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S + V. Presente s + C S + do/ does + not + V infinitivo + C Do/ does + S + V infinitivo + C + ?
Presente simple She plays with Frank She doesn't play with Frank Does she play with Frank? Acciones frecuentes
P Ella juega con Frank Ella no esta jugando con Frank Ella juega con Frank?
R S + to be + V. ing + C S + tobe + not + V ing + C To be + S + V ing + C + ?
Acciones que se estan
E Presente continuo They are talking about the musical They aren't talking about the musical Are they talking about the musical?
S Ellos estan hablando del musical Ellos no estan hablando del musical Ellos estan hablado del muscal?
E S + Have / has + V participio + C S + Have / has + not + V Participio + C Have/ has + S + V participio + C + ?
Acciones pasadas que
N Presente Perfecto I have talked to the doctor I haven't talked to the doctor Have I talked to the doctor?
T he hablado con el doctor no he hablado con el doctor he hablado con el doctor?
E S + Have / has + been + V. ing + C S + have/ has + not + been + V ing + C Have/ has + S + been + V ing + C + ?
presente Perfecto Acciones desarrolladas
He has been going to the gym He hasn't been going to the gym Has been going to the gym?
continuous pasadas que continuan
El ha estado yendo al gimnasio El no ha estado yendo al gym El ha estado yendo al gimnasio?
S + V ed + C S + Did + not + V infinitivo + C Did + S + V infinitivo + C + ?
Acciones que comenzaron y
Pasado simple I worked yesterday I didn't work yesterday Did i work yesterday?
Yo trabaje ayer Yo no trabaje ayer tyo trabaje ayer?
S + Was/ were + V ing. + C S + Was/ Were + Not + V ing. + C Was/ Were + S + V ing + C + ?
P Acciones desarrolladas en el
Pasado continuo My mom was walking today My mom wasn't walking today Was my mom walking today?
A pasado
Mi mama camino hoy Mi mama no camino hoy Mi mama camino hoy?
S + Had + V participio + C S + Had + Not + V participio + C Had + S + V participio + C + ? Expresa secuencias de
A Pasado perfecto They had done their homework before they went out They hadn't their work before they went out Had they done their homework before they went out? eventos en el pasado y para
D Ellos habian hecho su tarea antes de salir Ellos no habian hecho su tarea antes de salir Ellos habian hecho su tarea antes de salir? identificar que ocurrio
O S + Had + Been + V ing. + C S + Had + Not + been + V ing + C Had + S + been + V ing + C + ?
They had been talking for over an hour before Tony They hadn't been talking for over an hour before Tony Define una accion continua en
Pasado perfecto Had they been talking for over an hour before Tony arrived
arrived arrived el pasado que sucedió
continuo Ellos habían estado hablando durante más de una Ellos no habían estado hablando durante más de una Ellos habían estado hablando durante más de una hora antes anterior a otra
hora antes de que Tony llegara. hora antes de que Tony llegara. de que Tony llegara?
S + will + V infinitivo. + C S + Will + not + V infinitivo + C Will + S + V infinitivo. + C + ?
Acciones espontaneas que
I will sleep all weekend I will not sleep all weekend Will I sleep all weekend?
sucederan en el futuro
dormie todo el fin de semana No dormire todo el fin de semana Dormire todo el fin de semana?
Futuro simple
S + To be + Going to + V infinitivo + C S + To be + Not + Going to + V inf + C To be + S + Going to + V infinitivo + C + ?
She is going to swim at the beach She is not going to swim at the beach Is she going to swim at the beach? Planes que 100% van a ocurrir
F Ella va a nadar en la playa Ella no va a nadar en la playa Ella va a nadar en la playa?

U S + Will + Be + V ing + C S + Will + Not + Be + V ing + C Will + S + Be + V ing + C + ?

Acciones que tendran
T Futuro continuo They will be cooking when you arrive Thet will not be cooking when you arrive Will they be cooking when you arrive?
progreso durante el futuro
Ellos estaran cocinando cuando tu llegues Ellos no estaran cocinando cuando tu llegues Ellos estaran cocinando cuando tu llegues?
S + Will + Have/ has + V participio + C S + Will + Not + Have/ has + V participio + C Will + S + Have/ has + V participio + C + ?
R Acciones que ya se habrá
We will have finished university by next year We will not have finished university by next year Will we have finished university by next year?
O Futuro perfecto terminado antes de otra
Habremos terminado la universidad el año que viene No habremos terminado la universidad el año que viene habremos terminado la universidad el año que viene? acción en el futuro.

S+ Will + Have/ has been + V ing + C S + Will + Not + Have/ has been + V ing + C Will + S + Have/ has been +V ing + C + ? Se usa para expresar cuanto
Futuro perfecto tiempo habra durado una
They will have been dancing until sunrise They will not have been dancing until sunrise Will they have been dancing until sunrise?
continuo accion en un determinado
Ellos habran estado bailando hasta el amanecer Ellos no habran estado bailando hasta el amanecer Ellos habran estado bailando hasta el amanecer? momento en el futuro

Cero condicional (presente) If + Present , Present If water boils, it evaporates / Si el agua hierve, se evapora Verdades universales
O If you come tomorrow, we will go to the cinema/ Si
T Realidades o posibilidades
Primer condicional (futuro) If + Present, futuro vienes mañana, iremos al cine
R CONDICIONALES If i won the lottery, i would buy a yate/ Si ganara la
O Hipotetico o deseos
Segundo condicioal (pasado) If + Past simple, woudl + Inffinitivo loteria, compraria un yate
If I had woken up earlier, I would have arrived on time/
Algo que puedo pasar
Tercer condicional (pasado perfecto) If + Passt perfect, Would + Have + pp Si me hubiera despertado antes, habria llegado antes

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