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3, JULY 2007 1847

Development of a Network-Wide Harmonic

Control Scheme Using an Active Filter
Karen Kennedy, Gordon Lightbody, Robert Yacamini, Michael Murray, and John Kennedy

Abstract—This paper charts the development of a network-wide

harmonic control scheme using an active filter. The individual
components required are discussed and developed. By examining
the operation of the scheme as a whole, fresh insights are gained
into the applicability of previously proposed techniques. The final
scheme was shown to systematically reduce harmonic voltage
levels across a network to within specified limits, without the need
for a priori network impedance information. This work hence
demonstrates the feasibility and effectiveness of active filter based
Fig. 1. Block diagram representation of network-wide control block.
network-wide harmonic control.
Index Terms—Active filter, active power line conditioner
(APLC), harmonic control, optimization.
subsequent sections with a review of previous work in the area
together with a description and justification of the chosen im-
I. INTRODUCTION plementation. The effectiveness of the overall scheme is then in-
vestigated under various network conditions. It is demonstrated
ARMONIC distortion is a problem which dates back to
H the earliest days of power system engineering. However,
as technology evolves, so too do the problems and solutions re-
that with due consideration to the interaction between the indi-
vidual components, a scheme can be designed to yield effective
dynamic control of harmonics at a network-wide level. As a re-
lated to harmonic distortion. Increasingly the cumulative effect sult of this global approach, fresh insights are gained into the
of distributed small nonlinear loads such as PCs are leading to applicability of previously proposed techniques and the feasi-
significant levels of harmonics across power system networks. bility and effectiveness of the approach is established.
The distributed nature of the harmonic sources requires a cor-
responding shift in focus, from single load compensation to a
more network-wide approach to harmonic control. Advances II. PROPOSED FEEDBACK CONTROL SCHEME
in switching technology and the limitations of passive filters
A general block diagram representation of the proposed net-
have led to the proposal of active filters as a means of net-
work-wide harmonic control scheme is shown in Fig. 1. Voltage
work-wide harmonic control. The success of active filter instal-
and current measurement are taken from various points in the
lations for single load compensation indicates the potential ben-
network and analyzed to extract fundamental and harmonic con-
efits of system-wide dynamic harmonic control. As a result a
tent, represented by the vector . This information is then
significant body of research has amassed investigating the var-
used by the control algorithm to calculate the reference current
ious necessary components of such a network-wide harmonic
for the active filter which then injects a compensating current
control scheme, such as the placement of measurement devices,
into the network at bus . From the diagram is it is clear
network-wide harmonic analysis and the active filter control
that a number of components are necessary to implement such
a scheme. Initially a model of the power system network is re-
However, in many cases these individual components have
quired to test the effectiveness of the harmonic control. Next is
been examined in isolation and the feasibility and effectiveness
a means of extracting the necessary network-wide harmonic in-
of full feedback dynamic control of network-wide harmonics
has yet to be established. Taking the West Connaught area of the formation. In addition an algorithm is required to use this infor-
Irish electrical grid as a test system, this paper investigates the mation to determined the active filter injection current reference
development and operation of network-wide harmonic control for network-wide harmonic reduction. Finally, the dynamics in-
using an active filter. The proposed feedback control scheme is volved in the generation of the active filter injection current are
presented in the following section and the primary components modeled.
introduced. These individual components are addressed in the The development and implementation of each of these com-
ponents are described in detail in subsequent section.
Manuscript received July 26, 2005. This work was supported by the ESB
National Grid. Paper no. TPWRD-00425-2005. III. POWER SYSTEM NETWORK
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
University College, Cork, Ireland (e-mail: The system chosen for testing the proposed harmonic control
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at scheme is presented in Fig. 2. This network represents an area of
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2007.899264 the Irish 110 kV transmission system located in the north west
0885-8977/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE

