Celcom Federate GCP With Azure Ad

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Corporate Information Security Office <ciso@celcom.com.my>
Thu 2/18/2021 2:26 PM

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Dear All (in BCC),

Series of reminder has been sent to you earlier. Starting 17th Feb 2021, Celcom is now federated GCP
with Azure AD where Google Cloud will delegate user authentication to Azure AD by using SAML protocol.

Therefore, effective 3rd March 2021, Vendor with non-Celcom Domain (i.e. 3rd party corporate ID, Gmail
ID, etc):
1. Not allowed to access Celcom GCP
2. IAM role in GCP will be removed

How to continue your access in GCP?

1. Vendor needs to ensure your Celcom IDM ID is Active
2. Vendor needs to ensure that your Celcom IDM ID is provisioned with Vendor AD Account.
3. If Vendors do not have Celcom IDM ID, kindly ASAP contact your Celcom Line Manager to proceed
with IDM self-registration. Once the registration process complete, you will get IDM ID (e.g.
4. Your IDM ID will be mapped back to the existing IAM role in GCP (same as previously that was
mapped using the external corporate ID)
5. All above are done, you are ready to access GCP ( https://console.cloud.google.com ).
6. Kindly login to GCP using your IDM ID : V*****X@celcom.com.my and make sure IAM role is
assigned correctly.

Contact below for enquiry on :

1. IDM : Admin_IDM@celcom.com.my
2. GCP, IAM Role, etc. : is.operation@celcom.com.my

Thank you for your commitment


1 of 1 2/18/2021, 9:36 PM

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