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Provide a summary of your organization's mission, history, strategic priorities, and key


Mission: Hope, Health and Housing Organization is dedicated to ensuring that everyone,
regardless of their race, financial status, or social background, has access to a safe and secure
place to call home. The organization believes in promoting equitable access to healthcare and
housing resources, with a particular emphasis on economically and socially disadvantaged

History: Founded [insert year], Hope, Health and Housing Organization emerged in response to
the pressing need for addressing housing and healthcare disparities. It was established by a
group of passionate individuals committed to creating positive change and breaking down
barriers that prevent vulnerable populations from accessing essential resources.

Strategic Priorities:
Equitable Access: Ensure that individuals from all walks of life have equal opportunities to
secure safe and affordable housing and receive quality healthcare services.

Community Empowerment: Foster community engagement and empowerment through

education, advocacy, and partnerships to create sustainable solutions for housing and
healthcare challenges.

Innovation and Collaboration: Embrace innovative approaches and collaborate with

stakeholders, including government agencies, nonprofits, and the private sector, to develop
comprehensive strategies that address the root causes of housing and healthcare inequities.

Advocacy for Policy Change: Advocate for policy changes at local, regional, and national levels
to influence systemic changes that promote housing and healthcare justice.

Key Accomplishments:

Affordable Housing Initiatives: Successfully initiated and implemented affordable housing

projects that have provided secure and stable homes for hundreds of families facing economic

Healthcare Access Programs: Established programs and partnerships that have improved access
to healthcare services for underserved communities, contributing to enhanced overall health

Community Outreach and Education: Conducted extensive outreach and educational campaigns
to raise awareness about housing and healthcare rights, empowering individuals to advocate
for themselves and their communities.
Policy Impact: Successfully influenced policy changes at various levels of government, leading to
more inclusive and equitable policies related to housing and healthcare.
Hope, Health and Housing Organization continues to work tirelessly towards its mission, striving
for a society where everyone can enjoy the fundamental right to a safe and healthy living

The Nonprofit Infrastructure Grant Program will support organizations that are seeking to
strengthen their organizational infrastructure to amplify impact; to increase financial
sustainability; to strengthen the ability to meet goals; and, to build strategic competitive
advantages. Please describe the following areas as they relate to your organization:

a. What three key areas of your organization infrastructure are a priority at this point in time?
(Examples include further developing staff expertise, financial systems, grants compliance,
partnership structures and agreements, policies and procedures, technology, etc.)

b. What are you currently doing to address these infrastructure priorities?

a. Three Key Areas of Priority:

Technology Infrastructure: Enhancing and modernizing our technology infrastructure is a top
priority. This includes upgrading software, improving cybersecurity measures, and ensuring our
systems are scalable to meet the growing needs of our organization.

Staff Development: Investing in staff expertise and development is crucial. We aim to provide
ongoing training opportunities, leadership programs, and skill-building workshops to empower
our team and enhance their capabilities in navigating the complex landscape of our mission.

Financial Systems and Sustainability: Strengthening our financial systems and ensuring long-
term sustainability is a priority. This involves refining budgeting processes, exploring diversified
funding sources, and implementing strategies to maximize financial efficiency and resilience.

b. Current Actions to Address Priorities:

Technology Infrastructure:
Conducted a comprehensive technology audit to identify weaknesses and areas for
Initiated the process of migrating to a more advanced and integrated software suite to
streamline operations.
Implemented regular cybersecurity training sessions to educate staff on best practices and
minimize security risks.

Staff Development:
Established a professional development fund to support staff members in attending relevant
workshops, conferences, and training programs.
Implemented mentorship programs to foster knowledge transfer and skill-sharing among team
Conducting regular performance assessments to identify areas for improvement and tailor
training programs accordingly.

Financial Systems and Sustainability:

Collaborated with financial consultants to conduct a thorough review of existing systems and
identify opportunities for improvement.
Developed and implemented a comprehensive financial sustainability plan, exploring
alternative revenue streams and diversifying funding sources.
Engaged in capacity-building workshops for staff involved in financial management to ensure
compliance with best practices and regulations.
By focusing on these key areas and implementing strategic initiatives, our organization aims to
fortify its infrastructure, ensuring we are well-equipped to maximize our impact, achieve our
goals, and adapt to the evolving needs of our community.

Are you currently engaged in any other formal capacity building initiatives or programs with
Propel Nonprofits or anyone else? If yes, describe what you are prioritizing with that project.
How would participating in the Nonprofit Infrastructure Grant Program further your
organization's long-term sustainability?

As of now, our organization is actively participating in a formal capacity-building initiative with

Propel Nonprofits, focusing on enhancing leadership and governance within our team. This
initiative prioritizes leadership training programs, board development, and strategic planning to
fortify our organizational structure.

