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Group Members:

Chuan Ze Wen (MP2212109T)

Jollifulizan bin Jais (MP2212093T)
Michelle Petrus (MP2212092T)
Mohd. Amir Razziq bin Mohamad Saiful (MP2212102T)
Siti Nurfathini binti Muhammad Azrie (MP2212101T)
Current Trends
• Work from home (WFH)
- Post-pandemic effect, people want to work from an environment that they are most
comfortable to be able to work productively and according to their current commitments.
- Work-life balance.
- Mental health stability.
• E-hailing. Delivery Rider (Grab, Food Panda, etc.)
- Earn side-income.
- Flexibility (time).
• Freelancing
- Offers flexibility (time, capability).
- Earning side income.
- Work-life balance.
• Content creator
- Earn easy money.
- Does not need any qualification.
- Potential of becoming “viral” and gaining popularity.
• Online business
- Flexibility, able to establish a business with relatively low capital.
• Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Smart industry - Less need of manpower.
- Machines/robotic staff.
- A.I. disruption.
• Direct selling (Amway / MLM etc.)
- Evolving: Using more social media (marketing, communicating with customer/client)
- Earn easy money (bonuses / lure of passive income).
• Trading
- Less effort, low capital.
Group Members:
Chuan Ze Wen (MP2212109T)
Jollifulizan bin Jais (MP2212093T)
Michelle Petrus (MP2212092T)
Mohd. Amir Razziq bin Mohamad Saiful (MP2212102T)
Siti Nurfathini binti Muhammad Azrie (MP2212101T)
- Get-rich quick, retire early.

Effect on the shaping of the future of career counselling

• Counsellors need to be more informed on cases of frequent career changes.
• Counsellors require more knowledge on new emerging of career options.
• Counsellors can implement online or VR tools in immersive career exploration.
- Client can experience the career without entering the real world of the career.
- Through watching videos online or VR.
• Be aware that mental health awareness is increasing in general public.
- Counsellors need to keep updating their knowledge on mental health issues and mental
health advocates / issues.
• Be aware of the latest movements, such as in gender equality in career and social environment.
• Be equipped to handle the challenges of the future generation: Students have no ambitions and
goals to have a conventional career that receives less exposure on social media such as
primary and secondary industry.
• More attracted to quick money:
* No interest in continuing study
* More careers that does not need hardwork and proper requirements
* Challenge in more deeper exploration of career choice and interest
• Be equipped on how to engage the public. People feel the need of attending counselling
session is of no benefit as a lot of information can be found through the internet and they can
have the picture of the real world of the careers. However, the importance of referring to
qualified professionals is dwindling.

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