Fig. 2. Single line diagram of West Connaught network with assigned node

region of the Republic of Ireland. The network was first mod- Fig. 3. Harmonic voltage distortion before and after switching of Cathleens
eled in conjunction with ESB National Grid as part of an in- Falls capacitor.
vestigation in harmonic propagation in the area. It was found to
be particularly susceptible to resonance peaks, and correspond-
ingly, potential harmonic amplification, due to the relatively iso- develop active filters for commercial use it was found that
lated nature of the network and the large number of capacitive many of these techniques were too complex for actual imple-
devices. mentation [15]. What was actually required were simple robust
The network was modeled using the SimPowerSystem methods of harmonic extraction. This led to a divergence in the
toolbox of the Matlab Simulink software package which en- field of harmonic signal analysis. Some researchers pursued
abled frequency analysis of the network and the identification more complex techniques with improved accuracy, under the
of potential resonance problems. Distributed nonlinear loads assumption that the technology would later become available
were introduced across the network based on a knowledge of for feasible implementation. Others sought simpler alternatives
load type in each area and the typical load composition for each for immediate implementation using current technology. The
load type [1]. Similarly, the inherent harmonics introduced by most commonly implemented of these is Instantaneous Reac-
the TCR in the SVC were modeled according to IEEE 519 tive Power Theory (IRPT) which calculates the instantaneous
[2]. However, these were found to be primarily filtered by the power using Parks transform on measured 3-phase voltages and
dedicated harmonic filters in the SVC design. current [16]–[18]. However, while IRPT remains a dominant
The resulting harmonic voltage levels across the network choice for commercially available filters, there are recognized
were compared against European Standard EN50160 and it was limitations to this method including demonstrated poor per-
found that 5th harmonic levels exceeded the specified 6% limit formance in the presence of unbalance and voltage distortion
at a number of buses. All other harmonic orders were within [19]–[21]. Another technique of note is Synchronous Reference
their respective limits. Using the frequency analysis tools of Frame (SRF) which similarly relies on Park’s Transform, while
the Matlab package the frequency response of the network demonstrating better performance in the presence of unbalance
under various capacitor switching conditions was investigated. and voltage distortion [22]–[24]. While many other techniques
It was found that the switching out of the Cathleens Falls have been proposed [25]–[27] in each case the feasibility of
capacitor led to a resonant peak near the 7th harmonic causing implementation was a fundamental constraint, limiting the
a corresponding rise in 7th harmonic levels across the network accepted computational complexity of the approach.
as demonstrated in Fig 3. However, in [28] Saiz and Guadalupe described the imple-
mentation of the Kalman filter algorithm on an 8-bit micropro-
IV. NETWORK-WIDE HARMONIC ANALYSIS cessor for the continuous real-time tracking of power system
With the development of active filtering came a corre- harmonics demonstrating the feasibility of on-line implementa-
sponding shift in the focus of harmonic analysis techniques tion. Following this encouraging result, Rechka et al. [29] in-
from previous batch processing techniques such as the FFT to vestigated the Kalman filter as a means of harmonic detection
methods capable of dynamically tracking changing harmonics. for active filter operation. The filter was compared against IRPT
In the quest for ever more accurate tracking of power system and Fourier techniques and it was concluded that improved de-
harmonics, methods such as the Kalman filter [3]–[8] artificial tection quality was achievable with the Kalman filter algorithm.
neural networks [9], [10] Singular Value Decomposition [11], This work was taken a step further by Barros and Perez [30]
fuzzy regression [12], [13] and genetic algorithms [14] have who implemented a Kalman filter controlled active filter in a
been proposed. However, when power engineers began to laboratory set-up demonstrating that the Kalman filter could be

feasible means to improve the dynamic performance of the ac-

tive filter. As a result of the reported feasibility and effective-
ness of the Kalman filter based active filter control it was de-
cided here to adopt the algorithm for network-wide harmonic
analysis. The implementation of the analysis is described in the
following sections.

