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TERM TEST 1 Name: Mark: .

Written Comprehension (20 points)

Promotional Material
1 Read the page from a TV guide. Then complete the sentences. (10 points)

This Weekend’s Highlights on Channel 2 TV
Hoaxes That Almost Changed History
People have played tricks on each other for hundreds of see according to Hull’s instructions,
years. But in the 19th century, a record number of people
told workmen to dig in the area where he
attempted to fool experts. One of the most famous of these
hoaxes was the Giant of Cardiff. had buried the giant, and the Giant of
In the 1860s, an American businessman called George Cardiff was “born”. Hull’s joke soon
Hull had an argument with a church minister. The turned into a way of making money.
minister, who believed that giants had lived on Earth long People from all over the country
before man, annoyed George Hull. So he came up with
wanted to see the giant, so Newell
a plan to create a giant himself and prove how ridiculous
10 made the most of the situation and
the idea was. 35
started selling tickets.
Hull bought a five-ton block of stone which was shipped
to Chicago. In 1868, sculptors made a giant statue from The Giant of Cardiff caused a lot
15 it. The statue was in the shape of a man who was lying of debate among scientists. According to some of them,
on his back with his right arm on his stomach. He also the giant was really a petrified man. According to others, it
had a mysterious smile on his face. The workers spilled 40 was a statue which priests had made hundreds of years
acid on the statue to make it seem ancient, and Hull ago. In 1870, the statue’s sculptors exposed the hoax.
made tiny holes in it, so it was similar to human skin. Hull finally sold his giant to a carnival making him a rich
When the sculptors had finished, the statue was three man. But in 1873, he was flat broke as a result of bad
metres tall and it weighed more than 1,360 kilograms. investments. He tried to repeat his great hoax with another
Hull sent his giant on a long-distance journey to the farm 45 “discovery” of a giant, but this second hoax never got off
of a man called William “Stub” Newell in Cardiff, in New the ground.
York State. Newell buried the statue in the grounds on But why had the giant’s existence been so widely believed
his farm. The following year, Newell, who was working to and why had no one thought it was a fake? Find out
yourself this Friday at 8.00 pm
1. Hull didn’t believe that .
2. The giant seemed to have human skin because of the holes which .
3. Newell told workmen where to dig because he wanted .
4. Selling tickets to see the giant .
5. Viewers must wait to find out why people believed .

2 Answer the questions. (10 points)

1. Why did Hull want to build a giant?

2. What did Newell do with the statue?

3. How did the scientists explain the Giant of Cardiff?

4. Why did Hull try to repeat the hoax?

5. Why do you think the second hoax didn’t work?

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Corinna 8 Aug 2018


3 Find words or phrases in the text to match the definitions below. (5 points)
1. tricks (lines 1-4)
2. irritated (lines 5-10)
3. ridiculous (lines 5-10)
4. have no money or savings (lines 33-42)
5. started to happen (lines 33-42)

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Written Production (10 points)

Task 1: A Mini Bio
Complete the questionnaire about the environment.
Write a mini bio of a person you admire. Include information about:
1. Have
a. the you profession
person’s ever signed a petition c. where about he an or she environmental
lives issue?
❑ Yes
b. what he orWhat was the petition
she does d. why about? you....................................................................
admire this person
❑ No Why not? .............................................................................................................................
2. 2: A Questionnaire
Which environmental issue have you heard or read the most
about recently?
❑ oil spills ❑ the pollution of water sources
❑ oil and gas drilling ❑ global warming
❑ the destruction of forests ❑ other
3. Where did you hear / read about the issue?

4. What do you think is the worst thing that people have done to
the environment? Why? ...............................................................................................................

5. If you could do something to help the environment, what would

you do? .............................................................................................................................................................

Oral Comprehension (10 points)
An Interview
1 Listen to an interview on a podcast and complete the sentences. (5 points)
1. La Malinche lived during .
2. La Malinche’s mother stopped La Malinche from getting .
3. La Malinche was able to learn languages because she .
4. Aztec women were not allowed to .
5. La Malinche spoke to Montezuma without feeling .

2 Listen again and answer the questions. (5 points)

1. What did Andrea write a book about?
2. Where was La Malinche from?
3. How did she become a slave?
4. Why did the Aztecs give La Malinche to Cortés?
5. How did the Aztecs behave in the presence of their emperor?

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Oral Production (10 points)

An Interview

Student A

Interview your partner for a student profile. Ask your partner questions to complete the chart.
Questions Partner’s answers
Description of your city / town
Special ability / abilities you have
Favourite place/s
A positive experience
An activity you would like to do

Student B

Interview your partner for a student profile. Ask your partner questions to complete the chart.
Questions Partner’s answers
Years lived in city / town
Getting around your town
A recent trip
Strengths and weaknesses
Plans for the future

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