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Humming & Tapping

This vagal toning exercise uses a tapping technique to tap

into the body’s meridian points to ground ourselves back into
our bodies. The humming part of the exercise functions to
prologue the exhale to calm the nervous system.

Why this exercise helps

• This exercise works with the body’s
meridian points which are energetic
points in the body that help to transfer
blood and energy around the body
(Jacob, 2021).
• Using the fingertips to tap the meridian
points is said to remove energetic
blockages, which is understood to help
release stress through restoring
energetic balance (Jacob, 2021).
• Tapping exercises can help to reduce
blood pressure and decrease levels of
cortisol in the body (Brennan, 2021).
• Tapping has shown to be a useful self-help technique for PTSD and
depression (Brennan, 2021).
• The humming aspect of the exercise prologues the exhale, which
activates the parasympathetic nervous system signaling to the
body that it is safe- resulting in inner calm (Komori, 2018).

Guided Meditation/Body Scan

• Find a safe place to sit (chair/floor/bed).
• Orientate yourself around the room with your eyes, breathing
• Look where you are, look at what is around you.
• Notice how the ground feels beneath you- remind yourself of the
support the floor, the bed, or the chair is offering to you.
• Slowly start to bring your awareness into your body, starting from
the bottom of your body.
• Bring your awareness to your toes
o How do your toes feel?
o Is there a color associated with your toes?
o Is there a feeling?
o Is there an emotion?
o Is there a numbness? A buzzing? A Feeling of pain? Feelings of
• As you breathe in and out, move your awareness from your toes to
your calves asking yourself the same questions.
• Asking yourself the same questions as you move on to your knees,
your thighs, your buttocks, your back, your pelvis, your stomach,
your chest, your arms, your hands, your neck, your head, and lastly,
your face.
• Is there a part of your body that needs attention? Bring your
awareness to this part of the body.
• Bring awareness to the sensation or emotion that comes up.
• What is that body part feeling or what does it need to feel?
• What are these parts of your body telling you?
• Acknowledge the sensation/emotion. Sit with this sensation or
emotion for as long as you can.
• When you are ready, take a deep breath in and release with an

• Ask your body if you are ready to explore a tapping technique.
• If you feel ready, place your right fingertips on your right
cheekbone, just
below your right eye
(UE meridian point),
and your left
fingertips on your left
collar bone (CB
meridian point), on
the inner edge of it,
where there is a slight
• If you can only use
one hand, tap each
meridian point

• Breathe in, and as you
exhale, make a long
humming sound whilst
tapping your fingertips at
the same time on each
meridian point. Your
exhale/humming should
last about 7-10 seconds.
• In terms of the tapping
speed, there should be 2-
3 taps for every 1 second.
• Repeat this exercise 4
times, swapping your
hands after each exhale
i.e., starting with your right
fingertips on the right
cheekbone, and left fingertips on collarbone. Then swap to the left
fingertips on left cheekbone and the right fingertips on right
• As stated above, you can tap each meridian point separately if
preferred or needed.

Brennan, D. (2021, October 25). What is EFT tapping? WebMD.

Jacob, D. (2021, January 29). What is EFT, and how does it work?

Komori T. (2018). The relaxation effect of prolonged expiratory

breathing. Mental illness, 10(1), 7669.

Scibner, J. (n.d.) What are the EFT tapping points? [Online image]. Body
Wisdom Nutrition.


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