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Interior of the Earth

1. Multiple choice questions.

(i) Which one of the following earthquake waves is more destructive?
(a) P-waves
(b) S-waves
(c) Surface waves
(d) None of the above
► (c) Surface waves

(ii) Which one of the following is a direct source of information about the interior
of the earth?
(a) Earthquake waves
(b) Volcanoes
(c) Gravitational force
(d) Earth magnetism
► (b) Volcanoes

(iii) Which type of volcanic eruptions have caused Deccan Trap formations?
(a) Shield
(b) Flood
(c) Composite
(d) Caldera
► (b) Flood

(iv) Which one of the following describes the lithosphere:

(a) upper and lower mantle
(b) crust and upper mantle
(c) crust and core
(d) mantle and core
► (b) crust and upper mantle

Short Question Answers: 3 marks each

1. How are earthquakes measured?
2. Name the direct and indirect sources of information regarding the interior of the
3. Describe the location and importance of ‘Shadow Zone’.
4. How do we know that the core of earth is liquid?

Long Question Answers: 5 marks each

Q. 1. What are earthquake waves? Describe their types and characteristics.
Q. 2. Describe the structure of Earth, giving details about each of its layers. Give
Q. 3. Describe the volcanic activity and the major features associated with it.
Describe the distribution pattern of volcanoes in the world.
Ans. Distribution of volcanoes. There are about 500 active or dormant volcanoes.
Most of the volcanoes of

the world are found in coastal areas or unstable regions or areas affected by
earthquakes. These volcanoes are distributed in three well defined belts.
(i) The Circum Pacific Belt.
(ii) The Mid-World Mountain Belt.
(iii) The African Rift Valley

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