If granted the opportunity to participate in the Nonprofit Infrastructure Grant Program, it

would significantly contribute to our long-term sustainability. The program aligns seamlessly
with our ongoing capacity-building efforts by providing the financial support necessary to fortify
key infrastructure areas. Specifically, the grant would be instrumental in advancing our
technology infrastructure, staff development, and financial sustainability initiatives.

In the realm of Technology Infrastructure, the grant would facilitate the seamless integration of
advanced software solutions and cybersecurity measures. This not only bolsters our operational
efficiency but also positions us to adapt to evolving technological landscapes.
Regarding Staff Development, the grant would serve as a catalyst for more extensive training
programs, enabling our team to stay abreast of industry trends and best practices. It empowers
us to foster a culture of continuous learning and adaptability, crucial elements for long-term

In the context of Financial Systems and Sustainability, the grant would inject vital resources into
our comprehensive financial sustainability plan. This plan explores alternative revenue streams,
diversifies funding sources, and ensures that our financial systems are robust and adaptive.
Participating in the Nonprofit Infrastructure Grant Program, therefore, becomes a strategic
investment in our organization's future. It not only addresses immediate needs but positions us
for sustained impact by fortifying our foundations. The program's support aligns perfectly with
our commitment to building a resilient and sustainable organization capable of navigating the
complexities of our mission over the long term.

The Nonprofit Infrastructure Grant Program will support organizations led by cultural
communities that are using cultural-relevant strategies to address historical inequities in
these communities. Please describe the following:
a. Describe how your organizational leadership - board and management - reflect the cultural
community your organization serves.
b. Describe the cultural community your organization serves.
c. Describe how your programming or services are strategically designed to achieve impact in
the cultural community you serve.

a. Organizational Leadership Reflecting Cultural Community: Our organizational leadership,

both at the board and management levels, is intentionally representative of the diverse
communities we serve. Our leadership team includes individuals from various ethnic
backgrounds, individuals with disabilities, and representatives with expertise in senior issues.
This diversity ensures that our decision-makers understand and address the unique challenges
faced by people of color, individuals with disabilities, and seniors. We actively seek inclusivity in
our leadership, ensuring a more comprehensive and empathetic approach to tackling historical

b. Cultural Community Served: We are dedicated to serving a broad spectrum of communities,

with a particular focus on people of color, individuals with disabilities, and seniors. These
communities often face compounded challenges rooted in historical inequities. Our approach
acknowledges the intersectionality of identities within these communities, recognizing the
importance of culturally competent and accessible services.

c. Strategic Programming for Impact: Our programming and services are strategically designed
to have a meaningful impact on the lives of people of color, individuals with disabilities, and
seniors. We prioritize cultural relevance and accessibility in all aspects of our initiatives. This
includes offering multilingual services, providing accommodations for individuals with
disabilities, and tailoring programs to address the unique needs of seniors.

For people of color, our initiatives may include targeted mentorship programs, job placement
services, and community events that celebrate cultural diversity. For individuals with
disabilities, we focus on creating inclusive spaces, ensuring that our physical and digital
environments are accessible, and providing support services that empower independence. In
addressing the needs of seniors, our programs may involve healthcare advocacy, social
engagement activities, and assistance with navigating the challenges associated with aging.

Our strategic approach recognizes the historical inequities faced by these communities and
aims to not only provide immediate relief but also foster long-term empowerment. By
centering our efforts on the needs of people of color, individuals with disabilities, and seniors,
we strive to create lasting positive change that respects the dignity and uniqueness of each
individual within these communities.

Explain how your organization is strategically addressing the current infrastructure


a. Describe how you are currently deploying resources for your infrastructure priorities. For
example, are key objectives part of staff annual goals; are you using volunteers to help fill
capacity needs; are you securing in-kind contributions of equipment, technology, etc.?

b. Describe how you engage your partners - employees, board members, volunteers, and
others - in your infrastructure strategies.

a. Deployment of Resources for Infrastructure Priorities: To address our current infrastructure

priorities, we have strategically deployed resources across key objectives. Staff annual goals
explicitly incorporate these priorities, emphasizing skill development, project milestones, and
process improvements related to technology, staff expertise, and financial sustainability.
In leveraging our resources, we've engaged volunteers who bring specialized skills in technology
and finance. This not only fills capacity needs but also fosters a sense of community
involvement. Additionally, we've successfully secured in-kind contributions, such as equipment
and technology, through partnerships with local businesses and technology providers. This
collaborative approach ensures that we maximize our resources and build a more robust
infrastructure without stretching our budget thin.

b. Engagement of Partners in Infrastructure Strategies: Our approach to infrastructure

development is collaborative and inclusive, engaging various stakeholders in our organization.

