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Ana Mae A.

de la Cruz

Case # 10: “He does, I do”

Rules are rules, they are imposed to be followed and not just to be neglected. It is a
fact that all of us should follow. And rules are not just made to be followed by employees
who have a lower rank because when it was made, it was meant for all and not for few
people. However, because of the powers used by those domineering and abusive officials,
these rules were neglect and were just followed by some people.

Bosses are not always right, they are just all of the times practiced their egoistic side
that even if they are wrong they will insist that they are the right ones. Not because they
are in a higher position could mean that they could just run from the norms that should be
followed by all. It is but unfair to be treated like that especially that the other one has a
higher position, it already a discrimination and abuse of power. Surely, it is not also
acceptable for Roy to be always late. Since he is employed as an employee, he should find a
way not to be late so that he will be able to let their higher official see that he is showing
interest on his job. It is not an acceptable to reason out that it is always traffic and that he
lives far. Complaining will not help him, what he needs to do is to find an alternative way to
avoid being late and being scolded by his bosses. He can actually try to live near his
working place to save time. He can find a cheap boarding house near the area so that it will
be much accessible and no problem on commuting.

The Director on the other hand should not show the bossy kind of attitude. Yes, he
first started on a lower position and strived hard to get where he is now but that does
entitle him to mock his employee. Just like Roy, he is also an employee. He is expected to
perform and act better than Roy because of his position. He does not have the right to act
unprofessional because he is already a director. He should be the one telling his employees
to act accordingly because they are public servants. He should not be given special
treatment because of his position, as a matter of fact he should not be given a service
vehicle that he could use in going to the office since that vehicle is only use during the office
hours and not as personal vehicle.

Surely there are a lot of anomalies going on, and its exposure to the public is now
the talk of the town of the people. How can they actually trust government employees when
it is actually those in the higher positions that commit corruption? The soldiers who are
expected to defend us and prove their nationalism in public service are the one ruining the
country’s image. It is never too late to wake up from this nightmare. We are still given a
chance to change and we should not it slip away from our hands. Now is the right time to
make a change, be bold and show that we officials are bound to make it happen.

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