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Additional Test


Scott Anderson

OGL 482

Course Instructor: Andi Hess

Additional Test

Summary of Additional Test

I had the opportunity to take a personality test, Career Aptitude Test, and WorkStyle

Patterns test recently and discovered some interesting things about me. It turns out, from the

personality test, my scores in agreeableness, extroversion, and conscientiousness are all above

average. However, my score in openness is a bit lower than I expected. This new insight has

made me reflect on how I approach unfamiliar ideas and situations. I am looking forward to

using this information to continue developing personally and professionally.

The results from my Career Aptitude Test indicate that I have a diverse skill set and am

well-rounded in multiple areas. However, I am particularly skilled in creating and building, as

well as thinking and analyzing complex problems. I also enjoy helping others and organizing

projects, as well as persuading people to get involved in new initiatives

I recently took the WorkStyle Patterns Inventory Full Report in OGL340 to learn more

about myself. The results showed that my preferred workstyle is that of an ADAPTER with a

Project Manager. This means that I am able to adapt quickly to new situations and thrive in a

constantly changing work environment. At the same time, I am able to maintain a clear focus on

project timelines and goals, ensuring that everything gets done on schedule.

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