A. Harmonic Signal Analysis

The Kalman filter is an recursive algorithm which seeks to
optimally estimate the value of a number of parameters known
as states [31]. Because the state estimate is updated with each Fig. 4. Kalman filter algorithm.
new measured data point it is particularly suitable for tracking
changing parameters and non-stationary signal analysis. For the
application of harmonic analysis the harmonic signal is typically nature ensures it is relatively robust to tuning parameter varia-
modeled in terms of its Fourier components as follows: tion, with little chance of divergence. In fact, it has been shown
that for this model it is not the actual values but merely the ratio
of and which affects the filter operation [36], simplifying
the tuning process.
(1) This model has been successfully applied to the analysis of
power system harmonic measurements [5], [6]. However, its
where is the sampled harmonic signal at time , harms is the failure during fundamental frequency deviation is widely docu-
set of harmonic orders presented and and the amplitude mented [3], [37]. For this reason many researchers have sought
and phase respectively of the th harmonic order at time . to update the fundamental frequency of the signal model by
Measurement error is represented by the zero mean Gaussian means of external fundamental frequency estimation. For this
noise process . The states to be estimated are then assigned as application a zero-crossing method with polynomial fitting as
described by Begovic et al. in [38] was employed to estimate
(2) the fundamental frequency. This method was chosen as the zero-
crossing is robust and easy to implement while the polynomial
Thus, the states can be linearly related to the measurement fitting greatly increases the accuracy of the estimate and pro-
through a measurement matrix given by vides robustness to harmonic distortion, eliminating the need
for a pre-filter to remove these components.

(3) B. Harmonic State Estimation

The previous model can be used to estimate the harmonic con-
A propagation model is then used to model the expected tent of a single measurement. To get a complete picture of the
variation of the states over time. The accurate modelling of voltage levels across the network would require the placement
power system dynamics is in itself a topic of much research with of measurement devices at each node in the network, which may
various proposed models [32]–[35]. However, to minimize com- not be economically or logistically feasible. A preferable solu-
putational burden, a random walk model was adopted whereby tion is to place a smaller number of GPS-synchronized measure-
is the Identity matrix and the variation of each state over ment devices across the network and use both voltage and cur-
time is modeled by rent measurement to solve for the remaining harmonic voltages.
This technique, known as state estimation, has been employed
(4) by power system engineers for many years [39]–[41] and in-
vokes the use of network admittance information to relate volt-
where is a zero mean Gaussian white noise process. The ages and currents across the network by
Kalman filter algorithm uses the covariance matrices of ,
and , and respectively, to recursively estimate the state (5)
vector so as to minimize the variance of the error. A flow dia- (6)
gram of the algorithm is giving in Fig 4. By varying the value of
and the filter can be effectively “tuned” to achieve the de- Here, and are the time-varying complex phasor vectors
sired performance. An increase in will increase the dynamic of node injection currents and line currents respectively at the
tracking capability while and increase in will improve noise th harmonic frequency and and are the bus and branch
rejection. Appropriately choosing and to balance these admittance matrices at that frequency. These relationships form
conflicting characteristics can prove a difficult task and has been the basis of a measurement matrix, , relating a single current
a limiting factor in the use of the Kalman filter in certain applica- measurement to network-wide harmonic voltage information.
tions. A significant benefit of the chosen model is that its linear Focussing initially on an injection current measurement at node

, the complex phasor relationship of (5) can be split into its real
and imaginary components with



Similar to (1), the actual current measurement is given by Fig. 5. Actual and estimated 5th, 7th, 11th, and 13th harmonic voltage ampli-
tudes at Node 18 during harmonic state estimator initialization.

