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Dear future roommate;

My name is Mutatiina Trevis Muhwezi. "Muhwezi" is a Ugandan name meaning, a person

that keeps a mystery to themselves. I don’t think I am very mysterious but I might have
some peculiarities. I like to have my tea steaming hot therefore I am enthralled with the
prospect of trying iced tea. My brother says I sleep talk, I am hoping me laughing in the
middle of my sleep will not startle you.

I am excited and anxious to make myself known to you. This reminds of my first day in
school when I was told to go to the staff room and introduce myself to a teacher, I was so
nervous that I pronounced my own name wrongly, calling myself Tlevis instead of Trevis.
Humor is a big part of me that’s why I’d like to share it with you.

My family calls me their personal chef, I like cooking and exploring different dishes. I learnt
most recipes from my grandma, therefore, cooking keeps her memories alive in me. I can't
wait to prepare for you "matoke and rolex" , I am thinking of us adding cheese to kind of
americanize it.

Biking around relaxes me therefore, I hope I won’t be a bother to you when I ask you to
accompany me out to tour around Cambridge and Boston.
I tend to wake up early. My alarm is that of a rooster. It reminds me of home and life at the
country side.. I hope I’ll actually wake up and try not to procrastinate by continuously
pressing the snooze button.

Finally, I also would like you to know that I love music and dancing. Sometimes you may
find me dancing in the room alone provided there is music. I’m down for sharing my playlist
with you and would like to teach you a few Lugandan words and introduce to our music. I
am not sure if I’ll carry my "kadngo kamu" , but if I do, I will definitely play it to you. I use
dance and music to help me cope when i am feeling depressed or stressed to calm my nerves.
Anyway, I hope you are excited to join the college and I wish the best.

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