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一、 注意事项 ..........................................................................................................1

1.1 规范使用电源 ..............................................................................................1

1.2 打印注意事项 ..............................................................................................1

1.3 产品维护 ......................................................................................................1

二、 产品简介 ..........................................................................................................3

2.1 产品参数 ......................................................................................................3

2.2 产品概述 ......................................................................................................4

三、安装说明 ............................................................................................................5

3.1 材料清单 ......................................................................................................5

3.2 安装步骤 ......................................................................................................7

四、使用说明 ..........................................................................................................12

4.1 调平 .............................................................................................................12

4.2 换耗材 .........................................................................................................14

4.3 模型打印 .....................................................................................................15

五、故障排除 ..........................................................................................................19

IR3 V1 的提示和说明 ............................................................................................ 22

售后服务 ..................................................................................................................24

公司简介 ..................................................................................................................24
Ⅰ.Attentions ...................................................................................................... 2

1.1 Standard use of power supply .................................................................2

1.2 Printing attention ..................................................................................... 2

1.3 Printer maintenance ................................................................................ 2

Ⅱ.Product Introduction .................................................................................... 3

2.1 Product parameter ................................................................................... 3

2.2 Product overview ..................................................................................... 4

Ⅲ.Installation Instructions ............................................................................... 5

3.1 Material list .............................................................................................. 5

3.2 Installation steps ......................................................................................7

Ⅳ.Use Instructions ......................................................................................... 12

4.1Leveling .................................................................................................. 12

4.2Change filament ..................................................................................... 14

4.3Model printing ......................................................................................... 15

Ⅴ.Frequently Asked Questions .....................................................................20

Tips and Notification on IR3 V1 ..................................................................... 23

After-sales Service .......................................................................................... 24

Company Profile ..............................................................................................24

Zhuhai Bell Technology Co., Ltd


1.1 规范使用电源

 请使用本机附带的电源适配器;
 请勿在手湿时插拔电源插头,请勿触碰安全提示的部件;
 请务必将插头完全插入电源插座;
 请勿改装设备插头,避免造成机器损坏、触电、火灾等事故;
 长时间不使用打印机时,请将电源线从电源插座上拔下;
 调整机箱线路时,需要先将电源线拔下。

1.2 打印注意事项

 禁止在打印过程中或刚打印完成的时候,触碰打印机内部的结构和打印件,以免造成人身伤害;
 禁止在打印机工作时,移动或触碰正在运行的部件,避免意外伤害;
 禁止在倾斜或台面不稳定的环境下使用该产品;
 请在通风良好、阴凉、平整的环境下使用打印机;
 如遇到紧急情况,请直接关闭打印机电源;
 打印长度超过机身长度的模型时,建议使用托盘承接模型;
 Z 轴方向上长度与实际模型有误差时,可以尝试调节 Z step;
 机架角度有偏差时可能会对模型精度有影响;
 打印完后长时间不用的情况下,建议将耗材从打印机取下;
 加热时,使喷嘴与传送带保持距离,避免损坏传送带。

1.3 产品维护

 请勿尝试进行该手册未描述的方法拆卸本机,以免造成打印机损坏或其他严重的安全事故;
 定期在断电的情况下,使用干抹布对本机进行清洁;
 根据需要给予直线导轨适当的润滑;
 打印前仔细检查喷嘴出丝是否顺畅,开始打印前清理干净喷嘴以及热床;
 使用过程中若发现螺丝、螺母等松动,则应暂停打印后使用扳手等工具拧紧;
 打印的模型尺寸不要超过打印机实际允许打印范围,否则影响模型打印的成功率;
 打印机不能在温度过高、负载过大的情形下工作,避免超负荷工作造成设备损坏;
 打印结束后需要清理好喷嘴、热床等部件以延长其使用寿命;
 加热打印头进行清洁时,请勿用手直接触碰打印头,以免烫伤。
Zhuhai Bell Technology Co., Ltd


1.1 Standard use of power supply

 Use the power adapter that comes with the machine;
 Do not use the plug with wet hands and do not touch the parts with safety tips;
 Make sure the plug is plugged into the power socket;
 Do not modify the equipment to prevent printer damage ;
 If you do not use printer for a long time, unplug the power cord from the power socket.;
 When adjusting the control box line, you need to unplug the power cord first.

