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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras

Unidad de Aprendizaje
Evaluación de los Aprendizajes
Actividad de aprendizaje:
Classroom activity 8

Keila Beatriz García Barrientos 1898913

Grupo i43
Mtra. Dan Isai Serrato Salaza

The ability to speak a language is essential for communication. It allows us to share

our thoughts and ideas with others, and to build relationships. For young learners,
developing speaking skills is particularly important. It helps them to develop their
communication skills, their confidence, and their understanding of the world around
them. Speaking skills are not simply about being able to say words correctly. They
also involve being able to use language fluently and accurately, and to express
oneself clearly and effectively. Young learners need to develop all of these skills in
order to be successful communicators in English.

- There are a number of factors that can influence the development of speaking
skills in young learners. These include:

• Language exposure: Young learners need to be exposed to English in order

to learn to speak it. This exposure can come from a variety of sources, such
as watching English-language movies and TV shows, listening to English
music, and reading English books and stories.
• Motivation: Young learners are more likely to develop speaking skills if they
are motivated to do so. This motivation can come from a number of sources,
such as wanting to communicate with friends and family, wanting to learn
about new cultures, or wanting to be successful in school.
• Opportunities to practice: Young learners need opportunities to practice
speaking English in order to improve their skills. This practice can come from
a variety of activities, such as role-playing, games, group discussions, and

Teachers play a key role in developing speaking skills in young learners. They can
provide learners with opportunities to practice speaking, they can model good
speaking skills, and they can provide feedback on learners' speaking performance.
Developing speaking skills in young learners is an important investment in their
future. By providing learners with the opportunities and support they need, teachers
can help them to develop the skills they need to be successful communicators in
English. In the following sections of this introduction, we will discuss the importance
of developing speaking skills in young learners in more detail. We will also discuss
some of the challenges that young learners face when developing speaking skills,
and some of the strategies that teachers can use to help learners overcome these
challenges.around them.
I. Benefits of speaking skills for young learners

Speaking skills have a number of benefits for young learners. These include:

• Communication skills: Speaking helps learners to develop their

communication skills. When they speak, they have to think about what they
want to say, how they want to say it, and how to make themselves understood.
This helps them to develop their ability to communicate effectively in a variety
of situations.
• Confidence: Speaking helps learners to build their confidence. When they
are able to express themselves clearly and effectively, they feel more
confident in their abilities. This can have a positive impact on all areas of their
lives, including their academic performance and their social relationships.
• Understanding of the world: Speaking helps learners to develop their
understanding of the world around them. When they are talking about different
topics, they are exposed to new ideas and perspectives. This helps them to
expand their knowledge and understanding of the world.

II. Ways to develop speaking skills in young learners

There are a number of ways to develop speaking skills in young learners.

These include:

• Role-playing: Role-playing is a fun and engaging way for learners to practice

speaking. It allows them to practice using the language in different real-world
contexts. For example, learners could role-play a conversation between two
friends, a customer and a waiter, or a doctor and a patient.
• Games: Games are another great way for learners to practice speaking.
There are many different games that can be used for this purpose. For
example, learners could play a game where they have to describe a picture
or object to their classmates without using any words.
• Group discussions: Group discussions allow learners to practice speaking
in front of their peers and teachers. They can also help learners to learn from
each other and to develop their listening skills.
• Presentations: Presentations allow learners to practice speaking in front of
a larger audience. This can be a daunting task for young learners, but it is an
important skill to develop.
• One-on-one interactions: One-on-one interactions with the teacher can also
be helpful for developing speaking skills. This gives learners the opportunity
to get personalized feedback and support.

III. Assessing speaking skills

It is important to assess speaking skills regularly so that teachers can track their
progress and identify any areas where they need additional support. There are a
number of different ways to assess speaking skills. These include:

• Rubrics: Rubrics are a set of criteria that can be used to assess speaking
performance. For example, a rubric for assessing speaking performance
might include criteria such as fluency, accuracy, pronunciation, and
vocabulary use.
• Checklists: Checklists can be used to track learners' progress on specific
speaking skills. For example, a checklist for tracking learners' progress on
fluency might include items such as "speaks without hesitation" and "uses a
variety of sentence structures."
• Observation: Observation can be used to assess learners' overall speaking
performance. For example, teachers can observe learners during class
discussions and presentations to get a sense of their speaking skills.