decided to place devices at nodes 2, 6, 10, 17, and 24 as this

placement-set gave the maximum number of the line current
measurements and hence maximum information retrieval.
The full network model based on these measurement points
was then developed using (1), (5), and (6) with a sample fre-
quency of 10 kHz. It was decided to limit the analysis to the
fundamental, 5th, 7th, 11th, and 13th order harmonics as higher
orders tended to be negligible. With 2 states per harmonic this
resulted in 10 states per node. Reducing the bus admittance ma-
trix to only source nodes as proposed in [50] allowed the number
of nodes directly estimated to be reduced to 15 giving a total of
(9) 150 states estimated by the Kalman filter harmonic state esti-
mator. From these states, the harmonic levels at the remaining
14 nodes could be directly calculated.
A similar relationship can be derived for the line current mea-
surement. Recognizing that the real and imaginary voltage com- D. Harmonic State Estimation Results
ponents are the desired states to be estimated, a relationship can To test the accuracy and tracking capability of the proposed
be developed between any current measurement and the state measurement system it was tested under a both steady state and
vector containing fundamental and harmonic voltage compo- non-stationary operating conditions. Fig. 5 presents the initial
nents across the network in the form of a measurement matrix convergence of the estimate of the harmonic voltage levels at
. Thus, by careful selection of the number and location of the Node 18. It can be seen that the estimator converges to the cor-
measurement devices network-wide harmonic voltage informa- rect values in just over a quarter of a cycle of the fundamental
tion can be estimated. frequency despite the fact that there is no meter at this node.
In order to test the dynamic response of the estimator a sudden
C. Placement of Measurement Devices change of harmonic levels was introduced by switching out the
In large systems determining the optimum placement of Cathleens Falls capacitor 2 s into the simulation. Because of
measurement devices can be a difficult task and as a result it the introduction of a resonant peak near the 7th harmonic, the
is a problem which has been the focus of much research. Pro- switching of this capacitor resulted in a sudden large jump in 7th
posed approaches tend to evaluate the effectiveness of a given harmonic levels across the network. In addition the switching
measurement-set based on one of two indicators; estimation introduces transients which distort the measured signal. This can
error [42]–[45] or network observability [46]–[49]. To ensure clearly be seen in Fig. 6 which shows the measured voltage and
the most general applicability, it was decided here to place the current waveforms at the Cathleens Falls bus.
devices based on the observability of the resulting network Fig. 7 examines the harmonic estimates at node 25 during the
rather than estimation error. Based on the work presented by simulation. The sudden large rise in the 7th harmonic voltage
Baldwin et al. in [49], an initial measurement set was obtained is easily identified. As expected the convergence time for each
which resulted in a proposed measurement set of 5 devices. harmonic will vary due to different Kalman filter tuning param-
Due to the small size of the network and the small number of eters for each harmonic order, and the different levels of voltage
measurement devices involved, it was possible to determine change. However, in general, the convergence times are typi-
that network observability could not be achieved with less than cally of the order of 50 ms. Clearly, this convergence time is
5 devices. Testing all possible sets of 5 devices identified 4 significantly greater than the 0.005 s initial convergence. It is
possible measurement sets that ensured observability. It was also longer than the time taken for visible switching transients

Fig. 8. Sample network voltages plotted in relation to boundary of radius V .

Fig. 6. Measured voltage and current waveforms at the Cathleens Falls bus V. ACTIVE FILTER CONTROL
(Node 29) during the switching out of the installed capacitor bank. The capacitor
is switched at the zero cross point of the capacitor current.

A. Calculation of

The application of an active filter for network-wide control

is still a relatively new concept. However the success of the
filter in single load compensation has ensured that there is al-
ready a significant body of work investigating the calculation of
for such an application. The aim of network-wide harmonic
compensation is to reduce harmonic distortion across the net-
work rather than just at a single bus or node. A more specific
aim is to bring harmonic voltage levels within limits specified
by a relevant standard such as IEEE 519, or the European stan-
dard EN50160. Current research tends to fall into two main ap-
proaches, harmonic damping or optimization based techniques.
However, as discussed in [52], neither approach is capable of
achieving network-wide harmonic compliance without a priori
information and hence an iterative search algorithm (ISA) was
Fig. 7. Actual and estimated 5th, 7th, 11th, and 13th harmonic voltage ampli-
tudes at Node 25 before, during, and after the switching out of the Cathleens developed which was shown to effectively achieve harmonic
Falls capacitor. compliance across a network under both steady-state and dy-
namic conditions. It is this algorithm which will be used to con-
trol the active filter current injection in our control scheme.
to decay. While such switching transients will inevitably affect To ensure network-wide harmonic compliance the algorithm
the estimation an additional potential influence is the character- adopts an optimization based approach, visualizing the problem
istic “memory” effect of the filter. as in Fig. 8 with the circular boundary representing the speci-
As a recursive algorithm the Kalman filter is inherently in- fied limit on the magnitude of the voltage for a particular har-
fluenced by past estimates. In continuously varying signals this monic frequency. The actual harmonic voltages at each node
allows for extremely swift dynamic tracking however, in this can be plotted on this complex plane. The aim of the control
particular situation where the state vector has been constant for is to bring each node within the circular boundary using an it-
a relatively long period of time, the Kalman filter has “learnt” erative feedback approach rather than offline optimization re-
that the frequency content of the signal is constant and hence quiring additional network impedance information. By inter-
preting the system response to a previous change in active filter
there is an inevitable inertia as the estimator struggles to adapt to
injection the required injection to achieve the desired voltage
such a large deviation from previous behavior. Techniques have
change can be determined. This can be represented visually as
been developed which aim to limit the effect of past memory
in Fig. 9 where the required current injection to bring to
and emphasize most recent data which can improve dynamic re-
is given by
sponse under such conditions [51]. Alternatively, more complex
models which more accurately represent power system prop-
agation has been proposed [32]–[35]. However, these models (10)
significantly increase the computational complexity of the esti-
mation and hence are currently infeasible for actual implemen- (11)
tation. Overall, while limiting factors of the dynamic tracking
performance of the estimator have been identified the perfor-
mance of the harmonic state estimation is well within the re- Thus, by interpreting the system response to previous active
quirements for effective harmonic control. power line conditioner (APLC) injection, the required change