1.2 Printing attention

 Do not touch the heating structure inside the printer while the printer is printing ;
 Do not touch the running parts when the printer is working to avoid accidental damage ;
 Do not use the product on an inclined or unstable platform ;
 Please use the printer on a well-ventilated and flat platform ;
 In case of emergency, please turn off the printer directly;
 When printing a model whose length exceeds the length of the body, it is recommended to
use a tray to accept the model;
 If length in the Z-axis direction is different from the actual model, you can try to adjust Z step;
 The deviation of the rack angle may affect the accuracy of the model;
 If it’s not used for long time after printing, it is recommended to remove filament from printer.
 When heating, don’t make the nozzle fit conveyor belt to avoid damage to the conveyor belt.

1.3 Printer maintenance

 Do not attempt to disassemble the machine in a way not described in this manual to avoid
printer damage or other serious safety accidents ;
 Periodically clean the printer with a dry cloth when the power is off ;
 Properly lubricate the linear guide rail as required;
 Carefully check whether the nozzle is flowing smoothly before printing and clean the nozzle
and the hot bed before printing;
 If screws and nuts are found to be loose during use, please stop printing and tighten them with
wrenches or other tools;
 The size of the printed model should not exceed the allowable printing range of the printer,
otherwise the success rate of model printing will be affected;
 The printer cannot work under the condition of too high temperature and too heavy load, so
avoid the equipment damage caused by the overload;
 After printing,it is necessary to clean the nozzle, hot bed and other parts to extend service life;
 When heating the print head for cleaning, do not directly touch the print head with your hands
to avoid scalding.
Zhuhai Bell Technology Co., Ltd


Ⅱ.Product Introduction

2.1 产品参数 Product parameter

型 号 Type no : IR3 V1

打印技术 Printing technology: 堆积熔融 FDM

打印尺寸 Print size: 250×250×∞mm (X*Y*Z)
产品尺寸 Product size: 575×436×506mm

包装尺寸 Package size: 670×520×285mm

打印精度 Print accuracy: ±0.2mm

打印层厚 Layer thickness: 0.1-0.4mm

喷嘴直径 Nozzle diameter: 0.4mm

打印速度 Printing speed: <200mm/s 建议 30~80mm/s ,Normal 30-80mm/s

耗 材 Filament materials: PLA,Silk PLA,Wood PLA,PETG etc.

切片软件 Slicing software: IdeaFormer Cura、Ideamaker

输入格式 Input format: STL, OBJ

输出格式 Output format: GCODE

打印方式 Printing method: SD 卡

机身结构 Body structure: 全金属框架 All metal structure
操作系统 Operating system:: Windows

输入电压 Input voltage: 110V/220V AC;50/60Hz

输出电压 Output voltage: 24V

工作环境温度 Environment temperature: 8℃~40℃

喷嘴温度 Nozzle temperature: Max 290ºC

热床温度 Hot bed temperature: Max 90ºC
产品重量 Machine weight: 18kg

包装重量 Packed weight: 22kg

Zhuhai Bell Technology Co., Ltd

2.2 产品概述 Product overview

①双齿轮挤出机 ⑧旋钮
Double gear extruder Knob

②断料传感器 ⑨打印头
Filament detection sensor Print head

③调平螺母 ⑩Y 轴限位开关
Heat bed leveling nut Y-axis limit sensor

④耗材架 ⑪传送带防翘挡板
Filament holder Conveyor belt anti-warping baffle

⑤数据线插口 ⑫同步带张紧轮
Data line socket Timing belt tensioner

⑥内存卡插口 ⑬滚筒调节螺丝
SD card socket Drum adjusting screw

⑦重启按钮 ⑭模型分离板
Restart button Model separation plate

Zhuhai Bell Technology Co., Ltd


Ⅲ.Installation Instructions

3.1 材料清单 Material list

①XY 轴框架 ②传送带平台 ③机箱

XY axis frame Conveyor belt platform Control box

④挤出机 ⑤打印头 ⑥耗材架

Extruder Print head Filament holder

⑦固定板 ⑧连接线 ⑨电源线

Fixed plate Connection line Power cable

⑩三角板 ⑪耗材 ⑫挤出机配件包

Triangular plate Filament Extruder accessories

⑬M4*6 圆头内六角螺丝 ⑭M4*8 圆头内六角螺丝 ⑮M4*20 圆头内六角螺丝

M4*6 Hexagon socket M4*8 Hexagon socket M4*20 Hexagon socket
round head screw round head screw round head screw