IV. Tips for developing speaking skills in young learners

In addition to the activities and assessment methods mentioned above, here are
some other tips for developing speaking skills in young learners:

Create a supportive and encouraging learning environment. Learners need to

feel comfortable speaking English in order to improve their speaking skills. Teachers
can create a supportive learning environment by being positive and encouraging,
and by providing learners with opportunities to practice speaking in a safe and non-
judgmental environment.

Model good speaking skills. Learners learn by observing the people around them.
Teachers can model good speaking skills by using clear and concise language, and
by speaking at a natural pace.

Provide feedback. Feedback can help learners to identify areas where they need
to improve their speaking skills. Teachers can provide feedback by listening to
learners' speaking, and by offering them suggestions on how to improve their
fluency, accuracy, pronunciation, and vocabulary use.

Be patient. Developing speaking skills takes time. It is important to be patient with

learners and to provide them with the support they need to succeed.

Developing speaking skills in young learners is an important part of teaching English.

By following the tips above, teachers can help their students to develop the speaking
skills they need to communicate effectively in English.

In addition to the tips mentioned above, here are some other things that
teachers can do to help young learners develop their speaking skills:

Make speaking fun and engaging. Learners are more likely to want to speak
English if they are having fun. Teachers can make speaking fun by using games,
activities, and other engaging materials.

Provide learners with opportunities to practice speaking in a variety of

contexts. Learners need to practice speaking English in a variety of contexts in
order to develop their skills. This includes practicing speaking in front of their peers,
in front of their teacher, and in front of a larger audience.

Provide learners with feedback on their speaking performance. Feedback can

help learners to identify areas where they need to improve their speaking skills.
Teachers can provide feedback by listening to learners' speaking, and by offering
them suggestions on how to improve their fluency, accuracy, pronunciation, and
vocabulary use.

Be patient and supportive. Developing speaking skills takes time. It is important

to be patient with learners and to provide them with the support they need to

- Here are some additional tips for teachers:

Create a supportive and encouraging learning environment. Learners need to feel

comfortable speaking English in order to improve their skills. Teachers can create a
supportive learning environment by being positive and encouraging, and by
providing learners with opportunities to practice speaking in a safe and non-
judgmental environment.

Model good speaking skills. Learners learn by observing the people around them.
Teachers can model good speaking skills by using clear and concise language, and
by speaking at a natural pace.

Use a variety of teaching methods and materials. There is no one-size-fits-all

approach to teaching speaking skills. Teachers need to use a variety of teaching
methods and materials to meet the needs of all learners.
Collaborate with other teachers. Teachers can collaborate with each other to
develop and implement effective speaking activities. They can also share resources
and ideas.

Developing speaking skills in young learners is a challenging but rewarding task. By

following the tips above, teachers can help their students to develop the speaking
skills they need to be successful communicators in English.

- The importance of developing speaking skills in young learners

Speaking skills are essential for success in school, in the workplace, and in life.
Young learners who are able to communicate effectively in English are more likely
to succeed in all areas of their lives.

Speaking skills can help young learners to:

Improve their academic performance. Studies have shown that students who are
proficient in English tend to perform better in school. This is because speaking skills
are essential for participating in class discussions, asking questions, and giving

Develop their social skills. Speaking skills are also important for developing social
skills. Young learners who are able to communicate effectively in English are more
likely to make friends and build relationships.

Increase their self-confidence. When young learners are able to communicate

effectively in English, they feel more confident in themselves and in their abilities.
This can have a positive impact on all areas of their lives.

- The challenges that young learners face when developing speaking skills

Young learners face a number of challenges when developing speaking skills. These
challenges include:

Lack of exposure to English. Many young learners do not have regular exposure
to English outside of the classroom. This can make it difficult for them to develop
their speaking skills.

Fear of making mistakes. Young learners are often afraid of making mistakes when
they speak English. This can prevent them from speaking up in class or participating
in discussions.

Lack of confidence. Some young learners may lack the confidence to speak
English. This can be due to a number of factors, such as their lack of exposure to
English or their fear of making mistakes.
- Strategies that teachers can use to help learners overcome these

Teachers can help young learners overcome the challenges they face when
developing speaking skills by:

Providing learners with opportunities to practice speaking English in a safe

and supportive environment. This can be done through activities such as role-
playing, games, and group discussions.

Modeling good speaking skills. Teachers can model good speaking skills by
using clear and concise language, and by speaking at a natural pace.

Providing learners with feedback on their speaking performance. Feedback

can help learners to identify areas where they need to improve their speaking

Encouraging learners to take risks and make mistakes. Mistakes are a

natural part of the learning process. Teachers should encourage learners to take
risks and make mistakes,

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