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Whether you call it your personal spell book, grimoire or Book of

Shadows, your witchy journal is unique to you and your practice.

Taking the time to record your rituals, recipes, and knowledge along
the way helps you to re�ect on learned, build on what you know and
even pass on your tradition to someone else.

Digital spell books are all the rage right now..

But a paper spell book o�ers some unique bene�ts, including screen
free creative time, the freedom to easily customize fonts and
drawings, and more secure privacy.

I listed some creative prompts below to either get your started on

your Book of Shadows, or to get you past a block in your already
established one.

Spells and Magic

Write your own spell for the coming full moon.

List the moon phases and come up with your own correspondences
and associations.

Pick 5 components for a love spell (roses, strawberries, pink ribbons).

Then come up with creative ways to use them in a spell.

Design a kitchen witch recipe spell using only ingredients you already

Go through your collection of gemstones. Take a moment to hold

each one, then record your thoughts and impressions.
Dream up your ideal sacred space. What would it look like?
Indoors/outdoors? What statuary, wall colors and fabric would you

Design a protection spell for your animal familiar.

Think of an emotional imbalance in your life and come up with a

healing spell to help.

For the Herbalist

If you had to survive for an entire year in the wilderness, what 10
herbs would your bring with you?

Draw a diagram of your dream garden. Pretend that money and time
are no object.

Learn 5 herbs you can �nd in your region. Draw them, then write
down where you are likely to �nd them (in the shade, on the north
side of the hill, ect) and what they can be used for.
List the Sabbats and name one herb that’s in season for each one.

Pick your favorite herbal home remedy and customize it for your
needs and region.

Learn a new recipe for a homemade herbal bath product and write it
down with notations and tips you discovered during the process of
making it.

Make a collage of �owers and herbs you want to try growing from
clippings out of an old gardening magazine.

Design a tarot spread to solve a unique problem in your life at this

Choose a card from the Major Arcana. Draw your own version of it.

Draw out the symbols in a standard set of runes. Did you know their
original meanings are unknown? Assign your own meanings to each

Design your own dowsing mat. Then, actually use it!

Witchy Leisure
Make a list of witchcraft related books you plan to read.

Write a fable about magic gone wrong. What is the moral of the

Brainstorm some pagan-related travel ideas .

Diagram the human body, labeling it with commonly used pressure

points. Then, design a ritual around sacred massage.

Take a nature walk . Identify 5 items in nature and describe how you
might use them in your next ritual.
Wake up early one morning and record the last dream you remember.
What hidden messages do you see?

Expanding Your Knowledge

Interview a member of your coven about a subject he or she has
expertise in. Write about your experience and what you learned.

Identify a place in your area of local folkloric experience. Visit this

place and record the myths associated with it in your own words.

Research a goddess or god from a pantheon with which you are not
familiar. Record your notes for later reference.
Try palm-reading. Trace out your hand, then �ll it in with your unique
line patterns and research their meanings.

Interview the eldest member of your family. Ask them about your
oldest family traditions and brainstorm ways you might incorporate
them into your current practice.
Wheel of the Year
Diagram the Wheel of the Year. Include charming illustrations or
assign a color to each Sabbat.

On the next Sabbat, make a note of the �owers, herbs and other
natural items in season during that time in your region so you know
what to expect next year. Use this knowledge as reference for
planning future Sabbat ritual ideas.

Make a bucket list for the next upcoming Sabbat. For example,
Ostara might include decorating eggs, planting spring �ower bulbs or
giving away gift baskets to friends.

Plan a party for the next Sabbat. Decide on a theme, table settings,
music and a guest list.

Think of some creative ways to include your children in your Sabbat


Diagram your next seasonal altar. Include �ower ideas, symbols,

gemstones, and directional correspondences.

Pagan Cra�s
Design and draw out your ultimate ritual robe. Pretend money and
time are no object.

Experiment with di�erent herbal blends and come up with a recipe

for ritual incense. Record it in detail, including weights and

Pick a crafting skill you know well (knitting, sewing, pottery, ect).
Then think of some ways you might apply your talent to witchcraft.

Design an altar tile for your sacred space. Draw it out in detail,
including symbols, colors and materials you want to use.

Kitchen Witch
Pick a seasonal recipe to cook for every holiday on the Wheel of the

Choose a cookie recipe, then break the ingredients down into their
magical meanings. What kind of spell would this recipe work best
for? Healing, love, workplace harmony?

Design a recipe spell around an edible herb you know well.

List your favorite kitchen tools and think of ways to use them
magically. Does your wooden spoon remind you of a wand? Can you
use your cast iron pot as a cauldron? What other ways might you use
your kitchen tools creatively in spell work?

Go into your kitchen and choose a season fruit or vegetable. Hold it

in your hand, smell it, taste it. What kind of impression do you get? Is
it earthy or aromatic? Spicy or mild? How might these qualities
e�ect its role in your kitchen witch spells?

Design a kitchen altar.

Pick a spell intention (psychic awareness, luck, money, ect.) and then
list every ingredient you can think of that might support that

Or, do the opposite. Pick an ingredient and list every potential

magical use for it you can think of.

Ghosts and the Paranormal

Write about a place you remember from childhood or adolescence
that had a reputation for being haunted. Did you ever visit this
place? Why or why not?

Record any experiences or encounters you’ve had in your life that

made you wonder about the afterlife or spirits. Don’t judge yourself.
You might be surprised when you stop to think about it.

Write a letter to a deceased ancestor. Record any thoughts or dreams

you have about them over the next few days.

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