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No Nama penyakit Bahasa Inggris Contoh Kalimat

1 Batuk Cough /kof/ He was coughing badly at night.

2 Demam Fever /ˈfiːvə/ The baby slept with a high fever.

3 Pilek Cold or flu /kəuld/ /fluː/ I feel cold.

4 Kanker Cancer /ˈkӕnsə/ His cancer has spread.

5 Lumpuh Paralyze /ˈper.əl.aɪz/ He had been paralyzed by stroke.

6 Tumor Tumor /ˈtu·mər/ It is kind of benign tumor.

7 Diare Diarrhea /ˌdɑɪ·əˈri·ə/ Many babies die from diarrhea.

8 Asma Asthma /ˈæs.mə/ An asthma attack

9 Patah tulang Bone fracture /boʊn/ /ˈfræk.tʃər/ They learnt several types of bone

10 Tifus Typhus /ˈtaɪ.fəs/ Typhus is caused by bacteria.

11 Sembelit Constipation /ˌkɒn.stɪˈpeɪ.ʃən/ He suffered from


12 Radang paru Pneumonia /njuːˈməʊ.ni.ə/ The patients are easily get


13 Sakit kepala Headache /ˈhed.eɪk/ I've got headache.

14 Sakit perut Stomachache /ˈstʌm·ək ˌeɪk/ This stomachache isn't


15 Radang tenggorokan Sore throat /ˌsɔːr ˈθroʊt/ She has a sore throat.

16 Serangan jantung Heart attack /ˈhɑːt əˌtæk/ He had a heart attack a

year ago.

17 Sakit gigi Toothache /ˈtuːθ.eɪk/ I always have terrible toothache.

18 Sakit telinga Earache /ˈɪə.reɪk/ They treat his earache at home.

19 Sakit mata Sore eyes /sɔːr/ /aɪs/ It is a simple home remedy for sore eyes.

20 Sariawan Sprue or mouth sores You can try the tips to overcome sprue.

21 Diabetes Diabetes /ˌdaɪ.əˈbiː.tiːz/ There are several types of diabetes.

22 Katarak Cataract /ˈkæt.ə.rækt/ My grandma got cataract surgery.

23 Keseleo atau terkilir Sprain /spreɪn/ He sprained his ankle when playing

24 Mual Nausea /ˈnɔː.zi.ə/ Pregnant women probably feel nausea.

25 Usus buntu Appendicitis /əˌpen.dɪˈsaɪ.tɪs/ If you have appendicitis, your

appendix needs to be removed.
26 Luka bakar Burnt wound /bɜːnt/ /wuːnd/ He is caring his burn wounds at

27 Kapalan Callous /ˈkæl.əs/ A callus is a toughened area of skin which

has become thick and hard.

28 Flu burung Bird flu /ˈbɜːd ˌfluː/ He experienced the typical of bird flu

29 Demam berdarah Dengue fever /ˈdeŋ.ɡiˈfiː.vər/ Dengue fever is a disease

caused by virus transmitted by mosquitoes.

30 Sakit punggung Backache /ˈbæk.eɪk/ She easily got backache.

31 Cacar Smallpox /ˈsmɔːl.pɒks/ Smallpox is an infectious disease

that causes a fever and spots in skin.

32 Muntah Vomit /ˈvɒm.ɪt/ He was vomiting up blood.

33 Ruam Rash /ræʃ/ The baby have got rash on his chest

34 In Pink eye/ conjunctivitis /kənˌdʒʌŋk.tɪˈvaɪ.tɪs/ Conjunctivitis

makes his eyelids swollen and sticky.

35 Kanker payudara Breast cancer /brestˈkæn.sər/ He died of breast cancer.

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