Fig. 9. Evolution of bus j voltage where the required current injection for com-
pliance is calculated based on system response to the previous change in current
according to (1).
Fig. 11. Block diagram representation of the internal operation of the active

that the current will correspondingly decrease should system

conditions cause a further reduction of voltage harmonics. This
was achieved by modifying the proposed algorithm to reduce
the active filter injection to 99.5% of its original value once har-
monic compliance is attained.
The proposed algorithm was tested against a standard non-
linear optimization of active filter injection current based on an
Fig. 10. Iterative compensation of the hth harmonic voltage at buses l and n accurate knowledge of network impedance information. The re-
according to (12) with set to 0.5.
sulting calculated active filter injections required to bring 5th
harmonic voltage levels in the West Connaught network within a
specified 6% limit are compared in Table I. Clearly, the methods
in current to give the desired voltage can be calculated inde- yield almost identical current injections, indicating the effec-
pendent of the bus impedance. By adopting this approach ex- tiveness of the proposed approach.
cess harmonic voltage distortion at a single bus can be brought
within the boundary in a two-step process as illustrated in Fig. 9. B. Generation of
However, if there is excess distortion at more than one bus in the
network then the inter-dependence of the network voltages must Once the iterative search algorithm has determined the
be taken into account. In such as case it is preferable to gradu- desired reference current for the active filter injection it must
ally bring each bus voltage towards the boundary in an iterative then be converted to an actual current injection by the active
fashion. In this way, the control algorithm cycles through the filter control circuit. While the active filter is often modeled
set of excess buses and on each iteration a single bus is moved as an ideal current source, in order to ensure maximum ac-
a fraction , of the distance towards its desired voltage until all curacy during dynamic simulations it was decided to adopt a
buses are within the boundary. Hence, the change in is more detailed model of the filter operation. The chosen model
given by is based on [53] and can be represented in simplified block
diagram form as in Fig. 11. The desired current is then
compared with the actual current value to generate an
error signal. This error signal is input into the discrete time
current controller which outputs the harmonic voltage
where . A typical response for 2 excess buses with required across the inductor to generate the desired active filter
set to 0.5 is shown in Fig. 10. At each iteration information injection. The actual system voltage at point of connection
obtained from the previous change in APLC current is used to of the filter is then added to to yield the required voltage
determine the next current change according to (12). This pro- at the inverter side of the inductor . The time taken for
cedure can be expanded to any number of excess nodes, system- the computation of is represented by a single time delay.
atically bringing each node towards the boundary in an iterative A pulsewidth modulation technique controls the switching
fashion until a value for is reached whereby all voltages of the bridge inverter to convert this desired voltage into an
are within limits. Because the algorithm iteratively searches for actual continuous time output. Finally, the difference between
a suitable it has been termed the “iterative search method”. the voltage generated at the inverter terminals and the actual
Should system conditions change and the voltages increase be- network voltage causes the filter current to flow through
yond the specified limits, the iterative search algorithm will the inductor .
modify to bring them back within the feasible region once In [53], it was found that deadbeat control resulted in effective
more. Once convergence is achieved it is also desired that min- performance, tracking the reference current with a 2 sample-
imal be injected to meet the standard requirements and time delay, and was thus adopted for the current controller C(z).

