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MSU-LNAC Laboratory High School

First Grading Period

Science (Grade 10)

Part I. Multiple Choice (1 point each)

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1.) The entire lithosphere of the Earth is broken into numerous segments called ________.
a.) Island b.) Plates c.) Boundaries d.) Crust
2.) When two tectonic plates collide, the oceanic crust usually subducts beneath the continental crust because it is
a.) denser than continental crust b.) less dense than continental crust
c.) thicker than the continental crust d.) thinner than continental crust
3.) You are an oceanographer and want to map the ocean floor on the east coast of the Philippines. As you study, you noticed that
there is a portion of the ocean floor which is relatively much deeper than the rest. What most likely is the deeper part?
a.) Linear sea b.) Ocean sea c.) Rift valleys d.) Trench
4.) Which of these is false about crustal plates?
a.) Have the same thickness everywhere
b.) Include the crust and upper mantle
c.) Thickest in the mountain ranges
d.) Vary in thickness
5.) It is relatively thicker than the ocean plate and it floats higher than the other plates.
a.) mountain ranges b.) volcanoes
c.) continental plates d.) oceanic plates
6.) What will happen to the leading edge of continental plate as it continues to move downward?
a.) The leading edge of continental plate will start to melt because of the temperature beneath the crust is lower.
b.) The leading edge of continental plate will start to melt because of the temperature beneath the crust is higher.
c.) The leading edge of continental plate will continue to move downward forever.
d.) The leading edge of continental plate will form a trench.
7.) What do you call those molten materials in which continental crust subducted?
a.) lava b.) magma c.) mud d.) crust
8.) ________ are mountains that are built by the accumulation of their eruptive products such as lava.
a.) trench b.) rift valley c.) volcanic eruption d.) volcanoes
9.) As plates continue to grind against each other, what other geologic event could take place?
a.) tsunami b.) earthquake c.) volcanic eruption d.) flush flood
10.) What is the english term of tsunami?
a.) big wave b.) large wave c.) ocean wave d.) harbor wave
11.) Crustal Plate A is moving away from Crustal Plate B. What is the expected average rate of change in position between A and B?
a.) a few centimeters per year b. a few meters per month
c.) a few millimeters per century d. a few millimeters per day
12.) What method can determine earthquake’s epicenter if we have at least three recording stations that can tell how far away from
them the earthquake occurred?
a.) circular method b. linear method c. triangular method d. quadrangular method
13.) The West Philippine Sea oceanic lithosphere along the Manila Trench created a volcanic chain from Taiwan to Mindoro, which of
the following is an active volcano in the chain?
a.) Mayon volcano b.) Taal volcano c. Kanlaon volcano d.) Hibok-hibok volcano
14.) When two continental plates converge, a collision zone is formed. Which of the following is created during this process?
a.) islands b.) mountain ranges c.) trenches d.) volcanoes
15.) An S-wave shadow zone is formed as seismic waves travel through the Earth’s body. Which of the following statements does this
S-wave shadow zone indicate?
a.) The inner core is liquid. b.) The inner core is solid. c.) The mantle is solid. d.) The outer core is liquid.
16.) What makes up the lithosphere?
a.) Continental crust b.) Crust and the upper mantle c.) Oceanic crust and continental crust d.) Upper mantle
17.) Miners dig into the Earth in search for precious rocks and minerals. In which layer is the deepest explorations made by miners?
a.) Crust b.) Mantle c.) Outer core d.) Inner core
18.) How do you compare the densities of the Earth’s crust, mantle and core?
a.) The mantle is less dense than the core but denser than the crust.
b.) The mantle is less dense than both the core and the crust.
c.) The mantle is denser than the core but less dense than the crust.
d.) The mantle is denser than both the core and the crust.
19.) The movement of the lithospheric plates is facilitated by a soft, weak and plastic-like layer. Which of the following layers is
described in the statement?
a.) Asthenosphere b.) Lithosphere c.) Atmosphere d.) Mantle
20.) Alfred Wegener is a German scientist who hypothesized that the Earth was once made up of a single large landmass called
Pangaea. Which of the following theories did Wegener propose?
a.) Continental Drift Theory b.) Plate Tectonics c.) Continental Shift Theory d.) Seafloor Spreading Theory
21.) If you are a cartographer, what will give you an idea that the continents were once joined?
a.) Ocean depth b.) Position of the south pole c.) Shape of the continents d.) Size of the Atlantic Ocean
22.) As a new seafloor is formed at the mid-ocean ridge, the old seafloor farthest from the ridge is destroyed. Which of the stated
processes describes how the oceanic crust plunges into the Earth and destroyed at the mantle?
a.) Convection b.) Construction c.) Diversion d.) Subduction
23.) What type of wave that moves the ground in a side-to-side horizontal motion, like that of a snake’s causing the ground to twist.
a.) Body wave b.) Surface wave c.) Love wave d.) Rayleigh wave
24.) It is a pulse energy that travels quickly through the Earth and through liquids.
a.) Love wave b.) Rayleigh wave c.) P-waves d.) S-waves
25.) Which of the following is the thickness of the Inner core?
a.) 1200 km b.) 1300 km c.) 1400 km d.) 1500 km
26.) How old is Earth today?
a.) 4.5 million years b.) 4.5 billion years c.) 5 million years d.) 5 billion years
27.) Which of the following is not an element in the continental crust?
a.) Selenium b. Oxygen c. Calcium d. Potassium
28.) What is the percentage of calcium in the earth’s crust?
a.) 2.09 b. 2.59 c.) 3.53 d.) 3.63
29.) Mantle is made up of what rock?
a.) Granite rock b.) Silicate rock c. Basalt rock d.) None of these
30.) Inner core is made up of?
a.) Iron and Calcium b.) Iron and Oxygen c.) Iron and Nitrogen d.) Iron and Nickel
31.) These are preserved remains or traces of plants and animals from the past.
a.) Coal beds b.) Fossils c.) Leaves d.) Rocks
32.) These were formed from the compaction and decomposition of swamp plants that lived million years ago.
a.) Fossils b.) Bones c.) Coal beds d.) Garbage
33.) It happens when the North Pole is transformed into a South Pole and the South Pole becomes the North Pole.
a.) Convection current b.) Magnetic Field c.) Dipole d.) Magnetic reversals
34.) It is a device that tells us the direction of the earth.
a.) Magnets b.) Magnetic compass c.) Sonar d.) Submersibles
35.) The fossils of these animals were discovered in different continents, such as in South America and Africa.
a.) Dinosaurs b.) Glossopteris c.) Lystosaurus d.) Mesosphere

