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◎Problems 1-10. Six points each. Choose the best answer from (A) – (D) .

1~10 題每題 6 分,從(A) – (D)中選擇最佳的答案。
1) 35+56-19=?

(A) 67 (B) 72 (C) 78 (D) 82


(A) (B) (C) (D)

3) 93-( )=46

(A) 47 (B) 57 (C) 48 (D) 55

4) Mom parked her car at the parking lot at 11:00. She went back to her car 7 hours later. What time
did she go back to her car?

媽媽在 11:00 時將汽車停在停車場,7 小時後她去取車。請問她在


(A) (B) (C) (D)

5) Place 4 sticks A, B, C, and D from the longest to the shortest.

將 A、B、C、D 4 根木棍由長到短依序排列。


6) 438-( ★ )-( ★ ) - 474 - 486,★=?

(A) 456 (B) 460 (C) 458 (D) 462


(A) (B) (C) (D)

8) The cook picks three vegetables from the garden. He measures their lengths. The corn is 23cm long,
and it is 5cm longer than the radish. The eggplant is 11cm longer than the corn. What is the
difference between the longest and the shortest vegetables in cm?

23cm,玉米比蘿蔔長 5cm,茄子比玉米長 11cm,則最長和最短的蔬
菜長度相差多少 cm?

(A) 12 (B) 16 (C) 18 (D) 26

9) Count. Which option below has the sum of $100 USD?

金總和正好是 $100?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

10) A pack of Pokemon cards has 6 cards. Ash had 5 cards originally. Later, Misty gave him 7 packs of
cards. How many cards does Ash have now?

1 包 Pokemon 卡包裝有 6 張卡牌,Ash 原有 5 張卡牌,Misty 送給他 7

包卡包後,Ash 現在有多少張卡牌?

(A) 47 (B) 42 (C) 41 (D) 12

◎Problems 11-15. Eight points each. Choose the best answer from (A) – (D) .
11~15 題每題 8 分,從(A) – (D)中選擇最佳的答案。
11) Fold the figure below into a cube. Find the maximum sum of the numbers on three of the faces
which share the common vertex.


(A) 22 (B) 21 (C) 18 (D) 17

12) 1 bottle of juice is sold 9 dollars on weekdays. On the weekend, each bottle of juice is on sale and
the price is 3 dollars off. If John only has 50 dollars, how many more bottles of juice can he buy on
the weekend than on weekdays?

1 瓶果汁平日售價 9 元,周末特價每瓶降價 3 元,John 只有 50 元,


(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4

13) Pick 2 from the 6 number cards to form the largest 2-digit even number. Pick 2 from the remaining
number cards to form the largest 2-digit even number. Find the difference between these two

從 6 張數字卡中選出 2 張,排成最大的二位偶數,再從剩下的數
字卡中選出 2 張,排成最大的二位偶數,這兩個數的差是多少?

(A) 28 (B) 26 (C) 12 (D) 8

14) 84 people attended a game show which had three rounds. In the round of “Red light, green light,” 9
people were eliminated. In the round of “Musical chairs,” some people were eliminated. People who
were eliminated in the round of “Hopscotch” were four times more than the people who had been
eliminated in the round of “Red light, green light.” In the end, 11 people passed the game. How
many people were eliminated in the round of “Musical chairs”?

有 84 人參加遊戲節目,共有三個關卡,在「Red light, green light」關卡

淘汰了 9 人, 「Musical chairs」關卡淘汰了一些人,
「Red light, green light」關卡多淘汰了 4 倍的人,最後通過遊戲的有 11
人,則「Musical chairs」關卡淘汰多少人?

(A) 28 (B) 22 (C) 21 (D) 19

15) As shown below, draw ○ on the products of 3, draw □ on the products of 5, draw △ on the
products of 8. If the same four symbols can be linked up as a straight line, how many straight lines
can be drawn? (Different symbols can be drawn on the same number)

如圖,把 3 的乘法的乘積畫上符號○,把 5 的乘法的乘積畫上符

號□,把 8 的乘法的乘積畫上符號△,每四個相同的符號可以連

(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5

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