Fig. 12. Initial variation of the 5th harmonic output of the iterative search al-
gorithm when switched in during stationary power system operation. (a) Mag-
nitude of I and (b) phase of I . Fig. 13. Variation of magnitude of network-wide 5th harmonic voltage distor-
tion in response to active filter current injection of Fig. 12 during stationary
power system operation.

For a sample time , the deadbeat controller can be directly

designed as


While the deadbeat controller gives good tracking perfor-

mance, a possible drawback is that it can lead to ringing in
the control signal. However, examination of the signals in the
control loop indicated that this was not an issue here. As an
alternative to Jintakosonwit’s work, the use of a discrete time
Proportional and Integral (PI) controller was also investigated.
However, it was found that overall the deadbeat controller was Fig. 14. 7th harmonic output of the iterative search algorithm before and after
the switching out of the Cathleens Falls capacitor. (a) Magnitude and (b) phase
both simpler to implement and gave superior results. of I .


the voltage levels drop towards the 6% limit and compliance is
The full feedback harmonic control scheme as described in reached at all nodes within 1 s.
Section II was implemented using the Matlab Simulink package.
As only 5th and 7th harmonic orders exceeded limits during the B. Scenario 2: Capacitor Switching
investigated scenarios, the iterative search algorithm was only
Scenario 2 involves the switching out of the Cathleens Falls
applied for these orders. Theoretically the algorithm could be
capacitor 2 s into the simulation, resulting in a sudden rise in 7th
executed at each sample time of the harmonic state estimation.
harmonic levels. This section presents the result of the harmonic
However, in order to allow changes to propagate through the
control before, during and after the switching event. Starting
system, the iterative search algorithm was set to recalculate the
with the 7th harmonic, the amplitude and phase of the active
active filter reference current every 0.1 s. The result of the full
filter injection current at this frequency is shown in Fig. 14,
control scheme under a variety of steady-state and dynamic con-
while Fig. 15 plots the 7th harmonic voltage response at all the
ditions is examined in the following section.
nodes in the system.
Prior to the capacitor switching the 7th harmonic levels in
A. Scenario 1: Initial Convergence
the system are below the 5% limit and hence is zero. The
The first scenario to be tested was the switching in of the ac- switching out of the Cathleens Falls capacitor causes the 7th
tive filter to the power system operating under steady state con- harmonic voltage levels to rise above the 5% limit and the it-
ditions 0.1 s into the simulation. The Cathleens Falls capacitor erative search algorithm responds by increasing . Based on
is switched in during the simulation hence 7th harmonic voltage the information obtained from the initial injection it begins to
levels are within limit and thus only the 5th harmonic control is modify accordingly, each time reducing the 7th harmonic
under investigation. voltages, bringing them closer to the desired limit. An inter-
The results of the 5th harmonic control are shown in Figs. 12 esting phenomena is the apparent “drop” in the magnitude of
and 13. Fig. 12 shows the variation of the magnitude and phase at 2.4 s. Comparison with the phase of at this time
of over time. A plot of the fifth harmonic voltages across shows a dramatic change from degrees to degrees.
the system in Fig. 13 demonstrates the effectiveness of the vari- Most significantly, examination of the 7th harmonic voltages at
ation of the fifth harmonic injection current. With each iteration this iteration show a corresponding significant drop in voltage

Fig. 15. Variation of the network-wide 7th harmonic voltage levels before and Fig. 17. Variation of the 5th harmonic output of the iterative search algorithm
after the switching out of the Cathleens Falls capacitor with 7th harmonic active before and after the switching out of the Cathleens Falls capacitor. (a) Magni-
filter injection as in Fig. 14. tude of I and (b) phase of I .

the perturbations of the 5th harmonic voltage estimates reduce

and the algorithm can respond effectively to bring harmonic
levels within limits once more. Overall, both the 5th and 7th har-
monic voltage levels are reduced to below limits within 1.5 s of
the switching event occurring.


