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Nama : Zuan Sandria Baltazar Serang

NIM : 2223121023

Class : DIK E PBI 22

Final Semester Test.

Contextual Oral Language Studies

Listening Activities

1. People are talking about their vacation plans. Where will they go? Listen and check yes or no!

Yes No How long

a. Taipei Yes 3 days
Seoul Yes 3 days
Hongkong Yes 2 days
Beijing No
Thailand Yes 5 days
Tokyo No
Malaysia No
Yes No How Long
b. London Yes week
Oxford Yes 2 days
Cambridge no
France Yes 5 days
Germany no
Switzerland Yes 3 days
Italy Yes 5 days

Yes No How Long

c. Los Angeles Yes 3 days
San Francisco no
Denver Yes week
Chicago no
Washington DC Yes 2 days
New York Yes 3 days
Boston no

a. Cheese was first made over 3.000 years ago. True
b. Cheese contains vitamins. True
c. Most cheese in the United States is made from goat’s milk. False (Most cheese in the United States is
made from cow’s milk. )
d. Cheese doesn’t contain water. False (Cheese also contains water)
e. The Process of making cheese was probably discovered by chance. True
f. Pasteurized milk contains bacteria. False ( That it is heated to remove all bacteria. )
g. Carbon dioxide is added to pasteurized milk to make cheese. False ( The bacteria cultures sometimes
release bubbles of carbon dioxide, These bubbles help make the holes in Swiss cheese. )
h. Curd is liquid. False ( Curd is Dry )

Cinema 1 Cinema 2 Cinema 3
The Final Conflict Party Animal Dreams
Type : Action Type : Comedy Type : Romance
Time : 2:30, 4:45, 7:30, 10:00 Time : 1:30, 4:30, 6:15, 9:00 Time : 1:00, 3:15, 6:30, 9:30

Cinema 4 Cinema 5 Cinema 6

Cowboy’s Run Space Children Monster Party
Type : Western Type : Science Fiction Type : Horror
Time : 12:00, 3:30, 5:30, 8:00 Time : 2:00, 5:00, 7:00, 9:15 Time : 10:00, 1:45, 4:15, 6:45

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