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Compliance with specs (font size, length, required sections, number of references in literature survey
etc.) 30 pts

Good discussion about the purpose, why somebody would use the analysis, expected benefits, any
caveats, privacy issues. 5 pts

Good discussion about the data and problem: data points, features, label, the data source, and the kind
of ML problem you have (regression, classification or clustering) should be mentioned clearly. 10 pts

Good discussion on model validation, overestimation/underestimation, if training/validation/test

datasets are sound. You need to validate your models as we did in the notebooks with such as k-fold or
any other method. You also need a good results section by comparing various model results and higlight
the best one with the reasoning behind. 25 pts

Good/correct discussion on the chosen methods throughout the report:

• If your dataset is unbalanced, then you need to add unbalanced dataset treatment discussion to
your analysis
• If you treat the outliers (everyone has to do outlier analysis) in a certain way, you need to
explain WHY you do that properly
• If you do normalization, you need to discuss the reasoning behind and need to show if it
improves the results or not. How do you prove if it was a good idea to use normalization
• If you have categorical data how you handle them? Why did you choose that method?
• If you use visualizations (everyone has to check data visually) you need to explain it properly.
You have to mention what the chart tells you, is it sound, why it is like that, is it in line with your
expectations, anything weird etc. Do not leave the charts withour proper reference in the
• You need to be careful about scales of measurements: Ex: I do not want to see ratio analysis on
your nominal/categorical variables. You can not use “describe” for categorical variables even if
you convert them into numbers by hot encoding etc.

30 pts

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