Here's how we involve key partners:

Employees: Staff members are actively involved in shaping and executing infrastructure
strategies. Regular training sessions, workshops, and skill-building programs are organized to
ensure that our team is equipped with the expertise needed to contribute to infrastructure
priorities. Their insights and feedback are valued in decision-making processes.

Board Members: The board plays a pivotal role in guiding our organization's strategic direction.
Infrastructure priorities are a recurring theme in board discussions, and members actively
contribute their expertise, networks, and resources to advance these priorities. They serve as
advocates for infrastructure development within the organization.

Volunteers: Volunteers, particularly those with specialized skills in technology and finance, are
integrated into infrastructure projects. Their contributions are not just a supplement to our
efforts but an integral part of the strategy. We provide them with a meaningful role that aligns
with their expertise and interests.
Community Partners: Engaging with local businesses, community organizations, and technology
providers is crucial. We collaborate with them not only for in-kind contributions but also for
knowledge exchange, ensuring that our strategies are informed by a broader understanding of
best practices and innovative approaches.

By fostering a culture of collaboration and involving our partners in infrastructure strategies, we

create a collective commitment to the success of these initiatives. This approach not only
enhances the efficiency of our efforts but also ensures that the development of our
infrastructure aligns with the diverse expertise and perspectives within our organizational

The NIGP program focuses on developing your organizations internal infrastructure through
this grant program. Please describe your work plan for this grant project. The grant is a multi-
year reimbursement-based funding. First Year funds are from December 11, 2023, thru June
30, 2024. Second year funds will be contingent to successful progress made on year one work
plan, completion of midterm report, and attending identified trainings, learning labs, and one
annual grantee convening. If selected for this grant; your organization will be required to
submit a more detailed work plan due on January 8, 2023, at 5pm. Please describe your work
plan for this grant project. Include the following:
a. Describe your key activities to be funded through this grant.
b. List your goals and how you will measure progress on those goals.
c. Describe your timetable for carrying out the activities and achieving the goals in your
d. Identify key contact person within your organization that will partner with Propel for the
purpose of implementing your project workplan to accomplish your organizations
infrastructure priorities.

a. Key Activities to be Funded:

Technology Infrastructure Enhancement:
Upgrade and integrate software systems.
Implement cybersecurity measures.
Train staff on new technology tools.

Staff Development:
Establish a professional development fund.
Conduct leadership and skill-building workshops.
Implement mentorship programs.

Financial Systems and Sustainability:

Collaborate with financial consultants for system review.
Develop and implement a comprehensive financial sustainability plan.
Engage in capacity-building workshops for financial staff.

b. Goals and Measurement:

Technology Infrastructure Enhancement:
Goal: Achieve 100% integration of upgraded software.
Measurement: Regular system audits and feedback from staff on the effectiveness of new tools.

Staff Development:
Goal: Increase overall staff satisfaction with professional development opportunities by 20%.
Measurement: Employee surveys, participation rates in workshops, and post-training

Financial Systems and Sustainability:

Goal: Diversify funding sources by securing at least three new partnerships.
Measurement: Documented partnership agreements and increased revenue from new sources.

c. Timetable:
December 11, 2023 - June 30, 2024 (Year 1):

Conduct technology audit and initiate software upgrades (Dec 2023 - Jan 2024).
Establish professional development fund and conduct initial training programs (Feb - Mar

Collaborate with financial consultants for system review and initiate financial sustainability
planning (Apr - May 2024).

Implement cybersecurity measures and continue staff development programs (Jun 2024).

Year 2 (Contingent on Successful Progress):

Complete software upgrades and integration (Jul - Sep 2024).
Monitor and adjust professional development initiatives based on year 1 feedback (Oct - Nov
Finalize financial sustainability plan and secure new partnerships (Dec 2024 - Jan 2025).
Midterm report submission and attendance at identified trainings and convening (Feb 2025).

d. Key Contact Person: Jane Doe, Chief Operating Officer

Phone: (555) 123-4567
Jane Doe will serve as the primary contact person within our organization for coordinating and
partnering with Propel. She will be responsible for overseeing the implementation of the work
plan, ensuring alignment with organizational priorities, and facilitating effective communication
with Propel throughout the grant project.
Propel Nonprofits seeks to help organizations improve their financial administrative
infrastructure, skills building and trainings, leadership, and board development during the
course of this grant program. Many small BIPOC-led nonprofits can't adequately compete for
state and local government grants or contracts because of limitations in this area. Please
describe the areas in your organization's financial administration where technical assistance
would be helpful, such as budgeting, cash flow projections, cash management, accounting
systems, leadership, and board trainings, etc.