Zhuhai Bell Technology Co., Ltd

⑯M5*18 圆头内六角螺丝 ⑰M5*20 杯头内六角螺丝 ⑱M4 T 型螺母

M5*18 Hexagon socket M5*20 Cup head socket M4 T-nut
round head screw head screw

⑲剪钳 ⑳扎带 ㉑通针

Diagonal pliers Cable tie Needle

㉒镊子 ㉓数据线 ㉔内存卡

Tweezers Data line SD card

㉕读卡器 ㉖扳手 ㉗铁氟龙管

card reader Wrench Teflon tube

㉘喷嘴 ㉙说明书
Nozzle Instructions

Zhuhai Bell Technology Co., Ltd

3.2 安装步骤 Installation steps

1、安装 XY 轴框架 Install the XY axis frame

安装 XY 轴框架 Install the XY axis frame

(1)把传送带平台与 XY 轴框架侧放后,用 M5*20 杯头内六角螺丝连接固定。

First, put the conveyor platform and the XY axis frame sideways, and fix them with M5*20 cup
head socket head cap screws.

(2)然后再用 M5*18 圆头内六角螺丝把一侧的固定板安装在铝型材上。

Then use M5*18 Hexagon socket round head screw to install the fixed plate on one side on
the aluminum profile.

After erecting the printer, install the fixed plate on the other side.

(4)安装完后测量 45°夹角,如果误差较大,需要松开螺丝重新校准,校准好后再拧紧螺丝。
After installation, measure the angle of 45°. If the error is large, you need to loosen the screw
to recalibrate, and then tighten the screw after calibration.

Note: Pay attention to safety during installation to avoid injury.

Zhuhai Bell Technology Co., Ltd

调节角度 Adjust the angle

所需材料:XY 轴框架、 传送带平台、 固定板×2、 三角板、 M5*18 圆头内六角×12、
M5*20 杯头内六角螺丝×2
Need materials: XY axis frame,Conveyor belt platform, Fixed plate×2, Triangular plate,
Hexagon socket round head screw M5*18×12 , Cup head socket head screw M5*20×2

2、安装挤出机、打印头、耗材架 Install extruder, print head and Filament holder

(1)挤出机安装 Install the extruder

先把挤出机配件安装在挤出机上,然后用 M4*20 圆头内六角把挤出机固定在铝型材上。
First install the extruder accessories on the extruder, and then fix the extruder on the
aluminum profile with M4*20 hexagon socket round head screw.

挤出机配件安装 Install extruder accessories 螺丝固定 Screw fixation

所需材料:挤出机 挤出机配件 M4*20 圆头内六角×2

Need materials: Extruder, Extruder accessories, Hexagon socket round head screw M4*20×2

Zhuhai Bell Technology Co., Ltd

(2)打印头安装 Install the print head

把打印头从下方插进安装位置,用 M4*8 圆头内六角螺丝固定。

Insert the print head into the installation position from below,and fix it with hexagon socket
round head screw M4*8.

螺丝固定 Screw fixation

所需材料:打印头、M4*8 圆头内六角×4
Need materials: Print head, Hexagon socket round head screw M4*8×4

(3)耗材架安装 Install filament holder

把 M4*6 圆头内六角螺丝穿过料架后,拧上 T 型螺母。然后将料架圆筒安装在料架上,最后把

Use M4*6 hexagon socket round head screw pass through the rack and screw on the M4
T-nut.Then install the filament holder on the rack, finally fix the filament holder on the
appropriate position of the aluminum profile.

安装耗材架 Install filament holder

所需材料:料架、M4*6 圆头内六角×2、T 型螺母 ×2

Need materials: Filament holder, Hexagon socket round head screw M4*6×2, M4 T-nut

Zhuhai Bell Technology Co., Ltd

3、接线 Connection

Insert the red, blue and black wires into the corresponding plugs respectively.

接线 Connection

(2)把 E、ES 分别插进挤出机电机和断料传感器,外露的线用封条封在铝型材上。

Insert E0 and ES into the extruder motor and material break sensor respectively, and seal the
exposed wire on the aluminum profile with a seal.

