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Culpa , John Leo BSTM4F

Module 2 . Lesson 1

Watch this video and briefly explain what

Opportunity is?

* I consider opportunity as a blessing. It is a chance that depends on ourselves whether to grab

or not. Entrepreneurs defines opportunity as a great way to enhance their skills and learnings in
their field.

From your answer in the Activity, how do you think Opportunity is used by entrepreneurs?

* Entrepreneurs are innovative they used an opportunity to show their talents and knowledge in
making product or any ideas that helps them to improve. Inventing are not easy you make an
extra efforts and sacrifice a lot but we all know after all if you are determine and confidence
enough to conquer all the battles in your journey as entrepreneur then you have a higher chance
to be successful in the future.

Give one (1) example each item of a successful Filipino entrepreneur who venture in the
following methods
below and state briefly how they became successful. (5 points each)
1. Starting from Scratch
2. Buying an existing business
3. Getting a Franchise

* Starting from scratch- Tony Tan Caktiong / Jollibee

* Buying an existing business-
* Getting Franchise-

Modified True or False. Identify each statement if it is true or false. If the statement is false,
explain why it is
false. (2 points each)
TRUE1. An opportunity is an unfavorable joining of circumstances with a high probability of
or advancement. Entrepreneurs respond to opportunities by capitalizing on changes, needs, or
new skills or
knowledge in their industry.
TRUE2. Changes in the economy create new needs, desires, and/or problems, and an opportunity
TRUE3. When there is a need and a desire to fulfill it, opportunity arises.
TRUE4. Starting a venture from scratch allows you to start with an innate knowledge and build
business the way you want.
TRUE5. The cost of acquiring and operating a franchise can be high, and you must follow the
franchiser's rules though you don’t have to agree with the

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