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UN No: 22023307
Name: Lorem Lorem
Course Code: 5425885
Q1 State the language learning skills.
There are several language learning skills that are essential for successful language acquisition.
These include:

Listening: The ability to comprehend spoken language and distinguish between different sounds
and intonations.

Speaking: The ability to produce sounds, words, and sentences to communicate meaning.

Reading: The ability to recognize and understand written language, including vocabulary,
grammar, and syntax.

Writing: The ability to produce written language, including spelling, grammar, and syntax.

Vocabulary: The ability to learn and retain new words and phrases.

Grammar: The ability to understand and use the rules of language, including sentence structure
and word order.

Pronunciation: The ability to produce sounds and words accurately and clearly.

Fluency: The ability to speak, read, write, and understand a language with ease and confidence.

Comprehension: The ability to understand and interpret spoken and written language.
Cultural Awareness: The ability to understand and appreciate the cultural context of a language
and its speakers.
Q2 Mention four objectives of Teaching English language at the primary school.

Here are four objectives of teaching English language at the primary school level:

Developing basic language skills: The primary objective of teaching English at the primary school
level is to develop basic language skills in students, including listening, speaking, reading, and
writing. These skills are important for communication and form the foundation for learning other

Enhancing cognitive abilities: English language teaching can also enhance cognitive abilities in
young children. It can improve their ability to think logically, make connections, analyze
information, and solve problems. It can also improve their memory and concentration skills.

Encouraging cultural understanding: Another objective of teaching English at the primary school
level is to encourage cultural understanding. By exposing students to different cultures and
customs, they can develop a broader perspective and appreciation for diversity.

Preparing students for the future: Finally, teaching English at the primary school level prepares
students for the future. English is a widely used language in business, science, technology, and
many other fields. By mastering English at a young age, students are better equipped to succeed
in the globalized world.
Q3 Mention four importance of the syllabus book to the teacher

The syllabus book is an essential tool for teachers as it provides a clear outline of the topics and
learning outcomes that need to be covered during a particular academic year or semester. Here are
four important reasons why the syllabus book is important to teachers:

Helps in planning and organizing: The syllabus book provides a structured framework for teachers
to plan their lessons and organize their teaching materials. This enables them to cover all the
required topics within the given timeframe and ensures that the students are prepared for the final

Provides a clear learning objective: The syllabus book clearly outlines the learning objectives for
the course or subject. This helps teachers to understand the specific knowledge and skills that the
students are expected to gain from the course, and to plan their lessons accordingly.

Facilitates communication: The syllabus book acts as a communication tool between the teacher
and the students. It provides information about the course expectations, assessment criteria,
grading policies, and other relevant information that the students need to know. This ensures that
there is a clear understanding between the teacher and the students, which helps to avoid confusion
and misunderstandings.

Helps in evaluating student progress: The syllabus book provides a framework for evaluating
student progress. It outlines the assessment methods, grading criteria, and the weightage of each
assessment component. This helps teachers to assess the students' understanding of the topics
covered, and to identify areas where additional support or intervention may be needed.
Q5 Why are profile dimensions important to the teacher

Profile dimensions are important to teachers because they provide valuable information about their
students' individual needs, strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles. Understanding these profile
dimensions can help teachers to tailor their teaching strategies and approaches to meet the unique
needs of each student.

For example, if a teacher knows that a student is a visual learner, they may use more diagrams,
charts, and images to help the student understand a concept. On the other hand, if a student is an
auditory learner, the teacher may use more lectures, discussions, and audio recordings to help the
student absorb information.

Similarly, if a student has a particular strength or interest, the teacher can use that to engage the
student in the learning process and help them develop their skills further. By knowing the profile
dimensions of each student, the teacher can create a more personalized and effective learning
environment that supports each student's individual learning journey.
Q6 Why is English language important in Ghana

English language is important in Ghana for several reasons:

Official Language: English is the official language of Ghana, which means it is used in
government, education, media, and business.

International Communication: English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world,
and being proficient in English allows Ghanaians to communicate with people from other countries
and cultures.

Education: Most of the textbooks and educational materials in Ghana are written in English, so
being proficient in English is crucial for academic success.

Job Opportunities: Many jobs in Ghana require proficiency in English, especially in sectors such
as tourism, hospitality, and international business.

Cultural Exchange: English is a language of global culture, and knowing it opens up opportunities
for Ghanaians to engage with and learn from other cultures around the world.

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