E 电机 ES 断料传感器
E motor ES filament senor

Zhuhai Bell Technology Co., Ltd

(3)把 X Y 分别插进 X Y 电机,YS 插进光电开关。

Insert X,Y into X,Y motor and YS into photoelectric switch respectively.

X Y 电机 Y 轴限位开关
X Y motor Y-axis limit sensor

(4)插入铁氟龙管 Insert Teflon Tube

Note: It is recommended to fix the print head line and the Teflon tube with a cable tie.Prevent
the print head line from interfering with the movement of the printer during printing.

(5)插入电源线 Plug in the power cord

Zhuhai Bell Technology Co., Ltd


Ⅳ.Use Instructions

4.1 调平 Leveling

(1)先拧紧四个热床调平螺母后各松一圈,然后 (2)移动打印头到中间,使喷嘴轻微接触
在传送带平台上放上一张普通 A4 纸; A4 纸,有轻微阻力,然后调节 Y 轴限
Tighten the four heat bed leveling nuts first 位使得光电开关的灯刚好能亮;
and then loosen one turn, and then put a Move the print head to the middle,
piece of ordinary A4 paper on the conveyor make the nozzle slightly touch the A4
belt platform; paper with slight resistance, and then
adjust the Y-axis sensor so that the light
of the photoelectric switch can just be

螺母调节 Adjusting nut 调节 Y 轴限位 Adjust Y-axis sensor

(3)按下旋钮→Motion→Home Y,感受纸张的阻 (4)按下旋钮→Motion→Auto home 归零,根

力,通过按 Home Y 与调节 Y 轴限位开关使 据纸张阻力大小,调节零点一侧的热床
得 A4 纸和喷嘴有轻微摩擦(Y 轴限位:阻力 平台螺母,使纸张有轻微阻力(热床螺
太大,逆时针旋转;阻力太小,顺时针旋转) ; 母:阻力大时,顺时针旋转;阻力小时,
Press the knob→Motion→Home Y.Feel the 逆时针旋转);
resistance of the paper, press Home Y and Press the knob→Motion→Auto home
adjust the Y-axis sensor switch to make the to reset to zero. Adjust the hot bed
A4 paper and the nozzle have a slight platform nut on the zero side according
resistance resistance. to the paper resistance.Make the
(Y-Axis sensor: the resistance is too large, paper have a slight resistance.
rotate counterclockwise; resistance too (Hot bed nut: when the resistance is
small, rotate clockwise); large, rotate clockwise; when the
resistance is small, rotate

感受纸张阻力 Feel paper resistance 显示屏操作 Display operation

Zhuhai Bell Technology Co., Ltd
(5)按下旋钮→Motion→Move axis→Move X→选 (6)按下 Auto home,再次在移动过程中感受热
择合适移动单位,移动 X 轴到最大距离,在 床平台各位置上喷嘴与纸张的阻力是否大
移动过程中,根据纸张阻力大小,微调热床 概一致,否则重复上述调平过程;
平台螺母,使得纸张有轻微阻力; Press Auto home and feel whether the
Press the knob→Motion→Move resistance of the nozzle and the paper
axis→Move X→Select the appropriate at each position of the hot bed platform
moving unit,move the X axis to the is approximately the same during the
maximum distance.According to the movement, otherwise repeat the
resistance of the paper, fine-tune the nut of above leveling process;
the heat bed platform to make the paper
have a slight resistance;

(7)调节完后拧紧 Y 轴限位上的螺丝; (8)调节一侧的热床平台高度大概一致,使热

Tighten the screws on the Y-axis limit; 床与滚筒齐平或者略高于滚筒。
Adjust the height of the heating bed
platform on one side to be approximately
the same.

If the nozzle is too far away
from the conveyor belt
platform, the filament will not
adhere well to the conveyor
belt. 能够均匀粘附在
如果喷嘴离传送带平台太紧, 传送带平台上。
During normal
printing, the
传送带,磨损喷嘴,耗材无法 consumables can
均匀挤出。 evenly adhere to
If the nozzle is too tight from the conveyor belt
the conveyor belt platform, platform.
the nozzle may scratch the
conveyor belt, damage the
conveyor belt, wear the
nozzle, and the filament
cannot be evenly extruded.

Note: Printing for a long time may cause the nozzle to wear out. If the quality of the printed model is
not good, please replace the nozzle in time.

