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Ana Mae A.

de la Cruz


“The journey of a thousand miles, begin with the first step”, a quote that states the
very feeling I have after finishing this Distance Learning Program on the Rules and Conduct
and Ethical Behavior in the Civil Service. I am just new to being a public servant and I really
learn a lot from this. Being a public servant is really not a joke, becoming selfless and
thinking about the welfare of the many people is seemingly impossible but since many
officials are capable of doing it, I believe that such thing is attainable and very much

Learnings about on how to commit oneself on the interest of the public is but really
amazing. It surely explains the needs of becoming committed to become a servant of the
Filipino people. It surely lives up to the standards and norms on how to render the service
to the people. It should be effectively and efficiently done as to accomplish many outputs.
In everything that is done honesty and loyalty should always be there. You are expected to
perform professionally at all times. The knowledge, skills and expertise should always have
should always be applied to show the best that you can. You need to be dedicated enough
that in everything you do you have high regards for having sense of responsibility and
dedication to your duties and responsibilities bestowed upon you. As you perform your duty,
you are expected to perform accordingly. You have to remember not to use your position,
office, government affiliation, information or property to pursue your personal interest.

I have deeply understood the meaning of team spirit which is working for a common
goal and its role in working as a public employee. It contributes a lot for me to be able to
comprehend the meaning of having a healthy working place where acceptance and respects
for each other governs. Giving your service to the people is much easier when you have
with you people that trust and support you. Together you become allies with a mission of
rendering quality service to all walks of people. You are taught not to discriminate people
rather help in small or large ways you possibly can. You will surely expand and widened
your vision as you live together in fulfilling the mission you have in common. It is
appropriate that the assistance we give to people are due to them and what they really

It is also a happy feeing that I am working my way to learn about all of these things,
I have learned to become more conscious about the welfare of my fellow beings. That it is
not solely for me but I have learned to become more sensitive to the needs of our people.
We all deserve fairness and it should always be exhibit as public servants or official maybe. I
know that justness and sincerity will be much appreciated if the discrimination between the
poor and the rich will be put to an end. It is not right to give quality service to those who
are wealthy and just neglect those poor people. It is mandated that we should now be ill-
mannered and do things that contradicts to law, good morals, good customs, public policy,
public order, public safety and most especially public interest. I believe that it is just not to
dispense and extend undue favors because it is our family members involved, it will greatly
be unfair to everyone else. We should always be true to ourselves and that our loyalty
should always be to the public. We should really practice this in our offices so that everyone
will follow it. In small or big ways we should always how it is to become a public official with
high conviction for integrity and dignity.

A lot of questions are actually bugging me, but after taking time to read this most of
them are cleared and were given answers. Yes, there are a lot that we don’t understand if
we just think it shallow, but if we deeply do, we will be able to comprehend the reason
underlying it. As we dig deeper we can even find a solution that will help us to understand
more our existence, the purpose we live for and the mere fact of this existence alone.

As I go through, I understand that my love for our country is intense, I could barely
think about it at first. However, I am glad that I am part of this country. I am a Filipino and
I am proud to become one. Others do take it for granted but as for me being part of a
freedom country where there is democracy is really something to be thankful about. We
Filipinos are unique. We could laugh amidst of the difficulties we are facing and we strongly
hold on to the power of prayers in most times of our lives. Our laughters, tears and joys are
shared to everyone and are not contained in our hearts. We shout out what we want, and
spread words of our own. We protect and love this country the most and nationalism reign
in our hearts. We are proud people but like bamboos, we are strong, firm and resilient.
From the works of our great forefathers, we live to become great people of the world. We
show that we are spectacular and astonishing people. We offer to the world our world class
talents and the splendid and wonderfully created places here in our precious country. This is
our country, this is Philippines, this home, the home of billions of Filipinos who love and will
die for this country.

The norms and conducts are expected to be rightly manifested not only by lower
ranking employees but by all public servants. The needs to know the duties and
responsibilities help a lot in rendering quality service as well as the obligation that is
bestowed upon us. As I go along reading, I realize that there are exemplary officials who
wholeheartedly give services and deserve awards and praises. They are the people in the
service that are worth emulating, they could serve as standard that I could look up to as I
traverse the way to become a full pledge public official. The prohibited acts and transactions
are very necessary to let me know the things that I don’t want myself to get involved in.
This surely educate me to know the consequences if we neglect the norms that we have.
The contradiction to this conduct would surely mean becoming a failure public servant. I
should always uphold my values as a person and be morally upright. I will not lure in doing
devious acts for it will not take me anywhere but suffer the negative impacts it will have in
my life. I am reprimanded to act accordingly and it is my obligation to fulfill my part to the
best of my capacity. The awakenings of my consciousness to a lot of wrong doings of public
officials were very helpful. I made me realize that the trust of the public should be protected
as it is not something that is easily given but together with respect it is earned. I will not be
able to fulfill my duty and responsibility if I will be blinded by those shameful acts. I will
always be true to myself, have high regards for morality and have strong conviction to do
what it right. I am a public servant and I am a child of God, with this I will be strengthened
and become an ambassador of goodwill and promote this to everyone!

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