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Hello every body!

My name is Khoa, Today I am going to talk about my trip to Cat Ba in this

month last year with my family. Cat Ba Island is in the south of Ha Long Bay, off
the coast of Hai Phong city and Quang Ninh province. Members in trip have my
parents, sister, and baby sister. This aim of trip is celebrated 20 years wedding
anniversary of my parents and another aim is swimming and sightseeing Cat Ba’s
view. The cost of this trip fall around 20 milion dong, it is not too expensive. My
home take a litte time to have a meticulous plan of this trip. I was very eager to
think about the begin day of this trip. This waited time make my feel surger.
Waiting long and then the eager day is come. My family waked at 5 am and my
father book a taxi for taken we to train station. Hai Phong is the first place for we
took a rest and had a lunch. On the road to this city, I was very astonished because
of beautiful setting. That reason why I had that feel is I have never seen that
before. After luch we started to go to coastline. We got on the ferry boat. 10am we
come to the hotel. This turn take 5 hours

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