Zhuhai Bell Technology Co., Ltd

4.2 换耗材 Change filament

(1)按下旋钮,Motion→Auto home, 果打印机内有耗材,可以等待退料完后,
返回→Change filament,选择 YES, 按住挤出机手柄,手动拔出耗材);
选择 Preheat PLA; Waiting for heating (the filament will be
Press the knob, Motion→Auto home, returned first after heating, if there are
Main→Change filament, select YES, filament in the printer, you can wait for
select Preheat PLA; the filament to be returned,and then
press the handle of the extruder and
pull out the filament manually);

(3)提示音响起,插入耗材后,按下旋钮(如果 (4)开始进线,如果耗材还未从喷嘴均匀
插入耗材时间久,按下按键后会先重新加 挤出,则点击 Purge more 继续进线,
热,加热完提示音响起再次按下按键即可); 若能均匀挤出,点击 Continue 退出换
The reminder sounds, after inserting the 料;
filament, press the knob (if the filaments are Start the line, if the consumables have
inserted for a long time, it will reheat after not been evenly extruded from the nozzle,
pressing the knob, and the reminder sounds click Purge more to continue the line, if it
after heating and press the knob again); can be evenly extruded, click Continue to
exit the refueling;

Filament end cutting method

Zhuhai Bell Technology Co., Ltd

4.3 模型打印 Model printing

4.3.1 安装切片软件 Install slicing software

(1)打开安装包 IdeaMaker 安装包,选择语言,点击 OK→下一步→我同意
Open the installation package of IdeaMaker, select the language, click OK→Next

Select the installation path → click Install →Installation is complete → Next → Finish

Zhuhai Bell Technology Co., Ltd

4.3.2 导入模板
Open IdeaMaker → Close the wizard → Slice → Manage Templates

(2)编辑材料设置→导入→选择内存卡里的配置文件 Ideaformer PLA 1.75mm.filament→确定→保存

Edit the selected filament settings→Import→Select the configuration file Ideaformer PLA
1.75mm.filament in the SD card→OK→Save

Zhuhai Bell Technology Co., Ltd

(3)导入模板→从本地文件导入→选择内存卡里的配置文件 Ideaformer IR3 V1.bin→创建新的打印机

→导入到材料选择 Ideaformer PLA 1.75mm→点击确定即可
Import template→Import from Local Disk→Select the configuration file Ideaformer IR3 V1.bin
in the SD card→Create new printer→Import to the following filament select Ideaformer PLA
1.75mm→Click OK

Zhuhai Bell Technology Co., Ltd

4.3.3 切片打印
Click Import Models→ select model (.stl) → Set printing parameters → Click Slice → Export
slice file (.gcode) to SD card

(2)把内存卡插入卡槽→Print from Media→选择打印文件

Insert SD card into the card slot → Print from Media → Select the print file

Remove the model after finish printing.

Zhuhai Bell Technology Co., Ltd


1、无法读取 SD 卡数据
②确保文件扩展名是.gcode 的文件
④SD 卡损坏,尝试更换新的 SD 卡
④检查 XYZ 电机上的同步轮是否松动,Z 轴同步带、传送带调至合适松紧程度
①调节喷嘴与热床之间距离,使两者之间距离约为一张纸厚度,45 度安装准确

Zhuhai Bell Technology Co., Ltd


Ⅴ.Frequently Asked Questions

1.Unable to read SD card data

①Try to restart the printer;
②Make sure the file extension is .gcode;
③The file name is composed of English、Numbers etc., if use other languages may not be
④The SD card is damaged, try to replace it with a new SD card.
2.Nozzle blockage
①Try to replace the spare nozzle;
②According different filament to preheat to the specified temperature, and by manually; pressing
filament, so that filament extrusion smoothly from nozzle;
③Remove the print head and clean up the nozzle and throat;
④If the nozzle is damaged, replace it.
3.The extruder slips
①Adjust the mechanical adjusting nut of extruder to make the friction force of extruder feed filament
②Check whether the supply of filament is stable and prevent filament from winding;

