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.‫ من تحت‬60 ‫ اخر مرة وقفنا في صفحة‬.‫ المفروض نزل وهنبدأ نحدد االجزاء الي معانا من المحاضرة الجاية‬CD ‫الـ‬
.‫ للعصر الملكي‬Royal Rule‫ ورجع تاني للـ‬Cromwell ‫ زي ما قولنا كان نهاية‬Restoration‫الـ‬ -
 It was to escape these oppressive laws ‫ القوانين القمعية‬that many emigrated to the
colonies in America and established new settlements ‫مستعمرات جديدة‬. Not only was the
stream of emigration kept up by religious persecutions, but the prosperity and abundant
opportunity for advancement
‫ هاجروا ألمريكا وعملوا هناك مستعمرات ده بعد‬.‫ هجرة عشان يهربوا من القوانين القمعية‬emigration ‫بيقولك ان الفترة دي حصل‬ -
.Cromwell ‫ما رجع تاني للعصر الملكي بعد‬
- They are not only emigrating to flee from oppressive laws but they showed a kind of
advancement and flourishment in these settlements.
as a result, it attracts .‫ في الفترة دي‬settlements‫ اتوفرت في الـ‬working offers‫حصل حاجة من االزدهار والـ‬ -
kind ‫ الناس هاجرت عشان بقي فيه‬.‫ بيجذب ناس كتيرة للهجرة‬a lot of people to settle in these settlements
.of flourishment and advancement in these settlements
.‫ ولكن بعد كدا بقي عشان الفرص الي ظهرت‬to flee from the oppressive laws ‫ كان في البداية‬emigration‫الـ‬ -
 The great literature which reached its climax in the reign of Elizabeth continued in
equal variety and abundance throughout the reigns of James and Charles. The greater
plays of Shakespeare were written after the accession of James.
the top of Shakespeare ‫ كان‬18‫ وبداية الـ‬17‫نهاية القرن الـ‬. Elizabeth ‫ كانت في عهد‬top of literature‫الـ‬ -
James ‫ وشكسبير بدأ يظهر بعد‬plays
 Milton belonged to the Commonwealth period. With this reign, however, quite a new
literary type arose, whose most conspicuous representative was Dryden.
Elizabeth ‫ من اول‬.‫ كلهم ظهروا في الفترة دي‬Shakespeare, Dryden, Milton ‫ بتوعي هم‬Great figures‫يبقي الـ‬ -
.literature was flourishing at that time ‫ يبقي الـ‬.Charles II ‫ لغاية‬James‫مرورًا بـ‬
In 1685 James II succeeded his brother. Instead of carrying on the government in a
spirit of concession to national feeling, he adopted such an unpopular policy that in 1688
he was forced to flee from England, and his son-in-law and daughter, William and Mary,
were elected to the throne.
He will adapt a new way of ruling which will base on making ‫ جه الناس توقعت أنه‬James II ‫لما‬ -
‫ في‬.‫ هو معملش كدا وفضل مستمر علي الممارسات القمعية للحكومة‬popularity among the people but he didn’t
.William and Mary ‫ وبعدين جه بعده‬England ‫ أجبر انه يمشي من‬1688
 On their accession Parliament passed and the king and queen accepted a "Bill of
Rights." This declared the illegality of a number of actions which recent sovereigns had
claimed the right to do, and guaranteed to Englishmen a number of important individual
rights, which have since been included in many other documents, especially in the
constitutions of several of the American states and the first ten amendments to the
Constitution of the United States.‫دستور الواليات المتحدة االمريكية‬
a lot of actions which previous ‫ أقر بعدم شرعية‬.Bill of Rights ‫في خالل فترة الحكم بتاعهم كان فيه حاجة اسمها‬ -
.‫ دي اول حاجة‬kings forced on the people
.‫ضمن حقوق مادية للمواطن دي تاني حاجة‬ -
‫ ده كان في دستور الواليات المتحدة‬constitutions of several of the American states ‫واقروا الحقوق دي في الـ‬ -
 The Bill of Rights is often grouped with the Great Charter, and these two documents,
along with several of the Acts of the Parliaments of Charles I accepted by the king,
make the principal written elements of the English constitution. ‫الدستور االنجليزي‬
‫ هو أقر‬Bill of Rights‫ لما جبنا الـ‬.‫اتحاد‬unity ‫ تحالف او‬Great Charter‫ وبين الـ‬Bill of Rights‫حصل مابين الـ‬ -
Act of the parliament accepted by Charles‫ مع الـ‬Great Charter ‫ وعملنا اتحاد مع‬USA‫بالدستور بتاع الـ‬
.‫ الدستور االنجليزي‬English constitution‫ كل دول عملولي الـ‬Parliament‫ فرضها للـ‬Charles I ‫ بعض القوانين الي‬I
 The form and powers attained by the English government have been, however, rather
the result of slight changes from time to time, often without intention of influencing
the constitution, than of any deliberate action. Important examples of this are certain
customs of legislation which grew up under William and Mary.
