who dances with ease and dexterity
He whose dancing steps surprises one pleasantly
When coming from heaven to earth
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of all ire of life

11. Ifa warns you never to make the land other than your place of birth
your permanent home. This is because a time is coming in your life
when you will need to return to your place of birth and live there for
the remaining part of your life.

You must not invest everything you have outside your place of birth,
so that you will not lose all your life investments to others.

Ifa advises you to offer ebo with a matured he-goat and money.
On this, Ifa says;

Owo ni won nlukin

Dia fun Agunfon – Yangidi
Ti nloo kole so sode Ikirun
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O koti ogbonhin sebo
Nje owo, aso, omo, ile re nko o
O nbe ni Ikirun

Ifa is cast with respect
That was Ifa’s message for Agunfon-Yangidi, long-necked bird
When going to erect all his properties at Ikirun land
He was advised to offer ebo
He failed to comply
Now, where is your money, your clothes, your children and your
They were all left at Ikirun land
Agunfon was warned to invest at his place of birth. He failed to do
so. He had everything at Ikirun where he went to stay. One day,
problem started at Ikirun. Agunfon was forced to leave Ikirun and
returned to his place of birth empty handed. He lost everything.

12. Ifa says that you need to offer ebo and feed Ifa against untimely
death. You also need to be very careful and act gently to avoid
untimely death.

Ifa advises you to offer ebo with 2 hens, 2 snails and money.
You also need to feed Ifa with one hen and one snail. The
second snail will be rubbed with eko, corn meal. The feather of
the hen will be plucked and stuck to the snails shell. The
snail will be placed by Esu, together with the ebo.

Ogboju omi nii se afara

Ikasi omi ni o kan boroboro
Agbehinkunle fohun bi ororo
Akeke saarakisa
Dia fun Orunmila
Nijo ti iku ngbora akodi-kolori bo wa
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gbebo, o rubo
Igbin ile Awo hu’ye o
Ebo ile Awo le’ku lo
Olorun tikun, Awo o ku mo
Owo bewe agididimagbonyin
Olorun a si maa tikun

A big stream requires a bridge
The water fetched overnight does not taste stale in the mouth
He who stays in the backyard and sound like quiver
Akeke saraakisa
These were Ifa’s messages for Orunmila
When Death was passing through the backyard into his home
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
The snail in the home of the Awo developed feathers
The ebo in the Awo’s house drove Death away
The heaven locked the door, and the Awo dies no more
I now lay my hands on Agidimagbonyin leaves
The heavens locked the door

13. Ifa warns you never to rely on any special means, such as strong
charms, undue influence, ability or manipulative capability to achieve
anything in life. If you rely on these things, they may end up
leading you to disaster and everlasting regrets. You only need to
rely on Olodumare and the Orisa/Irunmole in everything you do.
You also need to consult Ifa and offer ebo regularly. On this, Ifa

Idin se
Irele se
Igi ogba se keni o yomii si
Dia fun Eesorun Edu
Omo ase npa bi ebora
Ebo aiku ni won ni ko se
O koti ogbonhin sebo
Nje ayamo kewe ma le sorun o

Idin se
Irele se
Let the fence wood break for one to replace it with another
Ifa cast for Eesorun-Edu
He whose strong charms pushed around to perform strange
He was advised to offer ebo of longevity
He refused to comply
Well, it is not unlikely that strong charms had failed today
14. Ifa says that a woman is very close to you who is very fond of
swearing and cursing people. Drastic steps must be taken to stop
this attitude. If the woman is your wife warn her seriously to desist.
If she refuses to heed warning, send her packing. This is because
the consequence of cursing near you is too grave to mention. All
her curses will surely manifest.

Ifa advises you to offer ebo with a bearded he-goat and money.
Whatever is used to offer ebo amounts to nothing if they cannot
stop swearing and cursing. If the repercussion comes, they will
have nobody to blame but themselves. On this, Ifa says;

Idin Irele nii duro gangan leyin osu

Nijo to ba le
Dia fun Dandan
Tii seya Ajobi
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O koti ogbohin sebo
Nje e mase se Dandan o
Gbogbo epe ana ti e se o gbele
E mase se dandan-andan o

Idin Irele is it that stands stoutly behind the crescent
Whenever it appears in the sky
That was Ifa’s message for Dandan - curses
The mother of Ajobi, the whole family
She was advised to offer ebo
She refused to comply
Please do not swear or curse
All the curses of yesterday will not go without manifesting
Please do not swear or curse
15. Ifa says that those outside your family circle cannot do you much
harm. You however need to be careful with those who are your own
relations. They are the ones who can harm you.

Ifa advises you to offer ebo with a bearded he-goat and money.
On this, Ifa says;

Mariwo ja suuru kanle

Dia fun won ni Moba-Eko
Eegun ilee won kii pe ki won won o ku ni Moba Eko
Awon agbagba Moba –Eko ni won dori kodo
Ni won nparaa won o

The palm-frond drops straight to the ground
Ifa’s message for them at Moba-Eko
The Egungun in Moba –Eko do not wish anyone dead
The Orisa in Moba-Eko wished nobody dead
It is the Elders of Moba-Eko who grouped together
And they were eliminating one another

16. Ifa warns you never to look down on your superior or stab them in
the back. Ifa says that if you do, you will remain backward for the
rest of your life. On this aspect, Ifa says;

Idin se
Irele se
Igi ogba se keni o yo mii si o
Dia fun Mogbe oun Irele
Won nlo pade nidii Iroko Apajaje
Eni a ko nija ti nfoju di’ni
Irele ni yoo gbe dandan, Irele
Eni a ko lede to nsede
Irele ni yoo gbe dandan, Irele

Idin se
Irele se
Let the fence wood break for one to replace it with another
Ifa’s message for Mogbe and Irele
When going to meet by the foot of Iroko which killed and
consumed dogs
He whom we train in Ifa who looked down on us
He will remain backward forever
Who whom we taught language but stab us in the back
Backward will he remain forever



- Ifa
- Odu
- Egungun
- Oro
- Egbe
- Sango
- Esu-Odara
- Orisa Oko
- Aje


- Must never use or eat snails –to avoid unconsummated fortune

- Must never swear or allow anyone to swear in your home – to avoid
regrets and disaster
- Must never invest too much outside where you were born – to avoid
losing everything that you have ever laboured for
- Must never rely on charms or influence – to avoid disaster and
- Must never cut down trees or split woods to pieces – to avoid
unconsummated fortune
- Must never raise or train other people’s children at the expense of
your own – to avoid difficulty in raising your own children
- Must never be dis respectful to elders or refuse to heed their words –
to avoid unconsummated fortune


- Ifa Priest/Traditionalist
- Trading/Merchandize
- Salesman/Marketer
- Traveler
- Historian
- Entertainer
- Administrator/Legal Practioner


- Olapojokun – honour is greater than expensive beads

- Ifalowo – Ifa has respect and honour
- Ifagbohun – Ifa please hear my pleadings


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