Part II. Matching type ( 1 point each)

Part A Direction: Match column A to column B and C. Every number correspond two answers from column A and B.
Type of Plate Relative Motion of the Geologic Features/
Boundary Plates Events Present
1. Divergent a. Moving away from each other d. Earthquakes
2. Convergent b. Moving towards each other e. Mountains, volcanoes, trenches, and earthquakes
3. Transform fault c. Sliding past each other f. Rift valleys, oceanic ridges, and earthquakes

Part B Direction: Match column A to column B.

1. A.E.H. Love a. He is Yugoslavian seismologist who found out that the velocity of
seismic waves changes and increases at a distance of about 50
kilometers below the Earth’s surface.
2. Alfred Wegener b. According to this scientist, the existence
of a shadow zone could only be explained if the Earth contained a
core composed of a material different from that of the mantle causing
the bending of the P-waves.
3. Inge Lehmann c. He is a British mathematician who worked out the mathematical
model for Love wave in 1911.
4. John William Strutt Rayleigh d. He is a Danish seismologist who discovered a new region of
seismic reflection within the core.
5. Andrija Mohorovičić e. He showed experimental evidence of electromagnetic waves and
their link to light
6. Robert Dietz f. He mathematically predicted the existence of Rayleigh wave in
7. Beno Gutenberg g. He proposed a theory that about 200 million years ago, the
continents were once one large landmass.
8. Harry Hess h. He suggested an explanation to the continental drift which is the
Seafloor Spreading Theory

Part III. Enumeration (1 point each)

1. What are the two supercontinents during Jurassic period?
2. What are the elements in the earth’s crust?
3. What are the elements in the earth’s mantle?
4. What are the elements in the earth’s core?
5. What are the 7 continents in the world?
6. What are the evidences to the Continental Drift Theory?
7. What are the dipoles of the Earth?
8. Enumerate the mechanical layers of the earth.
9. Enumerate the compositional layers of the earth.
10. Enumerate 10 important items in your survival kit.

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