Current Status: While we have basic budgeting practices, refining our approach is essential.
Technical Assistance Needed: Guidance on developing more detailed and strategic budgets,
aligning financial plans with organizational goals, and incorporating best practices for budget

Cash Flow Projections:

Current Status: Our cash flow projections may benefit from improvement for more accurate
financial planning.
Technical Assistance Needed: Support in creating dynamic and comprehensive cash flow
projection models, adapting them to changing circumstances, and understanding the nuances
of cash flow management.

Cash Management:
Current Status: Optimizing cash management strategies is an area where we seek

Technical Assistance Needed: Training on effective cash management practices, identifying

opportunities for investment, and developing contingency plans for financial challenges.

Accounting Systems:
Current Status: Our accounting systems may need optimization for efficiency, accuracy, and

Technical Assistance Needed: Guidance on selecting and implementing accounting software

that aligns with our organization's needs, ensuring proper integration, and training staff for
effective usage.

Leadership and Board Trainings:

Current Status: While committed, targeted training could enhance the financial acumen of our
leadership and board.
Technical Assistance Needed: Customized training programs on financial oversight, fiduciary
responsibilities, and effective decision-making to ensure a more informed and engaged
leadership team.

Grant and Contract Competitiveness:

Current Status: Limited capacity to compete for state and local government grants or contracts.
Technical Assistance Needed: Strategies to enhance competitiveness, including grant writing
workshops, guidance on compliance requirements, and assistance in developing compelling
Strategic Planning:
Current Status: A more structured strategic planning process can aid in aligning financial goals
with organizational mission.

Technical Assistance Needed: Support in developing and implementing a strategic plan that
integrates financial objectives, ensuring long-term sustainability and impact.
By receiving technical assistance in these areas, our organization aims to build a more resilient
and competitive financial infrastructure. This support will not only address immediate
challenges but also contribute to the overall growth and effectiveness of our organization in
advancing its mission.

How will you build on the infrastructure improvements you've described in this application?
How are you involving staff, board members, and key allies in your sustainability strategies?

1. Staff Engagement:
Training and Capacity Building: Continuous training programs will be established to ensure that
staff members are well-equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to maintain and
optimize the improved infrastructure. This includes ongoing sessions on technology usage,
financial management, and best practices in program delivery.
Feedback Mechanisms: Regular feedback loops will be implemented to gather insights from
staff regarding the effectiveness of the new systems and areas that may require further
refinement. This ensures that the improvements align with the day-to-day needs of the staff
and enhance their overall efficiency.

2. Board Involvement:
Strategic Oversight: The board will continue to play a pivotal role in providing strategic
oversight. Periodic reviews and discussions will be held to assess the impact of infrastructure
improvements on organizational goals and mission alignment.
Fiscal Responsibility: Board members will be actively engaged in fiscal responsibility, ensuring
compliance with financial best practices and regulatory requirements. Their expertise will
contribute to the sustained success of the enhanced financial systems.

3. Key Allies Collaboration:

Community Partnerships: Collaboration with key allies, including community partners, will be
instrumental in sustaining and expanding the impact of our programs. These partnerships will
extend beyond the grant period to secure ongoing support and resources.
Shared Resources: Leveraging shared resources with allied organizations can enhance
operational efficiency. For instance, collaborative efforts on joint training programs, shared
technology solutions, or co-hosted events can optimize costs while maximizing impact.

4. Sustainability Planning:
Integrated Sustainability Plan: The enhanced financial sustainability plan developed during the
grant period will serve as a foundational document. It will be regularly reviewed, updated, and
integrated into the organization's overall strategic planning to ensure ongoing relevance and
alignment with evolving needs.
Diversification Strategies: Sustainable practices, such as diversifying funding sources and
exploring innovative revenue streams, will be embedded in the organization's culture. This
includes ongoing efforts to secure philanthropic support, grants, and donations from a variety
of sources.

5. Transparent Communication:
Open Communication Channels: Transparent communication will be maintained with all
stakeholders, keeping them informed about the progress, challenges, and successes resulting
from the infrastructure improvements. This includes regular updates through newsletters,
annual reports, and direct communication channels.
In essence, sustainability is not a static goal but an ongoing commitment. By involving staff,
board members, and key allies in our sustainability strategies, we aim to create a culture of
shared responsibility and collaboration. This ensures that the infrastructure improvements
made during the grant period become integral to our organizational DNA, fostering long-term
resilience and impact.

If this grant is meant to cover only part of the costs of an infrastructure project, please
describe the larger project and other sources of funding currently prospected or secured.
Please disregard this question if this is a stand-alone project.

Describe your organization's current financial health. Please describe:

a. Is the organization building up reserves?
b. Has the organization recently faced financial difficulties?
c. What steps you are taking to ensure good financial health for your organization?

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