The aim of this work was to systematically develop a com-
plete network-wide harmonic control scheme. It was shown that
by the expansion and merging of previously proposed models
the Kalman filter can be used to perform network-wide har-
monic state estimation. However, an external fundamental fre-
Fig. 16. Close-up of the magnitude of 5th harmonic voltage distortion at node quency estimator is required with the use of a linear model. In
7 during capacitor switching in response to the active filter current injection of
Fig. 17. addition, while initial convergence properties were extremely
fast the response time to sudden changes after prolonged steady-
state operation was much slower. Due to the likelihood of such
levels demonstrating that the iterative search algorithm does not scenarios during actual power system operation it indicates the
merely increase the current to reduce voltage distortion, rather, potential need to incorporate additional compensation for the
it utilizes both amplitude and phase adjustments to achieve the “memory” aspect of the filter. Another identified limiting factor
desired goal. was the inter-dependence of the estimated states whereby large
Fig. 16 presents a close-up of the 5th harmonic voltages at variation in one harmonic order was seen to delay the conver-
node 7, as this is the only node in the network to exceed limits gence of a different harmonic.
beyond initial active filter compensation. Fig. 17 shows the cor- When evaluating previously proposed techniques for calcula-
responding active filter current injection during the scenario. tion of the active filter reference current for network-wide har-
From the figures it can be seen that the iterative search algo- monic control it was found that there were significant limitations
rithm adjusts the active filter injection to bring the 5th harmonic involved. As a result a novel control algorithm was proposed
voltage below limits within 1 s of simulation. Initial transients which iteratively brought harmonic voltages within specified
visible on the harmonic voltage estimate will inevitably delay limits without the need for a priori network impedance informa-
the convergence of the iterative search algorithm. In addition tion. Overall the complete scheme was demonstrated to respond
the switching of the capacitor causes the 5th harmonic voltages accurately and robustly under various power system operation
across the network to rise slightly, exceeding limits at Node 7 conditions indicating the potential benefits and feasibility of net-
only, by a mere 0.0002 pu. In order to adjust to compensate work-wide harmonic control using and active filter.
for a voltage change of such small magnitude requires extremely
accurate measurements. Unfortunately due to the inter-depen- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
dence of the Kalman filter estimation a change in a single har-
The authors would like to thank ESB National Grid for advice
monic voltage will affect the estimation of the entire state vector.
throughout this research.
In this case the large changes in 7th harmonic voltage levels
directly after the capacitor switching result in perturbations of REFERENCES
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frequency estimation by VFF Kalman filtering,” Signal Process., vol. the Ph.D. degree in 1993 in electrical and electronic engineering from Queen’s
77, pp. 343–347, 1999. University, Belfast, Ireland.
[52] K. Kennedy, G. Lightbody, R. Yacamini, M. Murray, and J. Kennedy, His research interests include nonparametric modelling, local model net-
“Online control of an APLC for network-wide harmonic reduction,” works for process modeling and control, model-based predictive control,
IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 432–439, Jan. 2006. fuzzy/neural systems, and nonlinear control. This work focused on key applica-
[53] P. Jintakosonwit, H. Fujita, and H. Akagi, “Control and performance of tion areas, including wind power, power system control and harmonic analysis.
a fully-digital-controlled shunt active filter for installation on a power
distribution system,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 17, no. 1, pp.
132–140, Jan. 2002.
Robert Yacamini has been Chair of electrical engineering at University Col-
lege, Cork, Ireland, since 1997. Prior to that, he held positions in UMIST and
Aberdeen University. Current research activities include downhole pump over-
voltages; active filters for power systems; harmonics; electrical power quality;
and wind energy.

Karen Kennedy received the B.Eng. degree in electrical and electronic engi- Michael Murray is with ESB National Grid, Dublin, Ireland.
neering from University College, Cork, Ireland, in 1999, and the Ph.D. degree
in electrical engineering from University College in 2004.
Her research interest include the power system modeling and the application
of active filters for network-wide harmonic control. John Kennedy is with ESB National Grid, Dublin, Ireland.

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