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Лексико-грамматический тест для 8 класса по английскому языку

Вариант 1
1. Be quiet, please. The baby … .
a)sleeps, b) is sleeping c)will sleep
2. That`s the girl … dad works in the police office.
a) whose b) which c)who
3. Lin … her favourite book, when her mum called her for lunch.
a) read b) used to read c) was reading
4. We … chess all morning. Can we do something else now?
a) has played b) have been playing c)will play
5)It`s rather hot in here. I … a window.
a) open b)am going to open c)will open
6. My father is … than my mother.
a) tall b) taller c) the tallest
7. I … as a driver. Now I work as a plumber.
a) was working b) used to work c) used to worked
8. This painting was painted … Picasso.
a) by b)with c)of
9. Ann ran … Tom yesterday at the shopping centre.
a) onto b) into c) to
10. Tom is the best student in his class, and his parents are very proud … him.
a) of b)for c)about
11. Can I have ... juice?
a) a lot of b) some c) any
12. There aren`t … milk in the fridge.
a) any b)a lot of c) few
13. Alex made this chair by…
a) myself b) himself c) itself
14. John is … of spiders.
a)scared b)scaring c) scares
15. You have got three brothers, … ?
a) haven`t you b) have you c) has you

Вариант 2.
1. Hurry up! Our bus … in ten minutes.
a) left b)leaves c)will leave
2. That is the boy … mother works in our school.
a) who b)that c)whose
3. Mary lives in Hollywood, but she … a famous celebrity.
a)has never meet b)never has met c)has never met
4. Sam … that the house at the end of the street is haunted.
a) is believing b)believes c)believe
5.You look so serious. What … you … about?
a) do/think b) do/thinking c)are thinking
6. This restaurant is very, very good. It`s … restaurant in London.
a)the better b)the good c)the best
7. When Tom was young, he … hide-and- seek with her friends. Now he prefers
playing board games.
a)was playing b) used to played c)used to
8. This costume was designed by Christian Dior.
a)by b)with c)of
9. We`ve run … salt.
a) of b)from c) out off
10. My friend is always there to help me deal … my problems.
a) in b) for c)with
11. Is there … apples?
a) some b)a lot of c)any
12. There are … eggs in the fridge.
a)many b)a lot of c)much
13. My brother irons his trousers by … .
a)herself b)himself c)itself
14. Alice is …. In football.
a)interested b)interesting c)interests
15. They live in Moscow, … ?
a) don`t they b) do they c)didn`t they

Ответы к варианту 1.
1)b, 2)a, 3)c, 4)b, 5)c, 6)b, 7)b, 8)a, 9)b, 10)a, 11)b, 12)a, 13)b, 14)a, 15)a

Ответы к варианту 2б
1)b, 2)c, 3)c, 4)b, 5)c, 6) c, 7)c, 8)a, 9)c, 10) c, 11)c, 12)b, 13)b, 14)a, 15)a

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