‫ من التعديالت‬.‫ بدأ يحصل تعديالت علي الدستور‬slight changes from time to time ‫بيقولك ان بعد ما ده ظهر بدأ يحصل‬ -
.‫ الي احني بنسميه قانون التمرد‬Mutiny Act‫الي حصلت حاجة اسمها الـ‬
 The Mutiny Act, by which the army is kept up, was only passed for one year at a time.
The grant of taxes was also only made annually. ‫الضرايب هتترفع مرة واحدة في السنة‬
 Parliament must therefore be called every year in order to obtain money to carry on
the work of government and in order to keep up the military organization.
.‫ الي احني قولناه بسيط‬.‫ بيجتمع كل سنة عشان يوفر فلوس عشان يصرف علي شغل الحكومة‬Parliament‫الـ‬ -
William ‫ والي جه بعدين‬He flee from England ‫ طب حصل اي؟‬any popularity ‫ جه مكنش فيه‬James II ‫بعد‬ -
‫ وبعدها حصل‬.Bill of Right ‫ (ماري هي بنت جيمس الثاني ومسكت الحكم مع ويليام جوزها) عملو حاجة اسمها‬and Mary
English‫ أدت إلي الـ‬some acts of the parliaments ‫ و‬Great Charter ‫ و‬Bill of Rights ‫ بين‬unity
.‫ الدستور االنجليزي‬Institution
 As a result of the Revolution of 1688, as the deposition of James II. and the
appointment of William and Mary are called, and of the changes which succeeded it.
‫ نتيجة للـ‬William and Mary ‫)عشان جيمس يمشي وجه بعديه‬Glorious Revolution ( 1688 ‫حصل ثورة في‬ -
‫ أيه هي بقي؟‬.‫ دي كان فيه تغييرات كتير‬Revolution
 Parliament gradually became the most powerful part of government, and the House of
Commons the strongest part of Parliament.
 The king's ministers came more and more to carry out the will of Parliament rather
than that of the king.
 Somewhat later the custom grew up by which one of the ministers by presiding over the
whole Cabinet, nominating its members to the king, representing it in interviews with
the king, and in other ways giving unity to its action, created the position of prime
the Parliament is responsible to give orders ‫ ده معناه ان‬.‫ بقي اقوي حاجة‬Parliament‫ الـ‬James ‫بعد ما جه‬ -
.‫ يبقي ده بيضعف وضع الملك‬and rule
‫ ده كان اول مرة يظهر‬.‫ رئيس الوزراء‬Prime Minister‫بقي يبقي عندي وزراء والي حصل في العهد ده ده كان اول ظهور للـ‬ -
‫ وبعدين بدأت اديله‬direct connection to the king ‫ عشان يبقي ليه‬ministers‫ كانو بيختارو واحد من الـ‬.‫المنصب ده‬
.creating the position of the prime minister ‫سلطة‬
‫ تاني حاجة ظهرت عندهم كانت الـ‬.‫ واعرف أيه هي‬Bill of Rights‫ لما جم أهم حاجة عندي كانت الـ‬William and Mary ‫يبقي‬ -
.Prime Minister
 Thus, the modern Parliamentary organization of the government was practically
complete before the middle of the eighteenth century.
18‫ لسا موجود لحد دلوقتي اكتمل قبل القرن الـ‬.‫ده بيسميه الشكل العصري للبرلمان‬ -
 William and Mary died childless‫ بدون اطفال‬, and Anne, Mary's sister‫ اختها جت بعديها‬,
succeeded, and reigned till 1714. She also left no heir. ‫ مكنش ليها ساللة بعدها‬In the
meantime, arrangements had been made to set aside the descendants of James II, who
were Roman Catholics, and to give the succession to a distant line of Protestant
descendants of James I.
