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CPAR M11 HANDOUTS than • More

MODULE 11: CRITIQUING AVAILABLE subjec1ve. subjec1ve



• Taking note of the process of • In using available art materials, they
crea1on, paying a4en1on to the kind have to undergo evalua1on for them
of art materials and the way they to be deemed really useful.
were used, considering the art • The usefulness of these art materials
techniques that was applied, are is dependent on certain factors.
some of the ways of cri1quing. • Each art materials has to be
• However, relying on feelings for examined in certain ways.
evalua1on, depending heavily on the • some basic considera1ons in
visual appeal of the artwork, judging cri1quing available art materials are
the finished product of the crea1on availability, accessibility, and
as either beau1ful or ugly, nice or not affordability.
nice, are some of the gauges used for AVAILABILITY
criCcizing. - An art material has to be
• CriCque is taken from the Greek obtainable, ready for use, at
kriCke tekhne, which means “the hand.
criCcal art”. - Simply put the art material exists
- It is somewhat a formal work that or is physically present for the
typically refers to a careful ar1st to use.
judgement. - It is already there; this is the
- It refers to the detailed analysis quality of being able to be used
and assessment of something. or obtained.
• On the other hand, criCcism refers to ACCESSIBILITY
a sharp or severe disapproval of - An art material has to be within
something, generally based on the arCst’s reach, easily acquired
perceived faults or errors. without much effort or difficulty
- it is judging with disapproval. for the ar1st.
- It is nega1ve in nature. - It is the quality of being acquired
• Thought • Felt more than AFFORDABILITY
more than thought. - An art material has to be within
felt. • Concerned the financial capacity of the
• Concerned with what is arCst to be purchased or bought.
with the perceived - The ar1st can bear or meet the
process of through the expense of acquiring the needed
crea1ng art. senses. art materials.
• More - Though a cheap good quality art
objec1ve material is good but an art
material acquired for free is s1ll and when it is understandably fit
the best. for the kind of art materials and
• Art technique is the manner and
ability by which an ar1st employs the
technical skills of a par1cular art.
• It is the means, process, or methods
of using art materials in a manner
that the ar1st wants to use in order
to create an artwork.
• It is also important to assess art
technique that is going to be used in
crea1ng an artwork.
• Some of the considera1on in
cri1quing the appropriate art
techniques are appropriateness,
mastery, and pracCcality.
- The manner by which the ar1st is
going to apply in crea1ng an
artwork should be suited to the
kind of art materials that will be
used as well as suited to the kind
of art technique.
- It is expected that the ar1st is
skilled and highly knowledgeable
of the art technique,
- The right art materials are there
and the suited art technique is
appropriate to the art form but if
the ar1st is not adept with the
use of the specific technique to
be applied, the outcome might
run contrary to what is expected.
- Art technique should be
funcConal and sensible for the
objec1ves or purpose set by the
ar1st for the crea1on of the
- Prac1cally makes the art
technique truly appropriate when
it is indeed useful for the ar1st

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