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Stock prediction model

Build a model that uses machine learning algorithms to predict the future price movements of stocks.
The model should be able to analyze different data sources such as financial statements, news articles,
and social media sentiment.

Use Cases:
• User can input a list of stocks they are interested in and receive predictions for their future price
• User can receive alerts when the predicted price of a stock they are tracking changes
• User can compare the predicted performance of different stocks and make investment decisions
based on the predictions.
• User can access a dashboard with visualizations of stock price trends and model predictions.
• Admin can manage the data sources and model configurations used to generate predictions.

High-level Specifications:
• The model should be able to analyze different data sources such as financial statements, news
articles, and social media sentiment.
• The model should use machine learning algorithms such as regression, decision trees, or neural
networks to predict future price movements of stocks.
• The model should be able to handle time-series data and incorporate relevant economic and
market indicators.
• The model should be trained on historical data and tested on out-of-sample data to ensure its
accuracy and robustness.
• The model should be scalable and able to handle large volumes of data in real-time.
• The model should have a user-friendly interface for users to input stocks they are interested in
and receive predictions.
• The model should be able to generate alerts and notifications for significant changes in
predicted stock prices.
• The model should be able to visualize stock price trends and predicted performance through
dashboards and charts.
• The model should have a backend that allows admins to manage data sources and model

Maverick training material Banking and Financial Services

Scope for MVP:

<<List scope for the MVP here. This will be a subset from the high level specifications for the Product>>

Non-Functional Requirements

<<List non-functional requirements for the MVP here. >>

Team Deliverables
• Data cleansing and pre-processing required
• Exploratory data analysis (EDA) – understand patterns, correlations and trends.
• Feature engineering: This involves selecting relevant features that are most likely to predict
stock price movements, and creating new features that can improve the accuracy of the model.
• Model selection and evaluation: This involves selecting the appropriate machine learning
algorithms that will be used to predict future stock prices. It also involves testing and comparing
different models to find the best performing one.

Maverick training material Banking and Financial Services

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