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Social Groups - consists of two or more people primary groups ideally do.

The sociology
who regularly interact on the basis of mutual class for which you are reading this book is
expectations and who share a common identity. It an example of a secondary group, as are
is easy to see from this definition that we all belong the clubs and organizations on your campus
to many types of social groups: our families, our to which you might belong. Other secondary
different friendship groups, the sociology class, and groups include religious, business,
other courses we attend, our workplaces, the clubs governmental, and civic organizations. In
and organizations to which we belong, and so forth. some of these groups, members get to
Social group is a collection of individuals who know each other better than in other
have relations with one another that make them secondary groups, but their emotional ties
interdependent to some significant degree. and intensity of interaction generally remain
much weaker than in primary groups.
It is important here to distinguish social groups from
3. Reference Group- Primary and secondary
two related concepts: social categories and
groups can act both as our reference
social aggregates. A social category is a
groups or as groups that set a standard for
collection of individuals who have at least one
guiding our own behavior and attitudes. The
attribute in common but otherwise do not
family we belong to obviously affects our
necessarily interact. Women is an example of a
actions and views, as, for example, there
social category. All women have at least one thing
were probably times during your
in common, their biological sex, even though they
adolescence when you decided not to do
do not interact. Asian Americans is another
certain things with your friends to avoid
example of a social category, as all Asian
disappointing or upsetting your parents. On
Americans have two things in common, their ethnic
the other hand, your friends regularly acted
background and their residence in the United
during your adolescence as a reference
States, even if they do not interact or share any
group, and you probably dressed the way
other similarities. As these examples suggest,
they did or did things with them, even
gender, race, and ethnicity are the basis for several
against your parents’ wishes, precisely
social categories. Other common social categories
because they were your reference group.
are based on our religious preference, geographical
Some of our reference groups are groups to
residence, and social class.
which we do not belong but to which we
Falling between a social category and a social nonetheless want to belong. A small child,
group is the social aggregate, which is a collection for example, may dream of becoming an
of people who are in the same place at the same astronaut and dress like one and play like
time but who otherwise do not necessarily interact, one. Some high school students may not
except in the most superficial of ways, or have belong to the “cool” clique in school but may
anything else in common. The crowd at a sporting still dress like the members of this clique,
event and the audience at a movie or play are either in hopes of being accepted as a
common examples of social aggregates. These member or simply because they admire the
collections of people are not a social category, dress and style of its members.
because the people are together physically, and 4. In Groups and Out-Groups- Members of
they are also not a group, because they do not primary and some secondary groups feel
really interact and do not have a common identity loyal to those groups and take pride in
unrelated to being in the crowd or audience at that belonging to them. We call such groups in-
moment. groups. Fraternities, sororities, sports
teams, and juvenile gangs are examples of
Members of Society belong to the following: in-groups. Members of an in-group often
1. Primary Group- A primary group is usually end up competing with members of another
small, is characterized by extensive group for various kinds of rewards. This
interaction and strong emotional ties, and other group is called an out-group.
endures over time. Members of such groups 5. Social Networks- These days in the job
care a lot about each other and identify world we often hear of “networking,” or
strongly with the group. Indeed, their taking advantage of your connections with
membership in a primary group gives them people who have connections to other
much of their social identity. people who can help you land a job. You do
2. Secondary Group- Secondary group not necessarily know these “other people”
members feel less emotionally attached to who ultimately can help you, but you do
each other than do primary group members know the people who know them. Your ties
and do not identify as much with their group to the other people are weak or nonexistent,
nor feel as loyal to it. This does not mean but your involvement in this network may
secondary groups are unimportant, as nonetheless help you find a job. Modern life
society could not exist without them, but is increasingly characterized by such social
they still do not provide the potential networks, or the totality of relationships that
emotional benefits for their members that link us to other people and groups and
through them to still other people and

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