James I. According ‫ أحني عايزين الي يجي والد‬.‫في الوقت ده كان فيه اتجاه انهم مش عايزيو والد جيمس الثاني يجوا تاني‬ -
James I‫ طالما حصل ثورة ومشينا حد هم مش عايزين يرجعوله تاني وعايزين يرجعوا لـ‬to the English rule
 In this way George I, Elector of Hanover, of the house of Brunswick, became king,
reigned till 1727, and was succeeded by George II, who reigned till 1760.
.1760 ‫ حكم لحد‬George II ‫ وجه بعديه‬.1727 ‫ حكم لحد‬George I ‫الي جه بعده‬ -
. ‫مطلوب مني في كل ده ان اعرف مين جه بعد مين‬ -
‫ بعديه جه‬Mary and William ‫ بعديه جه‬James II ‫ جه بعديه‬Charles II ‫ جه بعديه‬Oliver Cromwell‫احني بدأنا بـ‬ -
.‫ بتاعتهم وحكم من سنة كام لكام‬Dates‫ يفضل إننا نعرف الـ‬.George II ‫ وبعديه‬George I ‫ بعديها جه‬Anne ‫بعديه‬
‫ بعد كدا‬agriculture side‫ بعد كدا بنمسك الـ‬literary side‫ بنمسك الـ‬age ‫ احني في كل‬.‫نيجي بعد كدا هندي حاجة بسيطة جدا‬
.manufacturing side‫بنمسك الـ‬
The Extension of Agriculture
 During the seventeenth and the first half of the eighteenth century there are no such
fundamental changes in social organization to chronicle as during the preceding century
and a half.
.‫مكنش فيه تغيير كبير في الترتيب االجتماعي‬ -
 During the first hundred years of the period the whole energy of the nation seems to
have been thrown into political and religious contests.
- The main concern at this time was religious and political.
 Later there was development and increase of production,
steam engine‫ الي قولنا عليها والـ‬manufacturing‫بعد الدين والسياسة بدأ يبقي فيه تركيز علي الـ‬
.‫ زي تغليف لألرض‬enclosing open land ‫كان فيه حاجة اسمها‬
 The practice of enclosing open land had almost ceased before the death of Elizabeth.
There was some enclosing under James I, but it seems to have been quite exceptional.
.‫كان فيه بعض التجاوزات بتغليف االراضي دي بس مكنش حاجة سايبة في الوقت ده‬ -
 In the main, those common pastures and open fields which had not been enclosed by
the beginning of this period, probably one-half of all England, remained unenclosed till
the recommencement of the process long afterward.
.‫فضلت الممارسة دي موجودة بس بشكل قليل‬ -
 Sheep farming gradually ceased to be so exclusively practiced ‫ بدأت تبقي منتشرة‬, and mixed
agriculture became general, though few if any of those fields which had been
surrounded with hedges, and come into the possession of individual farmers, were
thrown open or distributed again into scattered holdings.
‫ بعد كدا بقي فيه تنوع علي الرغم من ان كان‬England was famous by planting certain props ‫في الوقت ده كانت‬ -
people‫ علي الـ‬props‫ بدأ اني اخد ال‬mixed agriculture ‫فيه‬
 Much new land came into cultivation or into use for pasture through the draining of
marshes and fens, and the clearing of forests.
.‫ بدأت توسع وبدأ ان انا ازرع اراضي اكتر‬cultivation‫بدأ يبقي عندي الـ‬ -
sheep‫ تاني حاجة ظهرت عندي الـ‬enclosing open land‫ اول حاجة اتكلمنا عليها هي الـ‬agriculture‫يبقي ببساطة في الـ‬ -
.mixed agriculture‫ تالت حاجة هي الـ‬farming
 There was much writing on agricultural subjects, and methods of farming were
undoubtedly improved, especially in the eighteenth century. Turnips ‫ اللفت‬, which could be
grown during the remainder of the season after a grain crop
.‫ جدا في الوقت ده‬common ‫زراعة اللفت عندهم كانت‬ -
 These improvements progressed but slowly, and farming on the whole was carried on
along very much the same old lines till quite the middle of the eighteenth century.

‫ هنحدد المرة الجاية االجزاء الي معانا في المنهج‬.‫مش هدي اكتر من كدا عشان الكتاب مش معانا‬.
‫وبتنتهي المحاضرة هنا‬

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