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Quiz 2 Pharmacology 5th A

Name Reg No. 19.10.22

002. Which of the following agents is related to tricyclic antidepressants?

a) Nefazodon. b) Amitriptyline,c) Fluoxetine. d) Isocarboxazid
005. Which of the following antidepressants is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor?
a) Phenelzine,b) Desipramine,c) Maprotiline,) Fluoxetine
006. Which of the following antidepressant agents is a selective inhibitor of norepinephrine reuptake?
a) Fluvoxamine,b) Maprotiline,) Amitriptyline,d) Tranylcypromine
007. Indicate the antidepressant, which blocks the reuptake pumps for serotonin and norepinephrine:
a) Amitriptyline,b) Fluoxetine, c) Maprotiline, d) Phenelzine
008. Which of the following antidepressants is an unselective MAO blocker and produces extremely long-lasting inhibition of the
a) Moclobemide, b) Tranylcypramine, c) Selegiline, d) Fluoxetine
009. Indicate the irreversible MAO inhibitor, which is a hydrazide derivative:
a) Moclobemide, b) Selegiline, c) Tranylcypramine, d) Phenelzine
010. Which of the following MAO inhibitors has amphetamine-like activity and is related to nonhydrazide derivatives:
a) Phenelzine, b) Moclobemide, c) Tranylcypramine, d) All of the above
011. Which of the following antidepressants is a selective short-acting MAO-A inhibitor?
a) Maprotiline, b) Amitriptyline, c) Moclobemide, d) Selegiline
012. Monoamine Oxydase A:
a) Is responsible for norepinephrine, serotonin, and tyramine metabolism
b) Is more selective for dopamine, c) Metabolizes norepinephrine and dopamine
d) Deaminates dopamine and serotonin
013. Which synapses are involved in depression?
a) Dopaminergic synapses, b) Serotoninergic synapses, c) Cholinergic synapses
d) All of the above
014. Block of which type of Monoamine Oxydase might be more selective for depression?
a) MAO-A, b) MAO-B, c) Both MAO-A and MAO-B, d) MAO-C
015. The principal mechanism of MAO inhibitor action is:
a) Blocking the amine reuptake pumps, which permits to increase the concentration of the neurotransmitter at the
receptor site
b) Blocking a major degradative pathway for the amine neurotransmitters, which permits more amines to
accumulate in presynaptic stores
c) Inhibition the storage of amine neurotransmitters in the vesicles of presynaptic nerve endings
d) Antagonism of alfa2-norepinephrine receptors
016. The irreversible MAO inhibitors have a very high risk of developing:
a) Respiratory depression
b) Cardiovascular collapse and CNS depression
c) Hypertensive reactions to tyramine ingested in food
d) Potentially fatal agranulocytosis
017. The most dangerous pharmacodynamic interaction is between MAO inhibitors and:
a) Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
b) Tricyclics
c) Sympathomimetics
d) All of the above
018. Serotonin syndrome is a result of:
a) Increased stores of monoamine
b) Significant accumulation of amine neurotransmitters in the synapses
c) Both a and b
d) Depleted stores of biogenic amines
019. The therapeutic response to antidepressant drugs is usually over a period of:
a) 2-3 days
b) 2-3 weeks
c) 24 hours
d) 2-3 month
021. Which of the following features do MAO inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants have in common?
a) Act postsynaptically to produce their effect
b) Can precipitate hypotensive crises if certain foods are ingested
c) Increase levels of biogenic amines
d) Are useful for the manic phase of bipolar disorder
022. Tricyclic antidepressants are:
a) Highly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
b) Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
c) Selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
d) Mixed norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake inhibitors
023. Which of the following autonomic nervous system effects is common for tricyclic antidepressants?
a) Antimuscarinic action, b) Antihistaminic action, c) Alfa adrenoreceptor-blocking action
d) All of the above
024. Indicate an effective antidepressant with minimal autonomic toxicity:
a) Amitrityline, b) Fluoxetine, c) Imipramine, d) Doxepin
025. Fluoxetine has fewer adverse effects because of:
a) Mixed norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake inhibition
b) Depleted stores of amine neurotransmitters
c) Minimal binding to cholinergic, histaminic, and alfa-adrenergic receptors
d) All of the above
026. Which of the following tricyclic and heterocyclic antidepressants has the greatest sedation?
a) Doxepin, b) Amitriptyline, c) Trazodone, d) All of the above
027. Which of the following tricyclic and heterocyclic agents has the least sedation?
a) Protriptyline, b) Trazodone, c) Amitriptyline, d) Mitrazapine
028. Indicate a tricyclic or a heterocyclic antidepressant having greatest antimuscarinic effects:
a) Desipramine, b) Amitriptyline, c) Trazodone, d) Mirtazapine
029. Indicate a tricyclic or a heterocyclic antidepressant having least antimuscarinic effects:
a) Trazodone, b) Buprorion, c) Mirtazapine, d) All of the above
030. Which of the following antidepressants has significant alfa2-adrenoreceptor antagonism?
a) Amitriptyline, b) Nefazodone, c) Mirtazapine, d) Doxepin
031. Indicate the main claim for an ideal antidepressant agent:
a) A faster onset of action, b) Fewer adverse sedative and autonomic effects
c) Fewer toxicity when overdoses are taken, d) All of the above
032. Sedation, peripheral atropine-like toxicity (e.g. Cycloplegia, tachycardia, urinary retention, and constipation), orthostatic
hypotension, arrhythmias, weight gain and sexual disturbances are possible adverse effects of:
a) Sertaline, b) Amitriptyline, c) Phenelsine, d) Bupropion
033. Which of the following drugs is least likely to be prescribed to patients with prostatic hypertrophy, glaucoma, coronary
and cerebrovascular disease?
a) Amitriptyline, b) Paroxetine, c) Bupropion, d) Fluoxetine
034. Indicate the antidepressant agent, which is a phenyltolylpropylamine derivative:
a) Paroxetine, b) Maprotiline, c) Fluoxetine, d) Amitriptyline
036. Which of the following antidepressants is used for treatment of eating disorders, especially buliemia?
a) Amitriptyline, b) Fluoxetine, c) Imipramine, d) Tranylcypromine
037. Sertaline and paroxetine are similar to fluoxetine in the mechanism of action and therapeutic use, sertaline is less likely
to interact adversely with other drugs.
a) True, b) False
038. A highly selective serotonine reuptake inhibitor is:
a) Sertaline, b) Paroxetine, c) Fluoxetine, d) All of the above

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