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Lesson Objectives:
When you finish this lecture, you should be able to:

1. Discuss the variety of sexual behaviors in humans;

2. Tackle atypical variations; and
3. Show appreciation of the diversity of human sexual expression.

Behavior is measurable.

 Frequency
 Duration
 Intensity
 Variety

Actions that humans agree to interpret as an expression of their sexual motivations or intentions.

 Behaviors are given meaning by people.

 Sexual behaviors are generally erotic behaviors such that they involve any of the primary or secondary
erotic zones.


For heterosexual couples, the ultimate goal of the sexual act is reproduction. Both human male and female
undergoes a sequence of bodily changes which prepares them for the sexual climax.

Master and Johnson’s Model- Four phases Kaplan’s Model- Three Phases

 Excitement  Desire
 Plateu  Arousal
 Orgasm  Orgasm
 Resolution

Sexual Response Dysfunction

Difficulty or problems in some of the sexual phases.

 Sexual desire disorder- low level of desire or has an aversion to sexual activities
 Sexual arousal disorder- problems in achieving necessary physiological state( e.g, erectile dysfunction in
 Orgasmic disorder- (e.g- premature ejaculation among males)
 Sexual pain disorders- experience of pain during the sexual response cycle (e.g painful erection and vaginal
Sexual dysfunction disorders varied;

 Organic- problem with the anatomy and physiology of the reproductive organ;
 Psychosomatic- a psychological concern which manifest physically.


 Biomedical- surgery, medication

 Psychosocial- psychotherapy, education, marital or couple’s counseling

Considered by APA as a disorder, paraphilla is when an individual get sexually aroused by an object, a person, or a
circumstance that are unusual (e.g., pain-inflicting, humiliating, non- consenting persons).

A paraphilic disorder is when the urge or an act last for at least six months and is a manifestation of clinically
significant distress.

Some of the common paraphilic disorders are as follows:

 Exhibitionism- pleasure from exposing one’s genital to non-consenting people;

 Fetishism- arousal from non- living objects (e.g., shoes, socks, body parts);
 Frotteurism- touching or rubbing once body or genitals to non- consenting people;
 Pedophilla- arousal from children (prepubescent);
 Sexual masochism- arousal from actual suffering or humiliation;
 Sexual sadism- arousal from actually inflicting pain to others;
 Transvestic fetishism- (for heterosexual males only) arousal from wearing clothing by the opposite sex
during sexual activities; and
 Voyeurism- observing other people engaged in sexual activities.

Note: For a paraphilia to be considered a paraphilic disorder, diagnosis has to be made. Only trained psychologists
or medical doctors can make such clinical judgments after lengthy and comprehensive assessment.

Some of the paraphilias, when acted on, may lead to criminal offenses. One of the controversial paraphilia is
pedophilia- engaging in sexual activity with a non-consenting person who is a child.

The behavioral aspect of human sexuality provides a holistic perspective as to how physiological and psychological
elements coalesce towards actions. In certain cases, behaviors often serve as an indicator whether an organism is
functional or are having problems. By knowing what behavior is normal and acceptable, as well as what behavior is
the opposite, we are able to make intelligent judgments on issues concerning human sexuality.

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