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Yeah, I know, This is our first speech, now you all are getting nervous and preparing your

speech, But
listen me carefully, because I want to share with you great idea that might affect the success of your

Let’s started! I’ve learned a lot of about how clothes matter to all of us. Now we won’t all admit it but
our appearance is really important to us, our clothing is like our second skin. It reaches ahead of our
handshake and our introduction. But now I’m not going to talk about fashion or style, in contrast, I
would like to talk about how is the looking good impact of our life.

So, let’s talk about the factors of good looking which affect your life. Alright, Being attractive is not
about only wearing beautiful and expensive dress, but also it’s considered physically, mentally,
emotionally well- being. It means that Nice looking is combining the our internal and external mood.
When you dress well, your self-esteem has already grown. Why? Because you feel yourself confident.
And this confident might give you triumph for whole day. It helps increase your mood. We know that
self-confident person can achieve anywhere. Every fortunate person has high self-esteem. Dressing well
is main element of self-esteem.

And I’m sure that here we all have one t-shirt and one jeans which we wear all time, everywhere not
everywhere but not less than 10 times. Right. Why we like these clothes? Because we perceive
comfortable and self-confidence. Because we know with this t-shirt we might look thinner or taller. On
the whole, we feel ourselves good.

Also we some clothes which makes us stressed. With this dress we even can not work well or can not
interact with others well. Physical appearance play significant role in our internal mood.

Remember when you put on your especially beautiful dress, you receive a lot of compliments by your
friends, acquaintances . That time you also feel yourself self-assured. And your self-esteem
automatically raised. Why not get that compliment every day? Why not feel this comfort every day? By
looking attractive you start caring yourself. You start realizing the impact of clothing and grooming on
your temperament. You start concerning your skin, your hair, your gait even your manner. Voila, you
become person which be model for others.

Here I’d like to mentioned that some people think when you feel good, you look good and others
believe that if you look good, you feel good. Could it work both ways? Definitely!

Choose different attire for different occasions. Make your every clothes lively! Lively? How? Association
is really helpful thing. Try to associate your each garb with positive item. For instance, I wear this
sneakers in my every important event because it makes me taller. Also, I believe that with this sneakers
everything will great. No need afraid wearing various colorful dress. It supports your mood.

Looking attractive aids to enhance social interaction. Everyone notice you. Okay Let me share my own
experience which was the main reason of my topic. Near my apartment has one market which I usually
buy groceries. In this market cashier is a boy. I notice that when I go there before the university or with
wearing nice attire or with good make up this cashier meet me with smile, even sometimes gives me
compliments, sometimes helps me. But If I go without make up, with wearing what I found at home,
with housedress he even doesn’t look at me, just counts my groceries bills.

Can you see how affect our dress to our daily life? Yeah.
Additionally, you can also encourage others to look good and feel good. It is so easy. Just tell them
beautiful words and always give them compliments. It really worked.

To summarize, What I realized from this was how I felt about myself mattered so much more than I
thought other people were thinking about me, because we’re all thinking about ourselves most of the

Tomorrow morning, I urge you to play a little dress-up and find something that’s going to be your cloak
of confidence and appealing , and give it positive association. When you do any or all these things
you’re not only going to look good, but you’re going to feel great!



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