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The executive function is our amazing brain’s ability to consciously

control our thoughts, emotions, and actions in order to achieve goals. It

is what we use when we need to break away from habit and inhibit our
impulses and plan ahead. We use it everyday, it predicts all kinds of
good things.

Brain training doesn’t improve brain executive function because it is too

narrow, outside the real world context.

The executive function plays a role on success (strategizing, planning),

also what your peers are doing.

Context really matters.

If you want to improve your executive function, don’t look for quick
fixes, think about the context and how you can make your goals matter
more to you and how you can use strategies to help yourself in that
particular situation.

”Know thyself” - knowing how context shapes your behavior and how
you can use that knowledge to change for the better.


- brain-based processes we use to control our thoughts, actions, and
feelings. They include holding information in mind, controlling impulses,
and think flexibly. They help us persevere towards our goals and also
adapts in changing circumstances.

The executive function depends primarily on brain networks involving

prefrontal cortex.

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