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COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus

University Road, Post Code 22060, Abbottabad, KPK, Pakistan

Department of Pharmacy
Pharmaceutics’ Lab
(C-3 Lab)

Student Name: ___________________________________ Registration No: _______________________

Discipline/Program: __________________________ Supervisor Name: __________________________
Research Topic: _______________________________________________________________________
Equipment to be used: __________________________________________________________________
Working Hours: ________________ Duration of Work with dates: _______________________________
Number of samples: ________________ Storage Conditions: ___________________________________
Samples form: Plant Extract/Synthetic Chemical Compound/Nanoparticles/Others (_________________)
Name of Student which will assist or perform the experiment ___________________________________
Terms and Conditions
 Student will work under supervision of Lab’s Student who is the expert of working on instrument.
 No gathering/grouping is allowed in the lab.
 Student should complete his/her work in working hours (8:00 am to 4:00 pm). Working is not
allowed on weekends and holydays.
 No chemical or Instrument is allowed to carry outside the Lab C-1.
 Student has to follow the SOPs of lab strictly.
 No student other than C-1 students is allowed to work during off hours.

I Mr. / Ms. _____________________________________ is taking the full responsibility of the lab
items/equipment being used. In case of any loss/misconduct or any other incident, I will be held
Student’s Signature with date: _________________

Supervisor’s Signature/official stamp: _________________

Lab In charge:
Permission: Allowed/Rejected (if Allowed, duration __________)
Reasons if rejected: ____________________________________________________________________
Signature with date: ______________________

Lab Teacher:
Permission: Allowed/Rejected (if Allowed, duration __________)
Reasons if rejected: ____________________________________________________________________
Signature with date: ______________________

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