Zhuhai Bell Technology Co., Ltd

③Check whether the filament can pass through the teflon tube smoothly;
④Check whether the nozzle reaches the temperature required for the material to melt;
⑤Check whether the gear on the extruder motor is loose.
4.Display abnormality
①Try to restart the printer;
②Ensure correct wiring and good contact.
5.Motor lose step
①If the printing speed is too fast, you can try to adjust the printing speed, acceleration and other
②Belt tightness is too loose, adjust the tightness to moderate;
③Make sure the printer prints without external interference when printer is printing;
④Check whether the synchronous wheel on the XYZ motor is loose, and adjust the Z-axis
synchronous belt and conveyor belt to a suitable degree of tightness.
6.The model does not adhere well to the hot bed
①Adjust the distance between the nozzle and the hot bed so that the distance between them is
about a piece of paper thickness,45 degree install accuracy;
②Set the proper temperature of the bed;
③The printing speed on the first floor is too fast.
7.Abnormal temperature display at main interface
①Detect if the thermistor is damaged and replace it;
②Check whether the connection of print head and main board is loose.
8.The printer vibrates too much
①Check whether the four corner footpads of the printer have come off;
②Slow down printing ;
③Set print speed, acceleration and other related parameters.
9.Nozzle leakage material
①Check connections between nozzles, heating blocks and pipes and tighten with a wrench;
②Replace print head.
10.Model mismatch
①An error occurred while slicing the model;
②Ensure that no external force interferes with the printing process;
③Refer to motor drop step method to solve.

Zhuhai Bell Technology Co., Ltd

IR3 V1 的提示和说明






5、有人说粘合有问题,我想我们 IR3 的大多数客户都知道传送带没有贴纸问题,我们需要设置 45 度





7、IR3 V1 不再需要镜像 x 轴。


件在装运后发生了变化。如果有任何问题,请通过 Facebook 小组与我们联系,我们热烈欢迎客户




Zhuhai Bell Technology Co., Ltd

Tips and Notification on IR3 V1

1.Prevent the hot nozzle hit the conveyor belt , we need move print head on side.

2.Keep the Bed platform with the same level or higher a little with both side rollers .

3.Prevents the extruder's wire from hanging on to the X motor, it will cause the layer shift.

4.It has a seam on the conveyor belt ,Even we updated better , print on the seam is no problem,

but try to avoid print on the seam , it can help keep it use for a long time .

5.Someone said adhesion has issue , i think most of our IR3 customers know the conveyor belt

without sticker issue , we need set up the 45 degree assemble well and leveling bed well . It

also need slice model well , especially for support and layer speed , for this kind of printer

each layer need sticker on belt .

6.Someone said our printer is used , yup , i think we all tested before go out our factory, so hotend

with some material and the conveyor belt with a little mark is normal .

7.IR3 V1 doesn’t need mirror x axis anymore .

8.Yes , sometimes printer maybe got defects after shipping , Even we tested and pack it well,

Electronic prats or some hardware parts changed after shipping. If there have issues , please

contact us by FB group, we are warm welcome customer share ideas on our FB group .

9.For the hotend and conveyor belt ,they are consumables . we try to make better quality spare

parts and with a good price , so customer can use printer for a long time .

Zhuhai Bell Technology Co., Ltd

After-sales Service
售后 QQ 群/QQ group:193844205
Facebook group:Ideaformer IR3 & IR3 V1 conveyor belt 3D printer
Skype :
Skype support :.cid.2907007ac179b00b

部件 Parts 保修期 Warranty Period

打印头热端 Hotend

传送带 Conveyor belt 不保修 No warranty

配件、工具、耗材、内存卡 Accessories, Tools, Filament, SD card

Electronic Components, Printer Frame, Extruder,Timing
6 个月 Six months
Belt,Linear Rail, Motor
(人为损坏的部件除外 Except artificially damaged parts)

Company Profile
珠海贝尔科技有限公司于 2016 年 5 月成立,是一个年轻,充满活力与创新精神的高科技企业。
Established in May 2016,Zhuhai Bell Technology Co.,Ltd. is a young, energetic and innovative
high-tech enterprise.The main business scope to,scientific research and services, printers, printer
related accessories and consumables, electronic products, hardware products, plastic products
sales;Domestic and foreign trade.
The company has a complete,scientific quality management system and exquisite technical
team,quality service.Independent intellectual property technology, nearly ten patents of various
kinds;The company's brand name (IdeaFormer) enjoys high status and influence both at home and
abroad.The company exports products to distant markets;Europe, the United States, the United
Kingdom, Germany, South Korea, Poland and other more than 30 countries and regions.Company
leaders have always been to credit,keep the contract,quality assurance, and win-win cooperation
business philosophy,won the trust of customers and industry recognition


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