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Self – reflection

1. What areas in teamwork have been discussed in this week's class?

 Identify kinds of change table
 Vision of change

2. What areas for self-improvement have you identified?/ What has the
class added to your knowledge?/ How has the class changed your
attitudes/ behaviors/ performance in team?
I now have a better understanding of seven public developments and their
causes, which has helped us decide where to intervene. Before making any
changes, we recognize that we must thoroughly understand the issues and
participant attitudes. My communication skills have improved as a result of the ten
weeks. My team's ability to work as a unit has improved as a result of our
improved communication. We used a variety of perspectives to analyze several
current challenges and engage in group problem-solving. I also understand how to
delegate tasks and allocate resources.

3. What is your team working on this week?

 Identifying where to make an intervention
 Creating a change-oriented vision

4. What have you contributed to the team this week?

Nhat Giao and I began by looking for data to help us identify the issues we
discovered on the field trip. Then, with the help of other team members, we
brainstormed some potential solutions. Third, alongside Thanh Trung, Ngan Ha,
and Khanh Linh, I was developing a vision for these answers while determining
how these changes would affect citizens. Finally, we had to all sit down and
discuss our work in greater depth.

5. What problems have you encountered while working with your

teammate? Your solutions?
Overall, I haven't noticed any major issues, though because we're all swamped with
work right now, team members' poor communication unintentionally causes people
to forget their assignments. We were able to get back on track, however, because
we emphasized the importance of taking the time to sit down and talk with others.
So that we could all easily understand and organize the assignment.

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